This week she has been reading Ted Morgan's Wilderness at Dawn.

Occasionally Xerxes gets a hankering to learn something in depth on a topic about which she knows precious little, and she visits the Five Books expert book recommendations website.


The site claims “we ask experts to recommend the five best books in their subject and explain their selection in an interview.”  That’s not really what happens, though.  Almost certainly the five best books on any given subject would have some entries that wouldn’t be remotely suitable for the novices who make up a sizeable share of the site’s target audience, and the interviewed experts are well aware of that fact.  Instead, Xerxes is introduced to five books (by way of a few enticing paragraphs which amount to a pitch for each) which strike her as pretty good jumping off points for pursing whatever interest sent her there.


Wilderness at Dawn was the book that caught her interest from (Director Emeritus of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History) Brent Glass’s list on American History – who calls the book “a triumph of storytelling about the different frontiers of America” and who praises Morgan for telling the stories from the people’s viewpoint.


It didn’t disappoint.  After surveying what is known about human populations in the last fifteen thousand years in North America, there were engrossing chapters on the early Spanish and French presence, on Jamestown, the Pilgrims, the Dutch, the Puritans, the Quakers, and the misery and intolerable conditions faced by these early waves of settlers, on the many unavoidable collisions of interest, the search for religious freedom, and the tyranny of religious conversion, on economics, industry, and slavery, on the inevitable march West, and on the endless horrific relations between native inhabitants and colonizers.

Xerxes' Eighteenth Year


Week 900 Xerxes was reading Ted Morgan’s Wilderness at Dawn

Week 899 Xerxes was reading Eduardo Galeano’s Genesis

Week 898 Xerxes was reading Roy Walker’s The Time is Free

Week 897 Xerxes was reading Terry Eagleton’s On Evil

Week 896 Xerxes was reading Kim Knott’s Hinduism

Week 895 Xerxes was reading Ewan Fernie’s The Demonic: Literature and Experience

Week 894 Xerxes was reading Frederick Buechner’s The Alphabet of Grace and Mikhail Lermontov’s Demon

Week 893 Xerxes was reading A Little Golden Book’s The Saggy Baggy Elephant

Week 892 Xerxes was reading Margery Williams Bianco’s The Velveteen Rabbit

Week 891 Xerxes was reading Vicki Hearne’s Adam’s Task

Week 890 Xerxes was reading Sophocles’s Philoctetes

Week 889 Xerxes was reading M. Leona Godin’s There Plant Eyes

Week 888 Xerxes was reading Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man


Xerxes' Seventeenth Year


Week 887 Xerxes was reading Martha Nussbaum’s Cultivating Humanity

Week 886 Xerxes was reading Meister Eckhart's Quotations

Week 885 Xerxes was reading Samuel Lebens’s Splinters

Week 884 Xerxes was reading Samantha Harvey’s The Shapeless Unease

Week 883 Xerxes was reading Samantha Harvey’s Orbital

Week 882 Xerxes was reading Pink Dandelion’s The Quakers

Week 881 Xerxes was reading S. Ansky’s The Dybbuk

Week 880 Xerxes was reading Sigmund Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents

Week 879 Xerxes was reading T.H. White’s The Ill-Made Knight and The Candle in the Wind

Week 878 Xerxes was reading T.H. White’s The Sword in the Stone and The Queen of Air and Darkness

Week 877 Xerxes was reading Jon Margolis’s The Last Innocent Year

Week 876 Xerxes was reading Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels

Week 875 Xerxes was reading Isak Dinesen’s Seven Gothic Tales

Week 874 Xerxes was reading Angela Carter’s Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces and Black Venus

Week 873 Xerxes was reading Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber

Week 872 Xerxes was reading Robert Burton’s Philosophaster

Week 871 Xerxes was reading Gerard Manley Hopkins’s Poems

Week 870 Xerxes was reading Susan Cain’s Bittersweet

Week 869 Xerxes was reading Nikolai Gogol’s Dead Souls

Week 868 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s King Lear

Week 867 Xerxes was reading William Styron’s Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness

Week 866 Xerxes was reading Gene Wolfe’s The Fifth Head of Cerberus

Week 865 Xerxes was reading the sage Vyasa’s Bhagavad Gita

Week 864 Xerxes was reading Henry David Thoreau’s Walden

Week 863 Xerxes was reading Brian Doyle’s One Long River of Song

Week 862 Xerxes was reading Giuseppe Mazzotta's Dante in Translation

Week 861 Xerxes was reading Dante Alighieri's Paradiso

Week 860 Xerxes was reading Dante Alighieri's Purgatorio

Week 859 Xerxes was reading Dante Alighieri's Inferno

Week 858 Xerxes was reading Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World

Week 857 Xerxes was reading John S. Tanner’s Anxiety in Eden

Week 856 Xerxes was reading Thomas Hardy’s Selected Poetry

Week 855 Xerxes was reading Viola Davis’s Finding Me

Week 854 Xerxes was reading Emil Cioran’s The New Gods, The Trouble with Being Born, Drawn and Quartered, and Anathemas and Admirations

Week 853 Xerxes was reading Emil Cioran’s All Gall is Divided, The Temptation to Exist, History and Utopia, and The Fall into Time

Week 852 Xerxes was reading Emil Cioran’s On the Heights of Despair, The Book of Delusions, Tears and Saints, and A Short History of Decay

Week 851 Xerxes was reading Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Week 850 Xerxes was reading Ross Douthat’s The Decadent Society

Week 849 Xerxes was reading Matthew Scully’s Dominion

Week 848 Xerxes was reading Martha Nussbaum’s Justice for Animals

Week 847 Xerxes was reading Cormac McCarthy’s The Passenger and Stella Maris

Week 846 Xerxes was reading C. Stephen Evans’s Kierkegaard and Sylvia Walsh’s Kierkegaard

Week 845 Xerxes was reading Amy Olberding’s The Wrong of Rudeness

Week 844 Xerxes was reading Leo Tolstoy’s Resurrection

Week 843 Xerxes was reading James Bentley’s A Calendar of Saints

Week 842 Xerxes was reading Bob O’Gorman and Mary Faulkner’s The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Catholicism

Week 841 Xerxes was reading Michael Hauskeller’s The Meaning of Life and Death

Week 840 Xerxes was reading James Mustich’s 1000 Books to Read Before You Die

Week 839 Xerxes was reading Milan Kundera's The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

Week 838 Xerxes was reading Pär Lagerkvist's The Dwarf

Week 837 Xerxes was reading Dan Simmons’s Hyperion

Week 836 Xerxes was reading Jean Garrigue's The Animal Hotel


Xerxes' Sixteenth Year


Week 835 Xerxes was reading Twentieth-Century British and Irish Poetry – E.A. Markham to Helen MacDonald

Week 834 Xerxes was reading Twentieth-Century British and Irish Poetry – W.H. Auden to Carlyle Reedy

Week 833 Xerxes was reading Twentieth-Century British and Irish Poetry – Thomas Hardy to Samuel Beckett

Week 832 Xerxes was reading American Poetry: The 20th Century, Vol II – Theodore Roethke to May Swenson

Week 831 Xerxes was reading American Poetry: The 20th Century, Vol II – Sterling A. Brown to George Oppen

Week 830 Xerxes was reading American Poetry: The 20th Century, Vol II – e.e. cummings to Yvor Winters

Week 829 Xerxes was reading American Poetry: The 20th Century, Vol I – Elinor Wylie to Dorothy Parker

Week 828 Xerxes was reading American Poetry: The 20th Century, Vol I – Wallace Stevens to Ezra Pound

Week 827 Xerxes was reading American Poetry: The 20th Century, Vol I – Henry Adams to Vachel Lindsay

Week 826 Xerxes was reading John Carey’s A Little History of Poetry

Week 825 Xerxes was reading the Gawain Poet’s Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Week 824 Xerxes was reading Philip Womack’s How to Teach Classics to Your Dog

Week 823 Xerxes was reading W.H. Auden’s The Age of Anxiety

Week 822 Xerxes was reading Sheridan Le Fanu's Carmilla

Week 821 Xerxes was reading Elizabeth Hardwick’s Sleepless Nights

Week 820 Xerxes was reading Robert Grudin’s Book

Week 819 Xerxes was reading Naomi Mitchison’s Travel Light

Week 818 Xerxes was reading George Saunders’s Liberation Day

Week 817 Xerxes was reading Mary Oliver’s Dog Songs

Week 816 Xerxes was reading Jason Brennan’s Against Democracy

Week 815 Xerxes was reading Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim

Week 814 Xerxes was reading James Shapiro’s Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?

Week 813 Xerxes was reading George Orwell’s Animal Farm

Week 812 Xerxes was reading Jana Jacobs’s Memories and Muses

Week 811 Xerxes was reading Dylan Thomas’s The Poems of Dylan Thomas

Week 810 Xerxes was reading John Koenig’s The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Week 809 Xerxes was reading M.F.K. Fisher’s Sister Age and Wayne Booth’s The Art of Growing Older

Week 808 Xerxes was reading Helen Small’s The Long Life

Week 807 Xerxes was reading Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus

Week 806 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game

Week 805 Xerxes was reading Simone de Beauvoir’s The Prime of Life

Week 804 Xerxes was reading Simone de Beauvoir’s Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter

Week 803 Xerxes was reading Kelly Jolley’s Big Swamp

Week 802 Xerxes was reading Kieran Setiya’s Midlife: A Philosophical Guide

Week 801 Xerxes was reading Hud Hudson’s Undergraduate Papers

Week 800 Xerxes was reading Kenneth Silverman’s The Life and Times of Cotton Mather

Week 799 Xerxes was reading Denis Diderot’s Rameau’s Nephew

Week 798 Xerxes was reading Alister McGrath’s Christian Theology

Week 797 Xerxes was reading Henry Fairlie’s The Seven Deadly Sins Today

Week 796 Xerxes was reading Ronald Blythe’s Akenfield: Portrait of an English Village

Week 795 Xerxes was reading Jeff Winberry’s Breaking the Dark

Week 794 Xerxes was reading Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun

Week 793 Xerxes was reading Dino Buzzati’s Restless Nights and Catastrophe

Week 792 Xerxes was reading Meghan Sullivan and Paul Blaschko’s The Good Life Method

Week 791 Xerxes was reading Katherine Rundell’s Super-Infinite: The Transformations of John Donne

Week 790 Xerxes was reading Jean-Paul Sartre’s The Words

Week 789 Xerxes was reading Hazel Barnes’s The Story I Tell Myself

Week 788 Xerxes was reading Richard Powers’s The Overstory

Week 787 Xerxes was reading Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer

Week 786 Xerxes was reading John McWhorter’s Woke Racism

Week 785 Xerxes was reading Brian Leiter’s Nietzsche on Morality

Week 784 Xerxes was reading Bohumil Hrabal's Too Loud a Solitude


Xerxes' Fifteenth Year


Week 783 Xerxes was reading Xerxes' First through Fifteenth Years

Week 782 Xerxes was reading Lord Byron’s Manfred

Week 781 Xerxes was reading Bernard Suits’s The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia

Week 780 Xerxes was reading Rebecca Wragg Sykes’s Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art

Week 779 Xerxes was reading Tibor Fischer’s The Collector Collector

Week 778 Xerxes was reading Plato’s Gorgias

Week 777 Xerxes was reading Immanuel Kant’s Conjectural Beginning of Human History

Week 776 Xerxes was reading Robert L. Stone’s Essays on The Closing of the American Mind

Week 775 Xerxes was reading Martha Nussbaum and Saul Levmore’s Aging Thoughtfully

Week 774 Xerxes was reading Hud Hudson’s Fallenness and Flourishing

Week 773 Xerxes was reading Alain de Botton’s How Proust Can Change Your Life

Week 772 Xerxes was reading Flannery O’Connor’s Everything that Rises Must Converge

Week 771 Xerxes was reading Juvenal’s The Satires

Week 770 Xerxes was reading Marcel Proust’s Swann’s Way

Week 769 Xerxes was reading Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone’s This is How You Lose the Time War

Week 768 Xerxes was reading Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone’s This is How You Lose the Time War

Week 767 Xerxes was reading Russell Hoban’s The Mouse and His Child

Week 766 Xerxes was reading Paul Tremblay’s Head Full of Ghosts

Week 765 Xerxes was reading Soren Kierkegaard's Either/Or

Week 764 Xerxes was reading Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone

Week 763 Xerxes was reading Lucy Hughes-Hallett’s Heroes

Week 762 Xerxes was reading Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas, The Vision of Theodore, and The Fountain

Week 761 Xerxes was reading Peter Blegvad’s The Book of Leviathan

Week 760 Xerxes was reading Lucius Annaeus Seneca’s On the Shortness of Life

Week 759 Xerxes was reading J.M. Roberts’s History of the World 

Week 758 Xerxes was reading Luigi Pirandello’s One, None and a Hundred Thousand

Week 757 Xerxes was reading Friedrich Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil

Week 756 Xerxes was reading Allie Brosh’s Solutions and Other Problems

Week 755 Xerxes was reading Arthur Schopenhauer’s Essays

Week 754 Xerxes was reading the Upanishads

Week 753 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth

Week 752 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, and Antony and Cleopatra

Week 751 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, Timon of Athens, and Coriolanus

Week 750 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Henry VI Part 1, Henry VI Part 2, Henry VI Part 3, and Richard III

Week 749 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part 1, Henry IV Part 2, and Henry V

Week 748 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Henry VIII, King John, and Richard II

Week 747 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, All’s Well That Ends Well, and Troilus and Cressida

Week 746 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Two Noble Kinsmen, The Merchant of Venice, and Twelfth Night

Week 745 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Pericles, Cymbeline, and The Winter’s Tale

Week 744 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, and The Tempest

Week 743 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Comedy of Errors, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Week 742 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, Loves Labour’s Lost, and The Two Gentlemen of Verona

Week 741 Xerxes was reading Charles Trenet’s L’ame des Poètes

Week 740 Xerxes was reading Marjorie Garber’s Shakespeare After All – Comedies

Week 739 Xerxes was reading Marjorie Garber’s Shakespeare After All – Histories

Week 738 Xerxes was reading Marjorie Garber’s Shakespeare After All – Tragedies

Week 737 Xerxes was reading Milan Kundera’s Slowness

Week 736 Xerxes was reading Sei Shōnagon’s The Pillow Book

Week 735 Xerxes was reading Lady Sarashina's As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams

Week 734 Xerxes was reading Kenkō Yoshida’s Essays in Idleness

Week 733 Xerxes was reading Roberto González Echevarría’s Cervantes' Don Quixote

Week 732 Xerxes was reading Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote

Week 731 Xerxes was reading Miguel de Unamuno's The Tragic Sense of Life


Xerxes' Fourteenth Year


Week 730 Xerxes was reading Giacomo Leopardi's The Moral Essays

Week 729 Xerxes was reading Giacomo Leopardi's Pensieri

Week 728 Xerxes was reading William Ian Miller's Outrageous Fortune

Week 727 Xerxes was reading Gabriel Gárcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude

Week 726 Xerxes was reading Channel 4's 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

Week 725 Xerxes was reading Machado de Assis's Philosopher or Dog?

