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Although the Civil War passed into history generations ago,the faces of those who fought in the war are still with us.Hundreds of thousands of photographs were taken during thewar years, some experts estimate. Some of those photos wereof officers, battlefields, and political leaders, but many of themwere portraits of individual soldiers on the way to fight, oron a break from battle. The items in the Liljenquist FamilyCollection of Civil War Photographs at the Library of Congresscapture the wartime lives of the everyday soldiers, some notyet out of their teens, who fought and died on both sides ofthe conflict. These small, personal portraits provide a uniquewindow into the lives of ordinary men and their loved onescaught up in an extraordinary war.

From 1861-65, more than three million Americanstook up arms in the bloodiest conflict of thenineteenth century. Hailing from every state andterritory, these men were real people who loved,feared, and often died in the service of theircountry. The century and a half separating usfrom our Civil War counterparts can accentuate ourdifferences, but in many ways these soldiers werejust like contemporary Americans.

By the time the first shots were fired at FortSumter in April 1861, tensions between the freestates and the slave states were at a boiling point.Even before abolition became an official aim of theUnion, Northern soldiers fighting to protect theUnion and Southern soldiers fighting to protecttheir way of life had more than enough motivationto go into battle. Soldiers on both sides expressedtheir sentiments through their portraits, some bydisplaying slogans, some by brandishing weaponsor striking fierce poses.

Though enthusiasm would shrink as the war wenton, at the beginning of the war, men were so eagerto join up that a big problem for both armies wasfinding enough supplies for its soldiers. Despiteminimum age requirements, surviving photosindicate that there was a liberal interpretationof what constituted an eighteen year-old. Thosetoo young to successfully feign maturity could joinas drummer boys. The desire not to be leftbehind can be seen in the example of a nineyear-old drummer boyfrom Ohio, Johnny Clem.

After the signing of the Emancipation Proclamationin 1863, African Americans were able to enlistand fight on behalf of the Union. Some whiteNortherners were opposed to their inclusion,but by the end of the war close to two hundredthousand African American troops would join thearmed services. Many of these soldiers and sailorstook time to have their portraits made in uniform.Women were not included in the armed forces, butoften supported the war effort through volunteerorganizations, as well as by making clothing,distributing supplies, and writing letters to theirloved ones in the field.

Dreaming Soldiers weaves tales of childhood adventures and battlefield challenges with gentle Dreaming themes. This is a touching friendship story about Jimmy and Johnno, two young Australian boys in the 1900s; mates who do everything together, sharing adventures and growing up side by side in the dusty cattle yards of an Outback South Australian station and later on the dusty WWI battlefields of the Western Front. The simple story-telling combines with stunning images to honour the service of Australian veterans and highlight the important contribution of Indigenous soldiers.

This is an excellent story to share with students about the meaning of ANZAC Day and the theme of mateship. The illustrations support the text beautifully. This simply written story sensitively provides an historical perspective of the racism and discrimination endured by Indigenous people and returning soldiers. It would be a wonderful starting point for a discussion with older primary-aged students looking at Indigenous History in Australia.

Indigenous soldiers returning home from the horrors of World War I were plunged headlong into another long-running battle

Colonel (Retired) Dominic J. Caraccilo served nearly six years in combat in command roles culminating a 27-year career as the Deputy Commander of the 101st Airborne Division. His 65 months of combat during multiple deployments including Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Kosovo, and a series of deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq spanning from 2001 to 2010. During that time, Caraccilo produced many other books including Achieving Victory in Iraq: Countering an Insurgency (Stackpole Books, 2008), Beyond Guns and Steel: A War Termination Strategy (PSI, 2011), and Forging a Special Operations Force: The US Army Rangers (Helion & Company, 2015). Like 1,271 Days a Soldier, the latter two were sponsored by the Association of the U.S. Army as part of the AUSA Book Program. In retirement, Caraccilo has had extensive C-Level, Director, and Management experience for companies including various consulting firms, Amazon, Facebook, and Parsons Corporation. He currently is the Director for Data Center Operations at Microsoft.

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