Cyber Gambling Tip: Deciding Whether to Download

Are you one of the many new online casino players who are unable to make up their minds whether to gamble using server-based software or downloadable applications? If so, I'm here to help you make up your mind.

The client/server debate isn't quite up there with Coke vs. Pepsi, boxers vs. briefs, or Maryanne vs. Ginger dilemmas, but it's quite a popular discussion among the ranks of online gamblers nonetheless. And it has yet to be answered definitively.

Nor will it be answered definitively by this article.

The reason why is because it's a matter of personal preference. Those who want sleek games that play quickly and who don't mind downloading and installing large stand-alone software applications opt for the downloadable games. Those who aren't as interested in bells and whistles and who don't feel like weighing down their machines with more software are better off playing server-based games (which are usually available through Java or Flash interfaces).

But for those who aren't sure what they want, one clear choice stands out: server-based games. The reason is simple. If you register at a server-side casino and aren't happy with it, you've only wasted about five minutes of your time.

Going the other route takes a bit more of a commitment. While server-side games are accessible virtually immediately, client-based games require you to go through the downloading and installation processes. Then when you want to get rid of the software, you've got to perform an uninstall and rid your computer of miscellaneous directories left behind.

None of this is necessary to play server-side games, which are in tune to the plug-and-play mentality of computer usage today.

Hopefully, this has helped to clarify the the great client/server casino debate. As for the other three dilemmas, you're on your own.

Eight is a Lucky Number

Most casinos use web addresses based on card combinations or catchy names, but very few use numeric domains. One exception is daftar slot online. isn't a new casino, however. It's one of the domain names used by casino giant Casino on Net.

Casino on Net, established in 1996, is one of the grandfathers of online gaming. Since that time, millions of players have downloaded their top-notch casino package, which includes Blackjack, Video Poker, Roulette, Slots, Craps and Baccarat.

But why use the domain as well as (and There are two reasons.

First, the number eight is considered lucky in Chinese culture and is highly sought after in phone numbers, addresses, and bank account numbers. It foreshadows prosperity and brings added confidence. The phonetic sound of eight in the Cantonese and Mandarin languages is also similar to the word for prosperity.

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