Week 724 Xerxes was reading George Saunders's A Swim in a Pond in the Rain

Week 723 Xerxes was reading Timothy Snyder's On Tyrrany

Week 722 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's The Weight of Glory

Week 721 Xerxes was reading Bruce Gibney's The Nonsense Factory

Week 720 Xerxes was reading Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian

Week 719 Xerxes was reading Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

Week 718 Xerxes was reading John Gardner's Mickelsson's Ghosts

Week 717 Xerxes was reading Stella Gibbons's Starlight

Week 716 Xerxes was reading John Gardner's Freddy's Book

Week 715 Xerxes was reading Antonio Muñoz Molina's Sepharad

Week 714 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse's Rosshalde

Week 713 Xerxes was reading Dylan Thomas's Under Milk Wood

Week 712 Xerxes was reading W. Somerset Maugham's The Summing Up

Week 711 Xerxes was reading John Fuller's Flying to Nowhere

Week 710 Xerxes was reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Week 709 Xerxes was reading Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

Week 708 Xerxes was reading Zena Hitz's Lost in Thought

Week 707 Xerxes was reading Sigrid Undset's The Cross

Week 706 Xerxes was reading Sigrid Undset's The Wife

Week 705 Xerxes was reading Sigrid Undset's The Wreath

Week 704 Xerxes was reading Anne Carson's The Autobiography of Red

Week 703 Xerxes was reading Susanna Clarke's Piranesi

Week 702 Xerxes was reading Steven Moore's Alexander Theroux: A Fan's Notes

Week 701 Xerxes was reading Alexander Theroux's Darconville's Cat

Week 700 Xerxes was reading Isabel Colgate's A Pelican in the Wilderness

Week 699 Xerxes was reading Reader's Digest's Everyday Life through the Ages

Week 698 Xerxes was reading Elizabeth Anderson's Private Government

Week 697 Xerxes was reading Anonymous's The Epic of Gilgamesh

Week 696 Xerxes was reading Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower

Week 695 Xerxes was reading Sheldon Solomon's The Worm at the Core

Week 694 Xerxes was reading William Ferraiolo's You Die at the End

Week 693 Xerxes was reading Frederick Douglass's The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Week 692 Xerxes was reading Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility

Week 691 Xerxes was reading Octavia E. Butler's Dawn, Adulthood Rites, and Imago

Week 690 Xerxes was reading Peter Kail's Simply Nietzsche and Robert L. Wicks's Simply Hegel

Week 689 Xerxes was reading Olaf Stapledon's Last and First Men

Week 688 Xerxes was reading Benjamin Stein's The Canvas

Week 687 Xerxes was reading John Milton's Paradise Lost

Week 686 Xerxes was reading Herman Melville's Moby Dick

Week 685 Xerxes was reading James Hilton's Lost Horizon

Week 684 Xerxes was reading Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front

Week 683 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Sonnets

Week 682 Xerxes was reading Philip Rucker and Carol Leonning's A Very Stable Genius

Week 681 Xerxes was reading Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov

Week 680 Xerxes was reading Imre Madách's The Tragedy of Man

Week 679 Xerxes was reading Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter


Xerxes' Thirteenth Year


Week 678 Xerxes was reading Peter Kreeft's Three Philosophies of Life

Week 677 Xerxes was reading Soren Kierkegaard's Works of Love

Week 676 Xerxes was reading Stephen Backhouse's Kierkegaard: A Single Life

Week 675 Xerxes was reading Victor Hugo's God and The End of Satan

Week 674 Xerxes was reading A.A. Milne's Now We Are Six

Week 673 Xerxes was reading Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio

Week 672 Xerxes was reading Roald Dahl's The Witches

Week 671 Xerxes was reading Lectionary (Year A) The First Sunday in Lent

Week 670 Xerxes was reading The Criterion Collection's Ingmar Bergman's Cinema

Week 669 Xerxes was reading Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House

Week 668 Xerxes was reading Taylor Caldwell's Dear and Glorious Physician

Week 667 Xerxes was reading John Steinbeck's East of Eden

Week 666 Xerxes was reading Stanley Fish's The First

Week 665 Xerxes was reading George MacDonald's The Princess and the Goblin

Week 664 Xerxes was reading Ted Chiang's Exhalation

Week 663 Xerxes was reading Bernard Malamud's God's Grace

Week 662 Xerxes was reading Geoff Dyer's Out of Sheer Rage

Week 661 Xerxes was reading Miguel de Cervantes's The Little Gipsy Girl and The Dialogue of the Dogs

Week 660 Xerxes was reading Dale B. Martin's Introduction to the New Testament

Week 659 Xerxes was reading John Dominic Crossan's Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography

Week 658 Xerxes was reading August Klingemann's The Nightwatches of Bonaventura

Week 657 Xerxes was reading Paul Johnson's Jesus: A Biography from a Believer

Week 656 Xerxes was reading Dino Buzzati's The Tartar Steppe

Week 655 Xerxes was reading Soren Kierkegaard's Parables of Kierkegaard

Week 654 Xerxes was reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Week 653 Xerxes was reading Olga Tokarczuk's Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

Week 652 Xerxes was reading Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible

Week 651 Xerxes was reading Gerd Theissen's The Shadow of the Galilean

Week 650 Xerxes was reading Jeffrey Masson's The Secret World of Farm Animals

Week 649 Xerxes was reading Dorothy L. Sayers's The Nine Tailors

Week 648 Xerxes was reading Karin Tidbeck's Jagannath

Week 647 Xerxes was reading Robertson Davies's Fifth Business

Week 646 Xerxes was reading Amor Towles's A Gentleman in Moscow

Week 645 Xerxes was reading Cixin Liu's Death's End

Week 644 Xerxes was reading Cixin Liu's The Dark Forest 

Week 643 Xerxes was reading Cixin Liu's The Three-Body Problem

Week 642 Xerxes was reading Russell Hoban's The Medusa Frequency

Week 641 Xerxes was reading Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker

Week 640 Xerxes was reading Anthony Burgess's 99 Novels

Week 639 Xerxes was reading T.S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral 

Week 638 Xerxes was reading Herman Hesse's Gertrude

Week 637 Xerxes was reading Olov Hartman's Holy Masquerade

Week 636 Xerxes was reading Madeline Miller's The Song of Achilles

Week 635 Xerxes was reading Charles Baudelaire's The Flowers of Evil

Week 634 Xerxes was reading Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies 

Week 633 Xerxes was reading Michael Wex's Born to Kvetch

Week 632 Xerxes was reading St Augustine's Confessions

Week 631 Xerxes was reading Soren Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety and The Sickness Unto Death

Week 630 Xerxes was reading Soren Kierkegaard's Philosophical Fragments and Johannes Climacus

Week 629 Xerxes was reading Soren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling, Repetition, and Prefaces

Week  628 Xerxes was reading Machado de Assis's Epitaph of a Small Winner

Week 627 Xerxes was reading Larry Levin's Oogy


Xerxes' Twelfth Year


Week 626 Xerxes was reading Peter Shaffer's Amadeus

Week  625 Xerxes was reading Cormac McCarthy's The Stonemason

Week 624 Xerxes was reading Sylvia Plath's The Collected Poems

Week 623 Xerxes was reading Herbert Fingarette's Death: Philosophical Soundings

Week 622 Xerxes was reading Gabriel Garcia Márquez's Of Love and Other Demons

Week 621 Xerxes was reading Charles Dickens's David Copperfield

Week 620 Xerxes was reading Christopher Hitchens's Mortality

Week 619 Xerxes was reading Rudyard Kipling's Complete Verse

Week 618 Xerxes was reading Judith N. Shklar's Ordinary Vices

Week 617 Xerxes was reading Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens

Week 616 Xerxes was reading Cormac McCarthy's No Country for Old Men 

Week 615 Xerxes was reading Stephen Prothero's God is Not One 

Week 614 Xerxes was reading Joy Williams's Ninety-Nine Stories of God

Week 613 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man

Week 612 Xerxes was reading Isaiah Berlin's The Hedgehog and the Fox

Week 611 Xerxes was reading John Milton's Paradise Regained

Week 610 Xerxes was reading Dante Alighieri's Paradiso

Week 609 Xerxes was reading Hud Hudson's A Grotesque in the Garden

Week 608 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Coriolanus

Week 607 Xerxes was reading G.B. Edwards's The Book of Ebenezer Le Page

Week 606 Xerxes was reading Le Duc de La Rochefoucauld's Maxims

Week 605 Xerxes was reading Sarah Perry's Melmoth

Week 604 Xerxes was reading Henry Chadwick's Augustine

Week 603 Xerxes was reading Roland Bainton's Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther

Week 602 Xerxes was reading Walker Percy's The Moviegoer

Week 601 Xerxes was reading Leonard Koren's Wabi-Sabi

Week 600 Xerxes was reading Kobo Abe's The Woman in the Dunes

Week 599 Xerxes was reading Eleonore Stump's Atonement

Week 598 Xerxes was reading Eleonore Stump's Wandering in Darkness

Week 597 Xerxes was reading Colm Toibin's The Master

Week 596 Xerxes was reading Colm Toibin's The Testament of Mary

Week 595 Xerxes was reading Soren Kierkegaard's The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air

Week 594 Xerxes was reading Stephen T. Asma's On Monsters

Week 593 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's Perelandra

Week 592 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's Reflections on the Psalms

