This workshop is organised by academic staff at universities of Brighton, Westminster, Sussex and Winchester, involved in campaigns to stave off imminent redundancies or otherwise to protect and grow humanities provision in higher education. 

Online Workshop: The Humanities Under Attack 

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023, 12pm - 5.30pm (BST)
Zoom details will be provided following registration.

This half-day online workshop will focus on an exploration of what is at stake in current battles to defend humanities provision in UK higher education. 

In the last decade, a raft of course closures, redundancies and the internal restructuring of our subjects to make them TEF-worthy, has struck universities across the UK. While some of the causes of these cuts and distortions are easy to trace to the Conservative Government’s efforts to engineer a competitive market in higher education, other causes are not so straightforward. This workshop will examine the past, the present and explore possible futures for the disciplines (and the relations between them) that make up the humanities as fields of learning.

This workshop is for everyone interested in understanding what is at stake in the battle for the future of humanities scholarship.

Speakers lined-up so far include: Stefan Collini, Peter Hallward, Esther Leslie, Joseph North, Kate Aughterson, Emma Griffin, Feyzi Ismail, Bob Brecher, Ben Highmore.  

More will be added in the coming days.

To register to attend please complete this form 

Further information about this workshop and its schedule will be updated live here

If you have any questions, please email (with 'workshop' in the subject line). 

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