Applied Micro

Working Papers

How do households cope with natural disasters in developing countries? Evidence from the 2007 Peru Earthquake 

Coauthored with Jose L. Flor.

Draft available upon request.

Under Revision at Journal of Development Economics

Unveiling Injustice: Analyzing Child Mortality Inequality across decades and demographics in Peru (1981-2017)

With Pedro Francke &  Claudia Vivas.

Draft available upon request.

Expect to submit in August 2024

Under the Protection of the Andes. High altitude and COVID-19. 

Coauthored with Pia Basurto & Pedro Francke. 

Draft available upon request.

Expect to submit in August 2024

Do weather shocks Affect Human Capital? The case of “el Mega Niño” of 1997-98 in Peru

Coauthored with Fredy Gonzales.

Draft available upon request.

Harvesting Inequality: Examining the Impact of Agro-Export Expansion in Peru's Local Markets.

With Claudia Torres & Alexander Pacheco.

Draft available upon request.

Work in Progress

Does complaining about street pollution work? Experimental evidence on the use of technologies for street cleaning in Peru

With Alipio Ferreira, Marcos Agurto & Germán Vega.

Write me an e-mail to check  for updates.

Using Satellite Data to Improve the Enforcement of Waste Dump Regulation in Peru

With Alipio Ferreira & Manuel Barron.

Write me an e-mail to check  for updates.