Week 591 Xerxes was reading Alan Lightman's Einstein's Dreams

Week 590 Xerxes was reading the Westminster Larger Catechism

Week 589 Xerxes was reading Albert Camus's The Myth of Sisyphus

Week 588 Xerxes was reading Patrick Hamilton's The Slaves of Solitude

Week 587 Xerxes was reading Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub

Week 586 Xerxes was reading Olaf Stapledon's Latter-Day Psalms

Week 585 Xerxes was reading Pat Thane's A History of Old Age

Week 584 Xerxes was reading Wallace Stegner's Crossing to Safety

Week 583 Xerxes was reading Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus

Week 582 Xerxes was reading Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Reveries of the Solitary Walker

Week 581 Xerxes was reading E.M. Cioran's The Temptation to Exist

Week 580 Xerxes was reading Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The First and Second Discourses

Week 579 Xerxes was reading Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt

Week 578 Xerxes was reading Alfred Jarry's Exploits & Opinions of Dr Faustroll, Pataphysician

Week 577 Xerxes was reading Iris Origo's Leopardi, A Study in Solitude

Week 576 Xerxes was reading Elena Passarello's Animals Strike Curious Poses

Week 575 Xerxes was reading Aldous Huxley's Brave New World


Xerxes' Eleventh Year


Week 574 Xerxes was reading Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita

Week 573 Xerxes was reading Marvin Rosenberg's The Masks of Hamlet

Week 572 Xerxes was reading Harold Bloom's Hamlet: Poem Unlimited

Week 571 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's King Lear

Week 570 Xerxes was reading Anonymous's Seven Taoist Masters

Week 569 Xerxes was reading Laozi's Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi's The Inner Chapters

Week 568 Xerxes was reading Benjamin Hoff's The Tao of Pooh

Week 567 Xerxes was reading Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose

Week 566 Xerxes was reading Merold Westphal's Suspicion and Faith

Week 565 Xerxes was reading Claire Crisp's Waking Mathilda

Week 564 Xerxes was reading Graham Greene's The Tenth Man

Week 563 Xerxes was reading Edward Albee's The Zoo Story, The Sandbox, and A Delicate Balance

Week 562 Xerxes was reading Eugene Ionesco's The Lesson

Week 561 Xerxes was reading Garth Stein's The Art of Racing in the Rain

Week 560 Xerxes was reading Thomas Mann's A Man and His Dog

Week 559 Xerxes was reading Henri Barbusse's The Inferno

Week 558 Xerxes was reading Sara Gran's Come Closer

Week 557 Xerxes was reading Sarah Waters's Fingersmith

Week 556 Xerxes was reading Margaret Edson's Wit

Week 555 Xerxes was reading Helen Oyeyemi's Mr. Fox

Week 554 Xerxes was reading Walter Isaacson's Leonardo da Vinci

Week 553 Xerxes was reading Patrick McGrath's The Grotesque

Week 552 Xerxes was reading Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Week 551 Xerxes was reading William Empson's Milton's God

Week 550 Xerxes was reading M.F.K. Fisher's Last House

Week 549 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse's Demian

Week 548 Xerxes was reading M.F.K. Fisher's Sister Age

Week 547 Xerxes was reading John Milton's Samson Agonistes

Week 546 Xerxes was reading Leon Garfield's The Pleasure Garden: A Masquerade

Week 545 Xerxes was reading Yaa Gyasi's's Homegoing

Week 544 Xerxes was reading Benjamin Dewey's The Tragedy Series

Week 543 Xerxes was reading J.R.R Tolkien's The Return of the King

Week 542 Xerxes was reading J.R.R Tolkien's The Two Towers

Week 541 Xerxes was reading J.R.R Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring

Week 540 Xerxes was reading Stefan Grabinski's The Dark Domain

Week 539 Xerxes was reading Robert A.F. Thurman's Anger

Week 538 Xerxes was reading Louisa May Alcott's A Modern Mephistopheles

Week 537 Xerxes was reading Rabih Alameddine's An Unnecessary Woman

Week 536 Xerxes was reading Sebastian Brant's Ship of Fools

Week 535 Xerxes was reading André Gide's Isabelle and The Pastoral Symphony

Week 534 Xerxes was reading Tom Nichols's The Death of Expertise

Week 533 Xerxes was reading Kathryn and Ross Petra's Anthology of Really Important Modern Poetry

Week 532 Xerxes was reading Stanislaw Lem's Solaris

Week 531 Xerxes was reading François Mauriac’s Woman of the Pharisees

Week 530 Xerxes was reading Henry James's Ghost Stories

Week 529 Xerxes was reading Audre Lorde's Sister Outsider

Week 528 Xerxes was reading Henry James's The Aspern Papers

Week 527 Xerxes was reading Jeremy Bushnell's The Weirdness

Week 526 Xerxes was reading Friedrich Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Week 525 Xerxes was reading Simone de Beauvoir's The Woman Destroyed

Week 524 Xerxes was reading Soren Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety

Week 523 Xerxes was reading Tibor Fischer's The Thought Gang


Xerxes' Tenth Year


Week 522 Xerxes was reading Xerxes' First through Tenth Years

Week 521 Xerxes was reading George Eliot's Middlemarch

Week 520 Xerxes was reading Josh Cook's An Exaggerated Murder

Week 519 Xerxes was reading Anthony Trollope's The Warden

Week 518 Xerxes was reading Alexander Nehamas's On Friendship

Week 517 Xerxes was reading Lucius Annaeus Seneca's Letters from a Stoic

Week 516 Xerxes was reading Miguel de Unamuno's Mist and How to Make a Novel

Week 515 Xerxes was reading Patrick Romanell's Making of the Mexican Mind

Week 514 Xerxes was reading Lorenzo Scupoli's The Spiritual Combat

Week 513 Xerxes was reading Omar Khayyám's Rubáiyát

Week 512 Xerxes was reading Simon Wiesenthal's The Sunflower

Week 511 Xerxes was reading Flann O'Brien's At Swim-Two-Birds

Week 510 Xerxes was reading Francesco Petrarch's My Secret Book

Week 509 Xerxes was reading The Koran

Week 508 Xerxes was reading Alexander Theroux's Collected Poems

Week 507 Xerxes was reading Quotable Quotes's The Book Lover

Week 506 Xerxes was reading Edmund Gosse's Father and Son

Week 505 Xerxes was reading Alain de Botton's The Architecture of Happiness

Week 504 Xerxes was reading Vladimir Nabokov's The Eye

Week 503 Xerxes was reading Honoré de  Balzac's The Wild Ass's Skin

Week 502 Xerxes was reading Joseph Soloveitchik's The Lonely Man of Faith

Week 501 Xerxes was reading G.V. Desani's All About H. Hatterr

Week 500 Xerxes was reading Paul Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress

Week 499 Xerxes was reading Paul Beatty's The Sellout

Week 498 Xerxes was reading Fredrik Backman's A Man Called Ove

Week 497 Xerxes was reading Farid ud-Din Attar's The Conference of the Birds

Week 496 Xerxes was reading Frederick Buechner's Godric

Week 495 Xerxes was reading Shams al-Din Hafiz's Fifty Poems of Hafiz

Week 494 Xerxes was reading Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey

Week 493 Xerxes was reading Stefan Kiesbye's Your House Is on Fire, Your Children All Gone

Week 492 Xerxes was reading Nick Drake's Five Leaves Left, Bryter Layter, and Pink Moon

Week 491 Xerxes was reading Josephine Tey's The Daughter of Time

Week 490 Xerxes was reading Eduardo Galeano's Children of the Days

Week 489 Xerxes was reading Isaac Bashevis Singer's Satan in Goray

Week 488 Xerxes was reading Michael Cook's Muhammad and The Koran

Week 487 Xerxes was reading Daniel Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow

Week 486 Xerxes was reading Raymond Chapman's The Loneliness of Man

Week 485 Xerxes was reading E. Monroe's Lillian Hill

Week 484 Xerxes was reading Clive Barker's Mister B. Gone

Week 483 Xerxes was reading Liv Ullmann's Changing and Choices

Week 482 Xerxes was reading Russell Hoban's Pilgermann

Week 481 Xerxes was reading Ewan Fernie and Simon Palfrey's Macbeth, Macbeth

Week 480 Xerxes was reading James Hitchcock's History of the Catholic Church

Week 479 Xerxes was reading Andrew Hurley's The Loney

Week 478 Xerxes was reading Dwight Logenecker's The Gargoyle Code and Slubgrip Instructs

