Publications and preprints
with Z. Kabluchko. A refinement of the Sylvester problem: Probabilities of combinatorial types. Preprint. arXiv:2501.16166
with E. Socher. Bounds on some geometric functionals of high dimensional Brownian convex hulls and their inverse processes. Preprint. arXiv:2407.08712
with A. Chelikavada. Limit theorems for fixed point biased permutations avoiding a pattern of length three. Preprint. arXiv:2311.04623
with W. Cygan, S. Šebek. Bounds on the size of the convex hull of planar Brownian motion and related inverse processes. Submitted. arXiv:2307.09440
Sylvester's problem for random walks and bridges. Statistics & Probability Letters, 2025. arXiv:2409.07927
with P. Mariano, J. Wang. Improved upper bounds for the Hot Spots constant of Lipschitz domains. Potential Analysis, 2023. arXiv:2110.03672
with P. Mariano. CLT with explicit variance for products of random singular matrices related to Hill's equation. Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 2022. arXiv:2012.02173
Spectral upper bound for the torsion function of symmetric stable processes. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2022. arXiv:2001.04972
Independent factorization of the last zero arcsine law for Bessel processes with drift. Electronic Communications in Probability, 2021. arXiv:2010.00579
with I. Ben-Ari, J. Green, T. Meredith, X. Tan. Finite-memory elephant random walk and the central limit theorem for additive functionals. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2021. arXiv:1911.05716
with I. Ben-Ari, P. Speegle, R. O. VandenBerg. Quasi-Stationary Distributions for the Voter Model on Complete Bipartite Graphs. ALEA, 2021. arXiv:2004.10187
with R. Majumdar, P. Mariano, L. Peng, A. Sisti. Lyapunov exponent and variance in the CLT for products of random matrices related to random Fibonacci sequences. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 2020. arXiv:1809.02294
with P. Mariano. Conformal Skorokhod embeddings and related extremal problems. Electronic Communications in Probability, 2020. arXiv:2001.12008
Scaled penalization of Brownian motion with drift and the Brownian ascent. Séminaire de Probabilités L, 2019. arXiv:1803.04157
with D. Kelleher, A. Brzoska, A. Teplyaev. Dual graphs and modified Barlow-Bass resistance estimates for repeated barycentric subdivisions. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, 2019. arXiv:1505.03161
with I. Ben-Ari. The subcritical phase for a homopolymer model. Communications on Stochastic Analysis, 2017. arXiv:1803.09335
with M. Begue, D. Kelleher, A. Nelson, R. Pellico, A. Teplyaev. Random walks on barycentric subdivisions and the Strichartz hexacarpet. Experimental Mathematics, 2012. arXiv:1106.5567
with I. Ben-Ari, E. Tripp. Efficient coupling for random walk with redistribution.