“I stayed in bed for years as I watched my daughter’s childhood pass her by.”

“Ever since I was 20, I have struggled greatly with fibromyalgia. It was very difficult to have steady employment. This caused me to not be able to afford health care so I did not have the finances that could support my condition. I knew if I had been able to afford it, I could have healed myself the way I knew I could with the right medications. Due to my financial status, I had to rely on western medicine which ended up getting me addicted to oxycodone. I lost a good 10 years of my life. I couldn’t get out of bed for years. My daughter was around 2 years old and I missed out on her entire childhood. Her dad and I were separated so I never got to see her. My condition didn’t allow me to be the mother I wanted to be and raise her the way I wanted to. There was nothing that could help me. I had to do it by myself. I finally overcame it with the help of my faith and God, having a strong will, and giving up on meds. It took years to get my body back in balance and to this day I still struggle at times."

Submitted by Theadora

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