Week 477 Xerxes was reading Georges Bernanos's Under Satan's Sun

Week 476 Xerxes was reading Georges Bernanos's Mouchette

Week 475 Xerxes was reading Ray Bradbury's Dark Carnival

Week 474 Xerxes was reading Ron Hansen's Mariette in Ecstasy

Week 473 Xerxes was reading Natalie Babbit's Tuck Everlasting

Week 472 Xerxes was reading Oscar Wilde's Lord Arthur Savile's Crime

Week 471 Xerxes was reading Kazuo Ishiguro's The Buried Giant

Week 470 Xerxes was reading Cyril Connolly's The Unquiet Grave


Xerxes' Ninth Year


Week 469 Xerxes was reading Ewan Fernie's The Demonic: Literature and Experience

Week 468 Xerxes was reading Ira Levin's Rosemary's Baby

Week 467 Xerxes was reading James Robertson's The Testament of Gideon Mack

Week 466 Xerxes was reading Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death

Week 465 Xerxes was reading J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace

Week 464 Xerxes was reading Wayne Booth's The Art of Growing Older

Week 463 Xerxes was reading James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room

Week 462 Xerxes was reading George Santayana's Lucifer: A Theological Tragedy

Week 461 Xerxes was reading Jorge Luis Borges's The Book of Sand and Shakespeare's Memory

Week 460 Xerxes was reading Jorge Luis Borges's In Praise of Darkness and Brodie's Report

Week 459 Xerxes was reading Nathaniel Hawthorne's Mosses from an Old Manse

Week 458 Xerxes was reading Jorge Luis Borges's The Aleph and The Maker

Week 457 Xerxes was reading James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time

Week 456 Xerxes was reading Jorge Luis Borges's A Universal History of Iniquity and Fictions

Week 455 Xerxes was reading Stella Gibbons's Cold Comfort Farm

Week 454 Xerxes was reading Stefan Zweig's Confusion

Week 453 Xerxes was reading Carlos Fuentes's Inez

Week 452 Xerxes was reading Bram Stoker's Dracula

Week 451 Xerxes was reading Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White

Week 450 Xerxes was reading Robert J. Hutchinson's The Book of Vices

Week 449 Xerxes was reading Taylor Caldwell's Dialogues with the Devil and The Listener

Week 448 Xerxes was reading Tosca Lee's Demon: A Memoir and Havah

Week 447 Xerxes was reading William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist

Week 446 Xerxes was reading Julian Barnes's A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters

Week 445 Xerxes was reading Anita Brookner's Hotel Du Lac

Week 444 Xerxes was reading Charles Simmons's Wrinkles

Week 443 Xerxes was reading Ta-Nehisi Coates's Between the World and Me

Week 442 Xerxes was reading Matthew Lewis's The Monk

Week 441 Xerxes was reading Thomas Bernhard's The Woodcutters

Week 440 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Week 439 Xerxes was reading John Gardner's Grendel

Week 438 Xerxes was reading Kingsley Amis's Lucky Jim

Week 437 Xerxes was reading Jonathan L. Howard's Johannes Cabal the Necromancer

Week 436 Xerxes was reading J.D. Salinger's Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour, an Introduction

Week 435 Xerxes was reading Tillie Olsen's Tell Me a Riddle

Week 434 Xerxes was reading Philip P. Hallie's The Paradox of Cruelty

Week 433 Xerxes was reading Knut Hamsun's Mysteries

Week 432 Xerxes was reading Scott Cheshire's High as the Horses' Bridles

Week 431 Xerxes was reading John Cheever's Oh What a Paradise it Seems

Week 430 Xerxes was reading Carson McCullers's The Ballad of the Sad Café

Week 429 Xerxes was reading Lars Svendsen's A Philosophy of Boredom

Week 428 Xerxes was reading Christopher Hamilton's Middle Age

Week 427 Xerxes was reading Myra Cohn Livingston's Why Am I Grown So Cold

Week 426 Xerxes was reading Russell Hoban's The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz

Week 425 Xerxes was reading Thomas à Kempis's The Imitation of Christ

Week 424 Xerxes was reading Kent Haruf’s Plainsong

Week 423 Xerxes was reading Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung’s Vainglory

Week 422 Xerxes was reading George MacDonald’s At the Back of the North Wind

Week 421 Xerxes was reading Homer’s Iliad

Week 420 Xerxes was reading Thomas Love Peacock’s Nightmare Abbey

Week 419 Xerxes was reading George Sand’s The Devil's Pool

Week 418 Xerxes was reading Gary Dexter’s Poisoned Pens


Xerxes' Eighth Year


Week 417 Xerxes was reading Hannah Tillich’s From Time to Time

Week 416 Xerxes was reading Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome

Week 415 Xerxes was reading John Bunyan’s The Life and Death of Mr. Badman

Week 414 Xerxes was reading Peter De Vries’s The Tunnel of Love

Week 413 Xerxes was reading August Strindberg’s By the Open Sea

Week 412 Xerxes was reading Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Week 411 Xerxes was reading Anatole France’s The Revolt of the Angels

Week 410 Xerxes was reading William Barrett’s Irrational Man

Week 409 Xerxes was reading Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Confession

Week 408 Xerxes was reading Julie Schumacher’s Dear Committee Members

Week 407 Xerxes was reading Randall Munroe’s What If

Week 406 Xerxes was reading Gene Wolfe’s Peace

Week 405 Xerxes was reading John Williams’s Stoner

Week 404 Xerxes was reading François Mauriac’s Viper's Tangle

Week 403 Xerxes was reading Neil Gaiman’s The Ocean at the End of the Lane

Week 402 Xerxes was reading Orhan Pamuk’s My Name is Red

Week 401 Xerxes was reading Sherman Alexie’s Flight

Week 400 Xerxes was reading Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis

Week 399 Xerxes was reading Oscar Wilde’s Reading Gaol

Week 398 Xerxes was reading Ted Chiang’s The Stories of Your Life and Others

Week 397 Xerxes was reading Thomas Cole and Mary Winkler’s The Oxford Book of Aging

Week 396 Xerxes was reading Joseph Fink’s Welcome to Night Vale

Week 395 Xerxes was reading Arthur Schopenhauer’s Essays and Aphorisms

Week 394 Xerxes was reading Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Maxims and Reflections

Week 393 Xerxes was reading Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird

Week 392 Xerxes was reading Kelly Dean Jolley’s Stony Lonesome

Week 391 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity

Week 390 Xerxes was reading Mark Twain’s The Mysterious Stranger

Week 389 Xerxes was reading Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust

Week 388 Xerxes was reading Javier Marías’s All Souls

Week 387 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse’s The Dwarf

Week 386 Xerxes was reading Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy

Week 385 Xerxes was reading José Saramago’s All the Names

Week 384 Xerxes was reading Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Week 383 Xerxes was reading Sarah Gerkensmeyer's What You Are Now Enjoying

Week 382 Xerxes was reading Jack Handey's The Stench of Honolulu

Week 381 Xerxes was reading Jessica Burr and Matt Opatrny's Lying

Week 380 Xerxes was reading Robert Jordan's The Eye of the World

Week 379 Xerxes was reading Philip Koch's Bare Ruined Choirs and Essays from Autumn

Week 378 Xerxes was reading Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half

Week 377 Xerxes was reading Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day

Week 376 Xerxes was reading Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier

Week 375 Xerxes was reading Leonid Tsypkin's Summer in Baden-Baden

Week 374 Xerxes was reading W.J. Leatherbarrow's Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov

Week 373 Xerxes was reading Teresa of Ávila's Interior Castle

Week 372 Xerxes was reading Dante Alighieri's Inferno

Week 371 Xerxes was reading Frederick C. Crews's The Pooh Perplex

Week 370 Xerxes was reading Marguerite Yourcenar's That Mighty Sculptor, Time

Week 369 Xerxes was reading Simone de Beauvoir's All Men are Mortal

Week 368 Xerxes was reading Richard Brautigan's Sombrero Fallout

Week 367 Xerxes was reading Simon Critchley's The Book of Dead Philosophers

Week 366 Xerxes was reading Alice Miller's The Drama of the Gifted Child 


Xerxes' Seventh Year


Week 365 Xerxes was reading J.R.R. Tolkien's Ainulindalë

Week 364 Xerxes was reading Umberto Eco's The Island of the Day Before

Week 363 Xerxes was reading Boethius's The Consolation of Philosophy

Week 362 Xerxes was reading Tina Fey's Bossypants

Week 361 Xerxes was reading G.K. Chesterton's The Innocence of Father Brown

Week 360 Xerxes was reading Russell Potter's Pyg: TheMemoirs of Toby, the Learned Pig

