

Quantum information

I focus on the hybrid quantum systems based on magnetic platforms to study the control over magnetic quantum states and their entanglement with quantum platforms (for example qubits, cavity photons, phonons, etc) to achieve multifunctional quantum information processing. See our Cassyni talk for more details.

Featured research

Steady Bell state

Pure dephasing of magnons

Review on quantum magnonics

Skyrmion physics

Magnetic skyrmions are a class of magnetic textures with curling spin configurations that show promising applications in spintronic devices. We focus on the generation and manipulation of skyrmions subject to various drivings and the nonlinear interaction of magnons in skyrmions.

Featured research

Magnon frequency comb

Magnetic tweezer

Wiggling skyrmion motion

Antiferromagnetic spintronics

Antiferromagnetism is a form of magnetic structure with vanishingly small magnetization and is promising to supplement the traditional spintronics based on ferromagnets for its better stability,  fast dynamics, and rich control knobs.  We study the dissipation channel, dynamics of magnetic textures, and magnon transport in the antiferromagnets. 

Featured research

Sublattice entanglement

Intersublattice damping

Magnetic forces in an antiferromagnet