Wrap Up

Congratulations on completing Butte's year-long CRPP program. Let's take a moment to recap where you've been.  

Last summer or fall you accepted the invitation to begin the Humanized Online Teaching Academy.  Through that six week course, you engaged with topics and approaches designed to advance your equity-minded teaching in the online environment. Take a moment to review this humanizing infographic to refresh your memory.

And then in spring, you began to implement humanizing in at least one of your classes and prepared to use Ascend. Over the coming months, you implemented three Ascend surveys and engaged with your colleagues in regular dialogue about what you were learning. 

That's quite a journey! To wrap up your experience, we'd like you to complete the two final activities below. They will engage you in reflection about your experiences and illuminate deeper impacts of the program that we may otherwise miss.

Feedback Survey - Due May 16th

By Thursday, May 16th, complete the CRPP Feedback Survey. It will take about 10-minutes.

Wisdom Wall - Due May 16th

By  Thursday, May 16th, leave a video response on the Wisdom Wall (using Flip). This Wisdom Wall is about your entire one-year CRPP experience -- including both the Humanizing Academy and the Ascend/CoP. 

What do you know now that you wish you had known at the start of the Academy? Translate at least one idea into the form of advice for future participants (if we are lucky enough to do this again!). You'll have up to five minutes to record your video response (brevity is appreciated).

Directions: Follow these steps to complete the Wisdom Wall using Flip:

Final Reflection - Due May 31st

This reflection provides you with the opportunity to dig more deeply and share more about your year-long experience with us. Please submit this final reflection by May 31st ( submission instructions are at the bottom of the page). 

Directions: Select one or more prompt(s) below that resonate with you most. Respond to the prompt(s) in writing (aim for 1-2 pages).

To submit your file: