

Registration is only needed by the participants who would like to take part in Brainwriting. For the audience who would like to watch this part online, you do not need to register. The Live Links are shown in Welcom.

To guarantee everyone could be fully involved in the interaction and discussion, we will have a maximum of 10 participants in each group (see details of group information below).

We will separate the participants in two groups: Group A and Group B

  • Group A (in pink): In-vehicle trust calibration

Exploring from the driver or the passenger side, focusing on the trust problems between driver/passenger and AV.

  • Group B (in purple): Out-vehicle trust calibration

Exploring from vulnerable road users side, focusing on the trust problems between pedestrians/cyclists and AV.

We will use Miro

It takes 30min getting started with Miro (check the tutorial on the left).

Also, you can ask questions in Miro community:

Please feel free if you have no idea of Miro, we will spend 5 introducing the basic tool of Miro at the start of Brain-writing.


Introduction and free talk

( Chair: MA. Yang LI )

Group Discussion


Group A: MSc. Chen Peng and MA. Jingyi Li

Group B: MA. Yang LI and MA. Ruolin Gao

Group A - Part 1

What situation results in X-trust?

Group B - Part 1

What situation results in X-trust?

Group A - Part 2

In-vehicle trust calibration ideas

Group B - Part 2

Out-vehicle trust calibration ideas


( Chair: MA. Yang LI )