Week 359 Xerxes was reading Philip Roth's The Humbling

Week 358 Xerxes was reading Sam Savage's Firmin

Week 357 Xerxes was reading Russell Hoban's Turtle Diary

Week 356 Xerxes was reading Galatians through Revelation

Week 355 Xerxes was reading Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot

Week 354 Xerxes was reading Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and 2 Corinthians

Week 353 Xerxes was reading Franco Bonera's Pigs: Art, Legend, History

Week 352 Xerxes was reading Satish Kumar's The Buddha and the Terrorist

Week 351 Xerxes was reading Terry Eagleton's On Evil

Week 350 Xerxes was reading Justin Evan's A Good and Happy Child

Week 349 Xerxes was reading Kurt Vonnegut's Timequake

Week 348 Xerxes was reading Linda Jacobs's LJ

Week 347 Xerxes was reading Alice Munro's Dear Life

Week 346 Xerxes was reading James Stephens's The Demi-Gods

Week 345 Xerxes was reading Walter M. Miller Jr.'s A Canticle for Leibowitz

Week 344 Xerxes was reading Anthony Marra's A Constellation of Vital Phenomena

Week 343 Xerxes was reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

Week 342 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf

Week 341 Xerxes was reading M.R. James's Ghost Stories of an Antiquary

Week 340 Xerxes was reading Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Week 339 Xerxes was reading Edgar Allen Poe's The Bells

Week 338 Xerxes was reading Ezekiel through Malachi

Week 337 Xerxes was reading Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio

Week 336 Xerxes was reading William Butler Yeats's The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats

Week 335 Xerxes was reading Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations

Week 334 Xerxes was reading Rachael Briggs's Free Logic

Week 333 Xerxes was reading Leon Garfield's The Ghost Downstairs

Week 332 Xerxes was reading Neil Gaiman's American Gods

Week 331 Xerxes was reading H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness

Week 330 Xerxes was reading Gita Mehta's A River Sutra

Week 329 Xerxes was reading Alberto Manguel's A History of Reading

Week 328 Xerxes was reading Walter Wangerin, Jr.'s The Book of the Dun Cow

Week 327 Xerxes was reading Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon

Week 326 Xerxes was reading James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Week 325 Xerxes was reading  1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther

Week 324 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's Till We Have Faces

Week 323 Xerxes was reading George Gershwin's Summertime

Week 322 Xerxes was reading David Markson's Vanishing Point and The Last Novel

Week 321 Xerxes was reading David Markson's Reader's Block and This is Not a Novel

Week 320 Xerxes was reading 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and 2 Kings

Week 319 Xerxes was reading Karl Knausgaard's A Time for Everything

Week 318 Xerxes was reading Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

Week 317 Xerxes was reading Georges Bernanos's The Diary of a Country Priest

Week 316 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse's The Journey to the East

Week 315 Xerxes was reading Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy

Week 314 Xerxes was reading Genesis and Exodus


Xerxes' Sixth Year


Week 313 Xerxes was reading H.G. Wells's The Time Machine

Week 312 Xerxes was reading Cormac McCarthy's The Sunset Limited

Week 311 Xerxes was reading Paul Gallico's Love of Seven Dolls

Week 310 Xerxes was reading Teilhard de Chardin's The Divine Milieu

Week 309 Xerxes was reading Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Week 308 Xerxes was reading Alexander Theroux's The Grammar of Rock

Week 307 Xerxes was reading Virginia Hamilton and Barry Moser's In the Beginning

Week 306 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's The Problem of Pain

Week 305 Xerxes was reading Gene Wolfe's The Citadel of the Autarch

Week 304 Xerxes was reading Gene Wolfe's The Sword of the Lictor

Week 303 Xerxes was reading Gene Wolfe's The Claw of the Conciliator

Week 302 Xerxes was reading Gene Wolfe's The Shadow of the Torturer

Week 301 Xerxes was reading Gabriel Zaid's So Many Books

Week 300 Xerxes was reading Fernando Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet

Week 299 Xerxes was reading Rainer Maria Rilke's The Notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge

Week 298 Xerxes was reading Philip Koch's Solitude: A Philosophical Encounter

Week 297 Xerxes was reading Lord Dunsany's Fifty-One Tales

Week 296 Xerxes was reading Anneli Rufus's Party of One

Week 295 Xerxes was reading Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus

Week 294 Xerxes was reading Sophocles's Antigone

Week 293 Xerxes was reading Sinclair Lewis's Elmer Gantry

Week 292 Xerxes was reading Primo Levi's The Periodic Table

Week 291 Xerxes was reading G.H. Hardy's A Mathematician's Apology

Week 290 Xerxes was reading Cees Nooteboom's The Following Story

Week 289 Xerxes was reading Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights

Week 288 Xerxes was reading James Thurber's The White Deer

Week 287 Xerxes was reading David Schnarch's Passionate Marriage

Week 286 Xerxes was reading Jim Finney's The Love Letter

Week 285 Xerxes was reading Jim Forest's The Wormwood File and Barbara Laymon's The Devil's Inbox

Week 284 Xerxes was reading Lord Byron's Heaven and Earth

Week 283 Xerxes was reading André Gide's The Immoralist

Week 282 Xerxes was reading A.G. Mojtabai's Autumn

Week 281 Xerxes was reading A.G. Mojtabai's Mundome

Week 280 Xerxes was reading J.L. Carr's A Month in the Country

Week 279 Xerxes was reading Blanche Ebbutt's Don'ts for Husbands and Don'ts for Wives

Week 278 Xerxes was reading Haruki Murakami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

Week 277 Xerxes was reading Rodgers and Hammerstein's Edelweiss

Week 276 Xerxes was reading Vladimir Nabokov's Pnin

Week 275 Xerxes was reading Alice Thomas Ellis's The Sin Eater

Week 274 Xerxes was reading Mary Doria Russell's The Children of God

Week 273 Xerxes was reading Mary Doria Russell's The Sparrow

Week 272 Xerxes was reading Olaf Stapledon's Star Maker

Week 271 Xerxes was reading Felix Gilman's The Half-Made World

Week 270 Xerxes was reading Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game

Week 269 Xerxes was reading Olaf Stapledon's Sirius

Week 268 Xerxes was reading Mark Rowland's The Philosopher and the Wolf

Week 267 Xerxes was reading Marie Corelli's The Sorrows of Satan

Week 266 Xerxes was reading Julian Barnes's Nothing to be Frightened Of

Week 265 Xerxes was reading Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games

Week 264 Xerxes was reading Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House

Week 263 Xerxes was reading William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Week 262 Xerxes was reading Gordon Teskey's Norton Critical Edition of Paradise Lost


Xerxes' Fifth Year


Week 261 Xerxes was reading Xerxes' First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Years

Week 260 Xerxes was reading John Burnside's A Summer of Drowning

Week 259 Xerxes was reading Mervyn Peake's Complete Nonsense

Week 258 Xerxes was reading A.S. Byatt's A Stone Woman

Week 257 Xerxes was reading David Albert Jones's Angels

Week 256 Xerxes was reading John Sutherland's Bestsellers

Week 255 Xerxes was reading Denis Diderot's Jacques the Fatalist

Week 254 Xerxes was reading Darren Oldridge's Strange Histories

Week 253 Xerxes was reading Elizabeth Knox's The Vintner's Luck

Week 252 Xerxes was reading Italo Calvino's If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

Week 251 Xerxes was reading Salman Rushdie's Luka and the Fire of Life

Week 250 Xerxes was reading John Rogers's Milton

Week 249 Xerxes was reading Jim Crace's Quarantine

Week 248 Xerxes was reading Julian Barnes's The Sense of an Ending

Week 247 Xerxes was reading Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker

Week 246 Xerxes was reading Brian Greene's The Hidden Reality

Week 245 Xerxes was reading Gustave Flaubert's The Temptation of Saint Anthony

Week 244 Xerxes was reading Olaf Stapledon's Last and First Men

Week 243 Xerxes was reading Richard Matheson's I am Legend

Week 242 Xerxes was reading Carter Dickson's The Reader is Warned

Week 241 Xerxes was reading Alexander Theroux's Darconville's Cat

Week 240 Xerxes was reading George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones

Week 239 Xerxes was reading Peter van Inwagen's Quam Dilecta

Week 238 Xerxes was reading Nicholas Wolterstorff's Lament for a Son

Week 237 Xerxes was reading Graham Greene's The Hint of an Explanation

Week 236 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

Week 235 Xerxes was reading Denis de Rougemont's The Devil's Share

Week 234 Xerxes was reading Marguerite Yourcenar's The Memoirs of Hadrian

Week 233 Xerxes was reading Vladimir Nabokov's Laughter in the Dark

Week 232 Xerxes was reading Ivan Turgenev's First Love

Week 231 Xerxes was reading Muriel Spark's Memento Mori

Week 230 Xerxes was reading Ronald B. Shwartz's For the Love of Books

Week 229 Xerxes was reading E.H. Gombrich's The Story of Art

Week 228 Xerxes was reading Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal

Week 227 Xerxes was reading T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland

Week 226 Xerxes was reading Edwin Abbott Abbott's Flatland

Week 225 Xerxes was reading Harold Pinter's The Homecoming

Week 224 Xerxes was reading Carson McCullers's The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Week 223 Xerxes was reading Arnold Lobel's The Adventures of Frog and Toad

Week 222 Xerxes was reading Robert and Richard Sherman's My Own Home

Week 221 Xerxes was reading Christopher McDougall's Born to Run

Week 220 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse's A Child's Heart

Week 219 Xerxes was reading Francesco Petrarch's Triumphs

Week 218 Xerxes was reading Percy Bysshe Shelley's The Triumph of Life

Week 217 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida

Week 216 Xerxes was reading Albert Camus's The Fall

Week 215 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's Letters to an American Lady

Week 214 Xerxes was reading Stephen Prothero's God is not One

Week 213 Xerxes was reading Alvin Plantinga's Where the Conflict Really Lies

Week 212 Xerxes was reading Frederick Buechner's The Sacred Journey and Now and Then

Week 211 Xerxes was reading David Berlinski's The Devil's Delusion

Week 210 Xerxes was reading Philip Kitcher's Living with Darwin

Week 209 Xerxes was reading Bernard Suit's The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia


Xerxes' Fourth Year


Week 208 Xerxes was reading Stanley Fish's Save the World on Your Own Time

Week 207 Xerxes was reading Mark William Roche's Why Choose the Liberal Arts?

Week 206 Xerxes was reading Thomas Hurka's The Best Things in Life

Week 205 Xerxes was reading a Carthusian monk's The Cloud of Unknowing

Week 204 Xerxes was reading Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist

Week 203 Xerxes was reading Eduardo Galeano's Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone

Week 202 Xerxes was reading Plato's Republic

Week 201 Xerxes was reading Elizabeth McCracken's An Exact Replica

Week 200 Xerxes was reading Saul Bellow's Ravelstein

Week 199 Xerxes was reading Henry David Thoreau's Reading

Week 198 Xerxes was reading Allan Bloom's The Closing of the American Mind

Week 197 Xerxes was reading Molière's Tartuffe

Week 196 Xerxes was reading Aristophanes's The Clouds

Week 195 Xerxes was reading Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym

Week 194 Xerxes was reading Richard Russo's Straight Man

Week 193 Xerxes was reading Howard Jacobson's The Finkler Question

Week 192 Xerxes was reading Nicole Krauss's Great House

Week 191 Xerxes was reading Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence

Week 190 Xerxes was reading Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's Universal Compassion

Week 189 Xerxes was reading Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go

Week 188 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse's Narcissus and Goldmund

Week 187 Xerxes was reading George Bernard Shaw's Back to Methuselah

Week 186 Xerxes was reading Elizabeth Strout's Olive Kitteridge

Week 185 Xerxes was reading God's The Book of Job

Week 184 Xerxes was reading Dennis Potter's Hide and Seek

Week 183 Xerxes was reading Iris Murdoch's The Time of the Angels

Week 182 Xerxes was reading Mervyn Peake's Collected Poems

Week 181 Xerxes was reading José Donoso's The Garden Next Door

Week 180 Xerxes was reading Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree

Week 179 Xerxes was reading Lisa Genova's Still Alice

Week 178 Xerxes was reading G.K. Chesterton's Manalive

Week 177 Xerxes was reading David Orr's Beautiful & Pointless

Week 176 Xerxes was reading A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh

Week 175 Xerxes was reading Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

Week 174 Xerxes was reading Douglas Hofstadter's A Person Paper on Purity in Language

Week 173 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters

Week 172 Xerxes was reading William Butler Yeats's He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven

Week 171 Xerxes was reading Jonathan Swift's The Battle of the Books

Week 170 Xerxes was reading Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air

Week 169 Xerxes was reading Niccolo Machiavelli's Letter to Francesco Vettori

Week 168 Xerxes was reading Henry David Thoreau's Life Without Principle

Week 167 Xerxes was reading Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

Week 166 Xerxes was reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Week 165 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Measure for Measure

Week 164 Xerxes was reading George Orwell's Animal Farm

Week 163 Xerxes was reading Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals

Week 162 Xerxes was reading Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince

Week 161 Xerxes was reading Muriel Barbery's The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Week 160 Xerxes was reading Joris-Karl Huysmans's Against Nature

Week 159 Xerxes was reading Sheridan Le Fanu's In a Glass Darkly

Week 158 Xerxes was reading Virginia Woolf's The Waves

Week 157 Xerxes was reading Mark Twain's Letters from the Earth


Xerxes' Third Year


Week 156 Xerxes was reading Mark Twain's A Dog's Tale

Week 155 Xerxes was reading Jean Anouilh's Becket

Week 154 Xerxes was reading James Goldman's The Lion in Winter

Week 153 Xerxes was reading Antonia Michaelis's Tiger Moon

Week 152 Xerxes was reading Pär Lagerkvist's The Dwarf, Barabbas, and The Sibyl

Week 151 Xerxes was reading Leonard Cohen's Dance Me to the End of Love

Week 150 Xerxes was reading Robin Robertson's Mortification

Week 149 Xerxes was reading Mark Twain's The Mysterious Stranger

Week 148 Xerxes was reading Jeffrey Burton Russell's Lucifer and Mephistopheles

Week 147 Xerxes was reading Jeffrey Burton Russell's The Devil and Satan

Week 146 Xerxes was reading Toni Morrison's Beloved

Week 145 Xerxes was reading Flann O'Brien's The Third Policeman

Week 144 Xerxes was reading Henry James's The Turn of the Screw

Week 143 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's The Pilgrim's Regress

Week 142 Xerxes was reading Jeffrey Burton Russell's The Prince of Darkness

Week 141 Xerxes was reading Alexander McCall Smith's 2 1/2 Pillars of Wisdom

Week 140 Xerxes was reading Daniel Keyes's Flowers for Algernon

Week 139 Xerxes was reading Huston Smith and Philip Novak's Buddhism

Week 138 Xerxes was reading Michael Sells's Approaching the Qur'an

Week 137 Xerxes was reading Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov

Week 136 Xerxes was reading Stephen Prothero's Religious Literacy

Week 135 Xerxes was reading Darby Conley's The Dog is Not a Toy

Week 134 Xerxes was reading T. Cathcart and D. Klein's Plato and a Platypus

Week 133 Xerxes was reading Rainer Maria Rilke's Stories of God

Week 132 Xerxes was reading Kazuo Ishiguro's Nocturnes

Week 131 Xerxes was reading Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame of Paris

Week 130 Xerxes was reading Leonard Nimoy's I Am Spock

Week 129 Xerxes was reading William Shatner's Up Till Now

Week 128 Xerxes was reading Charles Baudelaire's The Flowers of Evil

Week 127 Xerxes was reading Arthur Rimbaud's A Season in Hell

Week 126 Xerxes was reading Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita

