Book Club 2017-18

This is the Book we are reading this year

Click for link to Book


Disparate Impacts: Moving to Minnesota to Live Just Enough for the City


Red, White, and Blank

by Heid E. Erdrich


Trouble in Mind: To Be Black is Blue in America

by IBe, page 69


Dark Trees in the Landscape of Love

by Kao Kalia Yang. Page 145

September: A Surrealist Story of One Asian American in Minnesota, by David Mura. Page 43

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A discussion question to begin:

An anthology (which literally means “flower collecting,” from anthos, flower, plus logia, collecting) creates a community within the bounds of a book. The theme of community recurs throughout the collection; many contributors address why they choose to live or remain in Minnesota. How do you see the motif of “home” presenting itself throughout the anthology, and do any passages call to you especially powerfully?