Humans in Cyber-Physical Systems 

Safe Teleoperation through Shared Control

Workshop Overview

This workshop will be held during CPS-IoT Week in San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Teleoperation through shared control is a common paradigm wherein human operators perform safety critical tasks through the mediation of networked and highly distributed autonomous systems. Key examples include surgical robots, teleoperated drones, teleoperation of industrial robots and control of large distributed power plants. These scenarios share many commonalities: (a) human operators cooperate with autonomous control systems to achieve a safety-critical task; (b) safety violations can lead to expensive consequences that include loss of life and destruction of property; (c) human operators are required to undergo an expensive process of training and certification that enables them to fulfill the role effectively; and (d) during operation, failures may arise not just from design errors in the automation but also in the flawed design of the interaction between the human and the automation.

This workshop seeks to bring together researchers from diverse areas including human-robot interaction, control theory, formal methods, dependability, psychology/cognitive science, human factors, and medicine to talk about some of the key challenges and present a vision for the future of human CPS.

A unique focus of this workshop is to provide a forum not just to established researchers but also to PhD students and post-doctoral scholars whose research addresses some of the relevant themes mentioned above.

Please direct any questions to Maryam Bagheri at

Instructions - Early Career Researcher Forum

Early career researchers include both PhD students and Postdoctoral Researchers. Selected researchers will present their work related to the above themes for up to 20 minutes, including questions. To apply, please submit up to a 2-page abstract (references may go over) to EasyChair ( Abstracts will be published in the ACM workshop proceedings.

Abstracts should be written in English and be submitted as a PDF file using the ACM two-column conference style (link to template). Abstracts should not be anonymized.  All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed for relevance by at least two members of the organizing committee. We encourage submissions that present work in progress as well as conceptual discussions that have the potential to greatly contribute to the themes of the workshop.

Please note the following deadlines for the Early Career Researcher Forum: