Hulugram Privacy Policy

Hulugram doesn't transfer any user data or device information to anyone and it uses the Telegram API,

so for more detail, please read the Telegram Privacy Policy( )

Our client's open source code is available at , to comply with the Telegram API terms of use and GNU GPL license.

Using the mobile application "Hulugram" (hereinafter referred to as the Application), which is a branch project

(fork) of the Telegram messenger, which operate on the basis of it's open API, has additional functionality and

design elements, the user(hereinafter referred to as the User) accepts this agreement(hereinafter referred to as

the Agreement) regulating the rules for using the Application, the procedure for purchasing paid services in the

Application, the responsibility of the parties and other relations related to the use of the Application.

The developer and copyright holder of the Application is Infinity Technology PLC (Incorporated in the Federal

Democratic Republic of Ethiopia under the Companies Act, hereinafter the Rightholder), however, the Application

is based on the Telegram API, operate through servers and services owned by Telegram, thus the exclusive right of

the Rightholder applies to the results of intellectual activity and equated to them means of individualization,

not affected by the terms of se of the API "Telegram".


1.1. According to the text of the Agreement, as well as in connection with the relationship between the Rightholder and the Application User, the following terms and definitions apply.

1.1.1. User - a capable adult physical person (or legal representative of a minor), who has passed the registration procedure in the Application, has civil law and capacity, is able, in accordance with the legislation, to acquire rights and bear obligations on its behalf and act as a party to the Agreement.

1.1.2. Store - application store “Google Play Market”, through which the User installed and launched the Application on his device.

1.2. Other terms used in the Agreement and / or in relations arising from it are subject to interpretation in accordance with the legislation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia , and in the absence of their interpretation in the legislation in accordance with the customs of business and scientific doctrine.


When using the Application, the User undertakes to comply with the Agreement, with all its integral parts, including the current legislation and international agreements, other legal acts interrelated with the functioning of the Application.

The Rightholder has the right, without the consent of the User, to involve third parties to fulfill the obligations under the Agreement, while remaining responsible for their actions to the User.

The User undertakes to timely and independently familiarize himself with the current version of the Agreement. In case of disagreement of the User with the current edition of the Agreement, the User is obliged to stop using the Application.

The User undertakes not to use possible errors of the software part of the Application in order to gain an advantage over other Users. The User undertakes to immediately report all errors he has identified in the Application to the Rightholder.

The User is responsible for the security of his account in the Application, and is obliged to take measures independently to ensure its security.

The Rightholder is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to a violation of the Agreement by the User, as well as the terms of use of the Telegram.

The User acknowledges and agrees that he should independently assess all risks associated with the use of the Application, including an assessment of the reliability, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in the Application.


We process your personal data on the ground that such processing is necessary to further our legitimate interests (including: (1) providing effective and innovative Services to our users; and (2) to detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud or security issues in respect of our provision of Services), unless those interests are overridden by your interest or fundamental rights and freedoms that require protections of personal data.


4.1. Basic Account Data

Telegram is a communication service. You provide your mobile number and basic account data (which may include profile name, profile picture and about information) to create a Telegram account.

To make it easier for your contacts and other people to reach you and recognize who you are, the screen name you choose, your profile pictures, and your username (should you choose to set one) on Telegram are always public. We don't want to know your real name, gender, age or what you like.

We do not require your screen name to be your real name. Note that users who have you in their contacts will see you by the name they saved and not by your screen name. This way your mother can have the public name 'Askalu' while appearing as 'Emama' to you and as 'Boss' to her underlings at work (or the other way around, depending on how these relationships are structured).

4.2. Phone Number and Contacts

Telegram uses phone numbers as unique identifiers so that it is easy for you to switch from SMS and other messaging apps and retain your social graph. We ask your permission before syncing your contacts.

We store your up-to-date contacts in order to notify you as soon as one of your contacts signs up for Telegram and to properly display names in notifications. We only need the number and name (first and last) for this to work and store no other data about your contacts.

