Review Tools

Creating Playlists

Create clips. Pull out the most impor­tant teach­ing moments from your match and use them for indi­vid­ual review or team review.

Add clips to an exist­ing playlist. Playlists aren’t set in stone. If your team is work­ing on more con­sis­tent serv­ing, keep adding clips to your ​“Serve Review” playlist through­out the sea­son to track your team’s progress.

Build playlists from tags. It takes a long time to sort through the video from a match. Filter by a team or play­er, plus any stat, to quick­ly nar­row down your search for that one serve you need to review. Then save it to a playlist to share with others.

Turn reports into playlists. Click any under­lined val­ue in your reports page to see the video asso­ci­at­ed with that stat. Send those clips to a playlist at the click of a button.


Create a visu­al. Use arrows, spot shad­ows, straight lines or free­hand — what­ev­er it takes to empha­size your point.

Make com­ments. Add an extra lay­er of analy­sis. The best part? Athletes and coach­es can reply, turn­ing com­ments into conversations.

Add text effects. This is a great choice if you have some­thing that’ll apply to the whole team. It’ll live on the game video and any­one who has access to the video will be able to view it.

Share your lessons. Don’t for­get to save your com­ments and draw­ings to a playlist so you can share them with your team.

Keyboard Controls/Shortucuts

Control your video and tags.

    • Play/​pause (tap space bar)

    • Slow for­ward (hold down arrow)

    • Fast for­ward (hold up arrow)

    • Add a tag (tap the t key)

Jump around in the video.

    • Skip five sec­onds for­ward (tap up arrow)

    • Skip five sec­onds back­ward (tap down arrow)

    • Skip to pre­vi­ous fil­tered moment in video (tap left arrow)

    • Skip to pre­vi­ous clip in playlist (tap left arrow)

    • Skip to next fil­tered moment in video (tap right arrow)

    • Skip to pre­vi­ous clip in playlist (tap right arrow)

Customize your set­tings. Just click the gear icon in your video play­er to change your video’s speed and quality.