Haddon Township School District
Art Reflections

Welcome to the virtual gallery of the Haddon Township PTA’s Reflections program.

This gallery displays the work of student artists, from Pre-K to twelfth grade, who participated in the Reflections program, an annual nationwide art competition offered through the PTA. Students were invited to submit art in one of six categories--visual arts, photography, video/film, dance choreography, musical composition, or literature--working within the theme for the year. This year’s theme was “I Will Change the World” and students from Jennings Elementary School, Stoy Elementary School, and Strawbridge Elementary School, Van Sciver Elementary School, and Rohrer Middle School entered work.

Entries were judged at the district-level by Jeff Larson and Steve Marrone (see Judges page to learn more about these amazing folks). Entries have the potential to advance to the county, state, and national levels.

This year, the Reflections Art Program was run digitally due to the need for social distancing. Please enjoy viewing the artwork in this virtual gallery, which we hope expands the audience for our student artists.