Our automatic algorithms can also use anonymized sets of phone numbers to calculate the average number of potential contacts an unregistered phone number may have on Telegram. When you open the 'Invite friends' interface, we display the resulting statistics next to your contacts to give you an idea of who could benefit most from joining Telegram.

4.3 Information and content you provide

We collect contents you provide when you use our especial features such as story and marketplace, which includes Photo's uploaded to story section and product details added on the marketplace.

Due to the feature of the Application and the direct relationship with the servers and the Telegram equipment,

Messages and personal information of users is transmitted and processed on servers and equipment of Telegram.

The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.

Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app :

Location Permissions and Use

Hulugram doesn't transfer any user Location information to anyone and it uses the Telegram API,

so for more detail, please read the Telegram Privacy Policy( )


  • After downloading the Application to his device from the Store, the User installs the Application, launches it and goes through the registration procedure in the Application.

  • In order to complete the registration, after installing the Application from the Store, the User needs to associate his device with the Telegram database, for which he needs to perform one of the following actions:

          • Enter the code that came to any active “Telegram” of the User (both the mobile application and the stationary version for the personal computer)

          • Enter the code from the SMS message.

  • Registration and entry into the Application is carried out using the Telegram service. The service of registration and authorization of the User in the Application works exclusively with the help of the equipment and servers of Telegram.

  • The User is obliged to immediately notify the Rightholder of any case of unauthorized (not permitted by the User) access to the User account and / or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account in the Application. The Rightholder is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to a violation of the provisions of the Agreement by the User.


  • The Application is developed on the basis of the Telegram API, accessible via the link, which has open source code. The peculiarity of the Application is that all the functional features of the “Telegram” are saved in it, as well as new ones that are not included in the “Telegram”, such as the use of Message Translator, Folder pro and more features are added.

  • It is impossible to access the User’s personal information through the equipment and / or the Rightholder’s server, since the entire User’s information is stored on its device and on the Telegram equipment.

  • The sole function of the server hardware of the Rightholder in the Application is to store information about special features of Hulugram, as well as their estimates, the number of installations and other information about Specialized feature, which will be avaliable on Hulugram.

  • All cloud storage used in the Application belongs to the “Telegram”, the entire history of correspondence, contacts, files, media of the User is stored in his account and is displayed both in the Application and in the “Telegram”. This, in fact, is a single database.

  • The main difference of the Application from “Telegram” is the possibility of using special features like Message Translator, Folder pro and more other features, as an additional functionality, working on top of the existing one in “Telegram”.


  • All disagreements or disputes that may arise between the parties to the Agreement should be resolved in the pretrial order through negotiations, the sending of claim letters. The deadline for responding to a claim is 10 (ten) business days. Claims of the User are accepted and considered by the Rightsholder only in writing.

  • If agreement for any reason is not reached during the pre-trial settlement, the dispute arising from the Agreement shall be considered on the basis of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

  • The law of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia applies to the relations of the parties under the Agreement. Acceptance of the Agreement by a foreign User means that the text of the Agreement is understandable to him and does not need translation. If necessary, the translation of foreign users undertake to translate into the language they need on their own and at their own expense.

8. User Generated Content Policy

  • Users must not post any content that is illegal, defamatory, or offensive. This includes hate speech, bullying, and harassment.

  • Users must not post any content that infringes on the rights of others, such as copyrighted material or personal information.

  • Users must not post any content that promotes violence, self-harm, or other harmful behavior.

  • Users must not post any content that is fake, misleading, or fraudulent.

  • Users must not post any content that is not their own original work.

  • Users must report any content that they believe violates this policy by using the app's built-in reporting feature or by contacting the app's support team.

  • The app's moderation team will review reported content and take appropriate action, which may include removing the content and/or disabling the user's account.

  • Repeat violators may have their account permanently disabled.

9. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.


Name: Infinity Technology PLC

Incorporated in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
