MR Ocean World | 體感泳池浮潛設備




2023 奇想設計大賽 - 創新科技組 - 銀獎

2023 第八屆兩岸新銳設計競賽華燦獎 - 產品設計組 - 三等獎


Snorkeling is one of the most accessible outdoor extreme sports for the public. However, it could be dangerous for children are unable to protect themselves. According to the DAN (Diver Alert Network) survey, more than 50% of marine accidents occur when people snorkel. In addition, for children, the existing snorkeling environment lacks visual richness.

“MR Ocean World” provide rich virtual fishes and scenes to help solve these problems well.


An MR device that children can snorkel safely in the pool. It uses MR technology to project rich virtual fishes and scenes underwater and uses the device to switch sea scenes, touch fish, obtain fish information, or take pictures with the controller to explore the under ocean world.

- Exhibition in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park -