Workshop on
Here and There,
Now and Then
HTNT 2024

The workshop on Here and There, Now and Then (HTNT 2024) is a specialised forum on extensions of Equilibrium Logic and its monotonic basis, Here-and-There, for their application in Answer Set Programming, making a special focus on the different temporal extensions but considering other topics that are potentially related to temporal reasoning. The workshop combines formal and/or informal presentations to inform about the latest advancements on the topic, with round tables and discussions that will include brain storming and demos.

Venue: the workshop will take place at Hotel Sada Marina, in Sada, A Coruña (Spain).


Monday, July 22nd

09:45  Welcome

Session 1: Temporal Answer Set Programming I
10:00  Javier Romero, "Normal Temporal Equilibrium Logic"
10:30  Susana Hahn, "Metric Logic Programming"
11:00  François Olivier, "Temporal Here-and-There with Constraints"

11:30  Coffee break

12:00  Round Table: what next in Temporal ASP?

13:30  Lunch break & Siesta (and/or beach)

Session 2: Explanation, Verification and Interaction
16:00  Yuliya Lierler, "Verification of Refactoring in Answer Set Programming"
16:30  Müge Fidan, "Explanations for Stable Roommate Problem"
17:00  Susana Hahn, "Clinguin demo"

17:30  Coffee break

18:00  Round table: What next in verification, explanation and interaction?

Tuesday, July 23rd

Session 3: Functions and Constraints I

10:00  Torsten Schaub, "Survey of research project goals"
10:30  Philipp Wanko and Javier Romero, "The fclingo system: implementation and meta encoding"
11:00  Nicholas Rühling, "Aggregate Translations and fclingo encodings for configuration"

11:30  Coffee break

Session 3: Functions and Constraints II

12:00  Round table: What next in Functions, HTc and HTLB?

13:30  Lunch break & Siesta (and/or beach)

16:00  Afternoon excursion or sport activity

Wednesday, July 24th

09:45  Welcome

Session 4: Quantified Equilibrium Logic

10:00  David Pearce, "Quantified Equilibrium Logic and Datalog rules"
10:45  Jorge Fandinno, "Aggregates in Quantified Equilibrium Logic"
11:15  Jorge Fandinno, "Answer Set Programming for Quantitative Information (NSF career award)"

11:30  Coffee break

Session 5: Epistemic Reasoning and Quantification
12:00  Javier Romero, "Quantified ASP"
12:30  Jorge Fandinno, "New results on eclingo"
13:00  Pedro Cabalar, "Probabilistic Epistemic ASP"

13:30  Lunch break & Siesta (and/or beach)

16:00  Round table: What next in epistemic reasoning?

17:30  Coffee break

18:00  Collection of main results and wrap up


Pedro Cabalar, University of A Coruña, Spain.
Brais Muñiz, University of A Coruña, Spain.