Week 125 Xerxes was reading Christopher Hitchens's God is not Great

Week 124 Xerxes was reading Philip Larkin's The Less Deceived

Week 123 Xerxes was reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit

Week 122 Xerxes was reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Return of the King

Week 121 Xerxes was reading Voltaire's Candide

Week 120 Xerxes was reading Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale

Week 119 Xerxes was reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Two Towers

Week 118 Xerxes was reading Mervyn Peake's Boy in Darkness

Week 117 Xerxes was reading A.E. Housman's A Shropshire Lad

Week 116 Xerxes was reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring

Week 115 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's The Tempest

Week 114 Xerxes was reading Owen Gingerich's God's Universe

Week 113 Xerxes was reading Jack Fincher's Lefties

Week 112 Xerxes was reading Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's The Children's Hour

Week 111 Xerxes was reading John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces

Week 110 Xerxes was reading Peter Beagle's The Last Unicorn and A Fine and Private Place

Week 109 Xerxes was reading Yann Martel's Life of Pi

Week 108 Xerxes was reading Hermann Hesse's The Glass Bead Game

Week 107 Xerxes was reading William F. May's A Catalogue of Sins

Week 106 Xerxes was reading Henry Fairlie's The Seven Deadly Sins Today

Week 105 Xerxes was reading Jorge Luis Borges's Ficciones


Xerxes' Second Year


Week 104 Xerxes was reading Gioconda Belli's Infinity in the Palm of Her Hand

Week 103 Xerxes was reading G.K. Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday

Week 102 Xerxes was reading Dante Alighieri's Purgatorio

Week 101 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's The Four Loves

Week 100 Xerxes was reading Steven Schwartz's The Seven Deadly Sins

Week 99 Xerxes was reading Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's Good Omens

Week 98 Xerxes was reading Neil Simon's Brighton Beach Memoirs

Week  97 Xerxes was reading Sy Safransky's Four in the Morning and Sunbeams

Week 96 Xerxes was reading Daniel Levitin's This is Your Brain on Music

Week 95 Xerxes was reading Alfred Lord Tennyson's In Memoriam

Week 94 Xerxes was reading Paul Woodruff's Reverence

Week 93 Xerxes was reading Richard Yates's Eleven Kinds of Loneliness

Week 92 Xerxes was reading Marilynne Robinson's Gilead

Week 91 Xerxes was reading Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass

Week 90 Xerxes was reading Jenny Bond and Chris Sheedy's Who the Hell is Pansy O'Hara?

Week 89 Xerxes was reading William Hjortsberg's Falling Angel

Week 88 Xerxes was reading Edward Gorey's Amphigorey: Fifteen Books

Week 87 Xerxes was reading Cornelius Plantinga's Not the Way It's Supposed to Be

Week 86 Xerxes was reading Mark Twain's A Cure for the Blues

Week 85 Xerxes was reading Herman Melville's Moby Dick

Week 84 Xerxes was reading G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy

Week 83 Xerxes was reading Frederick Buechner's Godric and The Alphabet of Grace

Week 82 Xerxes was reading Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung's Portraits of Vice

Week 81 Xerxes was reading Paul Johnson's Intellectuals

Week 80 Xerxes was reading David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

Week 79 Xerxes was reading Alexander Pope's An Essay on Man

Week 78 Xerxes was reading Edgar Lee Masters's Spoon River Anthology

Week 77 Xerxes was reading Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants

Week 76 Xerxes was reading Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God

Week 75 Xerxes was reading Ingmar Bergman's Images: My Life in Film

Week 74 Xerxes was reading William Trevor's The Story of Lucy Gault

Week 73 Xerxes was reading Anonymous's Everyman

Week 72 Xerxes was reading Eugene Field's Little Boy Blue

 Week 71 Xerxes was reading David Maine's Fallen

Week 70 Xerxes was reading Stephenie Meyers's Twilight and New Moon

Week 69 Xerxes was reading Gordy Slack's The Battle Over the Meaning of Everything

Week 68 Xerxes was reading Nicole Krauss's The History of Love

Week 67 Xerxes was reading Wallace Stevens's Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

Week 66 Xerxes was reading The Dalai Lama's An Open Heart

Week 65 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part II

Week 64 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part I

Week 63 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's As You Like It

Week 62 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra

Week 61 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Macbeth

Week 60 Xerxes was reading Jelaluddin Rumi's The Essential Rumi

Week 59 Xerxes was reading Harold Bloom's Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?

Week 58 Xerxes was reading Anne Fadiman's The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

Week 57 Xerxes was reading Leo Tolstoy's The Devil

Week 56 Xerxes was reading Colin McGinn's Shakespeare's Philosophy

Week 55 Xerxes was reading Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild

Week 54 Xerxes was reading Stephen Greenblatt's Will in the World

Week 53 Xerxes was reading Martin Buber's I and Thou, Meetings, and The Way of Man


Xerxes' First Year


Week 52 Xerxes was reading Allan Chinen's Once Upon a Midlife

Week 51 Xerxes was reading G.K. Chesterton's St Francis of Assisi

Week 50 Xerxes was reading Jean Toomer's Cane

Week 49 Xerxes was reading Ikhwān al-Safā's The Animals' Lawsuit against Humanity

Week 48 Xerxes was reading Patrick Süskind’s Perfume

Week 47 Xerxes was reading Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark

Week 46 Xerxes was reading John Milton's Paradise Regained

Week 45 Xerxes was reading Dylan Thomas's The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower

Week 44 Xerxes was reading Stephen Crane's The Blue Hotel

Week 43 Xerxes was reading Gore Vidal's Creation

Week 42 Xerxes was reading A.S. Byatt's Possession

Week 41 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce

Week 40 Xerxes was reading Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven

 Week 39 Xerxes was reading Dennis Potter's Blackeyes

Week 38 Xerxes was reading David Suzuki and Wayne Grady's Tree: A Life Story

Week 37 Xerxes was reading James Hogg's Confessions of a Justified Sinner

Week 36 Xerxes was reading Alexander Theroux's Theroux Metaphrastes

Week 35 Xerxes was reading Mervyn Peake's Titus Alone 

Week 34 Xerxes was reading Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast

Week 33 Xerxes was reading Mervyn Peake's Titus Groan

Week 32 Xerxes was reading Walter de la Mare's The Three Royal Monkeys

Week 31 Xerxes was reading John Collier's His Monkey Wife

Week 30 Xerxes was reading Lois Lowry's The Giver

Week 29 Xerxes was reading Rudyard Kipling's Mandalay

Week 28 Xerxes was reading Ralph Helfer's Modoc

Week 27 Xerxes was reading Stuart McLean's Home From the Vinyl Cafe

 Week 26 Xerxes was reading Ossie Davis's Purlie Victorious

Week 25 Xerxes was reading George MacDonald's The Portent

Week 24 Xerxes was reading Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead

Week 23 Xerxes was reading Michael Phillips's George MacDonald - A Biography

Week 22 Xerxes was reading Christopher Moore's The Stupidest Angel

Week 21 Xerxes was reading Gordon Lightfoot's Minstrel of the Dawn

Week 20 Xerxes was reading Sun Tzu's The Art of War

Week 19 Xerxes was reading Robert Graves's I Claudius

Week 18 Xerxes was reading Philip Ardagh's A House Called Awful End

 Week 17 Xerxes was reading John Milton's Paradise Lost

 Week 16 Xerxes was reading Mervyn Peake's Mr Pye

Week 15 Xerxes was reading J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Week 14 Xerxes was reading Riff Raff and Magenta's The Time Warp

 Week 13 Xerxes was reading William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens

 Week 12 Xerxes was reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion

Week 11 Xerxes was reading e.e. cummings's anyone lived in a pretty how town 

Week 10 Xerxes was reading Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici

Week 9 Xerxes was reading C.S. Lewis's A Preface to Paradise Lost

Week 8 Xerxes was reading Stephanie Plowman's The Road to Sardis

Week 7 Xerxes was reading Alexander Theroux's Darconville's Cat

Week 6 Xerxes was reading Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective

Week 5 Xerxes was reading T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Week 4 Xerxes was reading Matthew Scully's Dominion

Week 3 Xerxes was reading Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray

Week 2 Xerxes was reading the Prologue in Heaven from Goethe's Faust

Week 1 Xerxes was reading Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market