Huayang Li

Ph.D. student at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)

Email: where X= li.huayang.lh6

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My research interest is mainly in natural language processing (NLP), especially language generation.

I am extremely  fascinated by understanding the working mechanism of NLP models.  Although deep neural networks have achieved great success in a variety of NLP tasks, we are still not clear why it works or fails on some cases. The in-transparent working mechanism not only makes the model uncontrollable, but also hinders us to propose more effective neural networks. In my research, I aim to address this issue from three perspectives: model, data, and linguistic information.

I am also interested in the applications of  NLP models in real scenarios. There is still a big gap to make a SOTA model in research work well in the real scenario.  For example, besides high translation quality, human translators may want an engine to avoid repeated translation errors  once they address it at its first occurrence. It is interesting to abstract research problems from real scenarios and make a good influence on the use of techniques in the real world.

About Me

I am a second-year Ph.D. student at NAIST, advised by Prof. Taro Watanabe. During the Master period at NAIST, I had two wonderful internships at Apple Siri and Amazon Translate teams. Before joining NAIST, I worked at Tencent AI Lab as a full-time researcher, mentored by Dr. Lemao Liu and Guoping Huang. I am proud that we released the API of the first Interactive Machine Translation (IMT) in China, namely TranSmart. I got my bachelor degree from Central China Normal University, advised by Prof. Qingxing Dong.


(*: equal contribution, Topics: 🟦 Text Generation 🟥 Cross-lingual, 🟩 Multi-modal)




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