Hui Huang

Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Universitätspl. 3, 8010 Graz, Austria

Office:  518

Email: hui.huang(AT)uni-graz(DOT)at

About me:

I am currently a Universitätsassistent mit Doktoratat in the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing of Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. I am working in the group of "Inverse Problems and Mathematical Imaging" led by Kristian Bredies. My research interests lie in the analysis of complex dynamical systems and their related kinetic equations, touching on diverse areas and subjects including partial differential equations, probability theory, stochastic calculus, numerical analysis, optimization and control theory.


Educational Background:


Winter 2023:  MAT.104UB, Lineare Algebra 1 UE,Gruppe 1-2

Summer 2023: MAT.154UB, Lineare Algebra 2 UE

                           MAT.382UB, Mathematische Bildverarbeitung UE

Winter 2022: MAT.104UB, Lineare Algebra 1 UE,Gruppe 1-2

Fall 2021: MATH 265, University Calculus I

Winter 2021: MATH 277, Multivariable Calculus for Engineers and Scientists

Spring 2019: FAN X99 (D200), Foundations of Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning

Spring 2018: FAN X99 (E100), Foundations of Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning

Fall 2016: Partial Differential Equations II; Spring 2014: Mathematical Experiment; Fall 2013: Partial Differential Equations II; Spring 2013: Mathematical Experiment; Fall 2012: Discrete Mathematics;