Typically, you want your HR Dashboard to contain all of the information that will enable your business to run at its optimal performance level. Several factors contribute to the success of your business as it relates to your human resources, and understanding how they interact with each other can help you maximize your labor capital.

An HR dashboard streamlines your HR processes and lightens the labor load on your HR team. This relief means you can better capitalize on your human capital. You can put your team to better use than reading and compiling paper reports for weekly management meetings.

Human Resources Dashboard Template Download

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Find insights that improve employee recruitment, satisfaction and retention. This guide provides templates and examples to help you move beyond monitoring and reporting and create a best-in-class HR dashboard of your own.

HR executives strive to maintain a diverse and balanced workforce, so they need to fully understand the demographic characteristics of their employees. This HR dashboard template allows them to deeply analyze data on age, gender, location, department and ethnic groups.

The Human Resources built-in sample contains a dashboard, report, and semantic model for a human resources department. In this sample, the human resources department has the same reporting model across different companies, even when they differ by industry or size. This sample looks at new hires, active employees, and employees who have left. It strives to uncover any trends in the hiring strategy. The main objectives are to understand:

Another important aspect of HR is recruiting new talents. This is where HR analytics can play a significant role, as these insights give the opportunity to link business directly to new talent strategies. The human resources dashboard you build will elevate simple metrics, by linking them to one another and visualizing them as a whole. They hold the power to witness the contribution your employees are making to your business outcomes in a wide variety of ways.

The increasing competition to hire the best talents across industries has led businesses to elevate the importance of their workforce management initiatives. Making sure employees are happy and comfortable in the office can have a significant impact on productivity and profitability. Therefore, paying close attention to this area can reap big rewards in the long run. Our final HR dashboard template helps with that goal by offering a mix of high-level metrics for the CHRO, CPO and other executives with a quarterly focus. The dashboard is divided into 5 categories: growth, diversification, satisfaction, costs, and retention. Offering a 360-view of all employee-related aspects that are important for the development of the organization as a whole. To see the 5 categories in full, please open the live version of the dashboard.

Lastly, the template dives into a less human-related section but equally as important for HR executives: costs. Here, we see three charts displaying the salary costs to gross revenue, a salary cost development for the past 10 quarters by country and salary costs by department. By looking into these charts, HR managers can extract valuable conclusions to optimize costs and ensure high revenue. For instance, by looking at the salary cost development for the last 10 quarters we can observe if this business successfully utilized its workforce to generate revenue. Naturally, you want to keep your salaries to revenue ratio as low as possible; therefore, looking into periods when the company succeeded at it is a good exercise to extract valuable conclusions. Likewise, in our example above, looking at periods where the business had a higher ratio such as Q2, Q3 and Q4 of 2022, can also provide valuable insights to improve. The template allows you to filter the entire dashboard by a specific quarter to get detailed data.

As seen throughout this list of interactive human resources dashboards, there is no denying the power that these analytical tools can bring to your organization. By working with real-time HR data, you will not only boost your productivity but will also ensure a great work environment and high employee satisfaction levels. If you are ready to make your HR department data-driven and reap the benefits of informed talent-management decisions, try datapine for a 14-day free trial today!

Use this template for a basic view of both individual health benefit costs per employee and overall costs of the plan. This customizable dashboard provides a clear look into costs by month for medical, dental, and other healthcare expenses incurred by the employer, the total health care costs paid by the employer, and total health care costs paid per employee.

This template will provide you with the key to understanding the effectiveness of your recruitment process. This dashboard shows the number of applicants, the number of job offers, and how many people finally accepted an offer. If the ratio of offers to acceptance is low, it may be time to see how you can improve your process, or take a look at what your industry competitors are offering.

This template can provide a clear picture of the economic value provided by your team by month and by year. Capture revenue, operating expenses, compensation, and benefit costs by the month with this dashboard which will provide calculations and show you where you may need to make adjustments to achieve your company goals. While every company has different needs (depending on size and other factors), a benchmark for larger companies is one human resources staffer for every 100 employees.

The human resources dashboard is one of the most common types of dashboards used today. It is an integral tool for human resource professionals. The main reason this type of dashboard is so popular is that it offers them a complete overview of all aspects of their department including insight into employee performance. It is an HR analytics dashboard that gives them access to a wide range of information about each member of staff.

If you are new to Human Resources and are looking to break into an HR role, we recommend taking our HR Certification Courses, where you will learn how to build your skillset in human resources, build your human resources network, craft a great HR resume, and create a successful job search strategy.

Business parameters can be discussed using this human resource PPT template. Primarily focusing on the headcount, this design also showcases the acceptance and turnover rates. Efficient to use, download our hr presentation ppt now.

Keep track of all areas of responsibility of the HR department and its outcomes with the help of our human resource management dashboard ppt template . This slide involves topics such as employees by role, number of employees by location, new hires and terminations, and compensation. This is hands-down the most relevant design for your organization. Deploy instantly.

Incorporate this ready-to-use human resource recruitment management dashboard PPT design and focus on the company's hiring. This presentation slide involves interviewing, onboarding, and designing the HR contract for the new joiners. Make your work much easier; download instantly.

Track the key performance indicators (KPIs) and make your HR department gain another competency with this employee retention human resource dashboard PPT template. This slide displays information pertaining to employee count by salary range, department, status, and rating. Employee details are just a click away. Assimilate one now!

Lay the groundwork for recruiting the best talent with this human resource staffing dashboard PPT theme. The topics discussed in this template are recruiting efficiency, new hire turnover, quality of hire, and source of yield. Customize it as per your needs. Get it now!

Ace your presentation with this detailed human resource dashboard with a customer engagement PPT template. Showcase your expertise in a way like no other and leave a powerful impact on your audience. Present crucial monetary data, such as total HR cost, agency fees, etc., with this slide. Download right away.

The intersection of data and human behavior has led to the consumerization of workforce HR analytics tools. Historically, IT had access to business data, and HR relied on them to create workforce reports. But, as technology has advanced, these tools have become increasingly easy to use. Now, HR departments can get the data they need from accessible, self-service human resources software.

Presenting the data graphically helps with monitoring everything at a glance and gauging company progress toward goals. Human resources dashboards can also be used to drill down to get more information and can be customized to show only high-priority objectives.

There are many different categories of information that can be represented on HR dashboards, relating to recruitment, human resource management, and compensation KPIs. The data pertaining to these human resources activities can be analyzed to reveal important trends including the costs associated with certain practices, like training and recruitment.

Users can combine Workday data with non-native data for in-depth reports and dashboards that are accessible on a tablet, smartphone, or desktop. An all in one human capital management platform should provide insights regarding retention and performance, in addition to bread and butter metrics such as headcount, absenteeism, workforce productivity, performance goals, and HR to staff ratio.

Fortunately, a human resources department dashboard can simplify this process by consolidating data from various sources into a single, accessible location. This simplifies the procedure and enables HR professionals to fulfill their responsibilities more efficiently.

HR executives aim to create a diverse and inclusive workplace, and to achieve this, they must have a comprehensive understanding of the demographic makeup of their employees. The HR dashboard template helps them thoroughly analyze employee data based on various factors such as age, gender, location, department, and ethnicity. 17dc91bb1f

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