

Radio telescopes & me

Kunming 40m, China, 2023

Effelsberg, Germany, 2022

SRT, Italy, 2019

GMRT, India, 2019

FAST, China, 2019

FAST, China, 2019

IRAM, Spain, 2019

Effelsberg, Germany, 2018

Korean VLBI Network (Ulsan), 2014

PhD Graduation 2023

Master time (2018)

Life @ MPS

IAU GA 2018 and AstroMundus


Playing piano at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (DPG), 2023

Singing as part of MegaGauss at MPS, 2018

Interstellar travel to a pulsar through a wormhole (©︎ Huanchen Hu, 2011)

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