Hello Pursuit Nation! Welcome to the Hudl HelpCenter. This Google site was created to help us navigate through Hudl for our teams, athletes, and parents! Hudl can be an excellent resource for us, if learn how to use all that Hudl has to offer. Please take time to familiarize yourself with this site, as well as the Hudl Academy. They have done all of the hard work in creating content and training for all of their users. I merely collected a few trainings, and videos that I think will be greatly helpful for us. You will find these in the Knowledge Base. If you cannot find the solution to your issue here, feel free to submit a HelpCenter Ticket for specific help. There is always room to improve this site, so take time also to submit a suggestion in the Suggestion Box if you have suggestions to improve this Hudl experience.

Coach Yinkon

Hudl Administrator


Order of Operation

Order of Operation

Hudl Manager Checklist

Hudl Manager Checklist

Hudl Manager FAQs