Tip: The formatter doesn't format the tags listed in the html.format.unformatted and html.format.contentUnformatted settings. Embedded JavaScript is formatted unless 'script' tags are excluded.

If you'd like to use HTML Emmet abbreviations with other languages, you can associate one of the Emmet modes (such as css, html) with other languages with the emmet.includeLanguages setting. The setting takes a language identifier and associates it with the language ID of an Emmet supported mode.

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You can extend VS Code's HTML support through a declarative custom data format. By setting html.customData to a list of JSON files following the custom data format, you can enhance VS Code's understanding of new HTML tags, attributes and attribute values. VS Code will then offer language support such as completion & hover information for the provided tags, attributes and attribute values.

Yes, but you will need a lot of tools to do so, unless the author or themaintainers of the bin/windows/contrib section on CRAN have beenkind enough to provide a binary version for Windows as a.zip file, or the package is a simple one involving no compiledcode (and binary versions are usually available for simplepackages).

You can install binary packages either from a repository such asCRAN or from a local .zip file by using install.packages:see its help page. There are menu items on the Packages menu toprovide a point-and-click interface to package installation. Thepackages for each minor (4.x.?) version will be stored in a separate area,so for R 4.3.? the files are in bin/windows/contrib/4.3.

For a small number of binary packages you need to install additionalsoftware and have its DLLs in your PATH. Windows will normallygive an informative message about a certain DLL not being found. See -project.org/bin/windows/contrib/4.3/ReadMe for alisting of some of these packages (notably RGtk2, cairoDevice,rggobi, rJava, rjags and some of the packages connecting to databases).

You have read the file README.R-4.3.2? There are file menus onthe R console, pager and graphics windows. You can source and save fromthose menus, and copy the graphics to png, jpeg,bmp, postscript, PDF or metafile. There areright-click menus giving shortcuts to menu items, and optionallytoolbars with buttons giving shortcuts to frequent operations.

The R console and graphics windows have configuration files stored inthe RHOME\etc directory called Rconsole and Rdevga;you can keep personal copies in your HOME directory. They containcomments which should suffice for you to edit them to yourpreferences. For more details see ?Rconsole.There is a GUI preferences editor invoked from the Edit menu whichcan be used to edit the file Rconsole.

The graphics system asks Windows for the number of pixels per inch inthe X and Y directions, and uses that to size graphics (which in R arein units of inches). Sometimes the answer is a complete invention, andin any case Windows will not know exactly how the horizontal andvertical size have been set on a monitor which allows them to beadjusted. You can specify correct values either in the call towindows or as options: see ?windows. (Typically these areof the order of 100.)

Most browsers prevent you from closing windows with javascript that were not opened with window.open(" _url.com") however, it is still possible to close the current window using the following command:

I have the same problem, the browser does not allow to close the tab, but I fixed it for me (12th of June 2021).The browserhistory must be 1 step (in chrome) to be able to use window.close(), if you open another window, then you have 2 steps, it will not work anymore. So I have to close and open new every window.If I add a onClick=windows.close event on every link and open this link in a new tab (target=_blank") the history stays at 1 step and it can always close the tab with windows.close().

Now, if you have made the proper Windows associations for the".pl" extension (an option in the ActivePerl installation), youcan run exiftool by typing "exiftool.pl" at the"cmd.exe" prompt. Otherwise you should type"perl c:\windows\exiftool.pl".

You'll need to close and re-open any command windows that were open before you made these changes, as there's no way to reload environment variables from an active command prompt. If the changes don't take effect after reopening the command window, restart Windows.

The package.html file is a typical HTML file and does not include a package declaration. The content of the package comment file is written in HTML with one exception. The documentation comment should not include the comment separators /** and */ or leading asterisks. When writing the comment, make the first sentence a summary about the package, and do not put a title or any other text between the tag and the first sentence. You can include package tags. All block tags must appear after the main description. If you add an @see tag in a package comment file, then it must have a fully qualified name.

Copies the comment for processing. For package.html, the javadoc command copies all content between the and HTML tags. You can include a section to put a tag, source file copyright statement, or other information, but none of these appear in the generated documentation.

Copies the first sentence of the package comment to the top of the package summary page. The javadoc command also adds the package name and this first sentence to the list of packages on the overview page. See Java Platform, Standard Edition API Specification Overview at


By default, the javadoc command uses a standard doclet that generates HTML-formatted documentation. The standard doclet generates basic content, cross-reference, and support pages described here. Each HTML page corresponds to a separate file. The javadoc command generates two types of files. The first type is named after classes and interfaces. The second type contain hyphens (such as package-summary.html) to prevent conflicts with the first type of file.

One package page (package-summary.html) for each package being documented. The javadoc command includes any HTML text provided in a file with the name package.html or package-info.java in the package directory of the source tree.

One overview page (overview-summary.html) for the entire set of packages. The overview page is the front page of the generated document. The javadoc command includes any HTML text provided in a file specified by the -overview option. The Overview page is created only when you pass two or more package names into the javadoc command. See HTML Frames and Options.

One class hierarchy page for each package (package-tree.html) To view the hierarchy page, go to a particular package, class, or interface page, and click Tree to display the hierarchy for that package.

One use page for each package (package-use.html) and a separate use page for each class and interface (class-use/classname.html). The use page describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors and fields use any part of the specified class, interface, or package. For example, given a class or interface A, its use page includes subclasses of A, fields declared as A, methods that return A, and methods and constructors with parameters of type A. To view the use page, go to the package, class, or interface and click the Use link in the navigation bar.

A serialized form page (serialized-form.html) that provides information about serializable and externalizable classes with field and method descriptions. The information on this page is of interest to reimplementors, and not to developers who want to use the API. To access the serialized form page, go to any serialized class and click Serialized Form in the See Also section of the class comment. The standard doclet generates a serialized form page that lists any class (public or non-public) that implements Serializable with its readObject and writeObject methods, the fields that are serialized, and the documentation comments from the @serial, @serialField, and @serialData tags. Public serializable classes can be excluded by marking them (or their package) with @serial exclude, and package-private serializable classes can be included by marking them (or their package) with an @serial include. As of Release 1.4, you can generate the complete serialized form for public and private classes by running the javadoc command without specifying the -private option. See Options.

An index page (index-*.html) of all class, interface, constructor, field and method names, in alphabetical order. The index page is internationalized for Unicode and can be generated as a single file or as a separate file for each starting character (such as AZ for English).

The javadoc command generates the minimum number of frames (two or three) necessary based on the values passed to the command. It omits the list of packages when you pass a single package name or source files that belong to a single package as an argument to the javadoc command. Instead, the javadoc command creates one frame in the left-hand column that displays the list of classes. When you pass two or more package names, the javadoc command creates a third frame that lists all packages and an overview page (overview-summary.html). To bypass frames, click the No Frames link or enter the page set from the overview-summary.html page.

Adds an Author entry with the specified name text to the generated documents when the -author option is used. A documentation comment can contain multiple @author tags. You can specify one name per @author tag or multiple names per tag. In the former case, the javadoc command inserts a comma (,) and space between names. In the latter case, the entire text is copied to the generated document without being parsed. Therefore, you can use multiple names per line if you want a localized name separator other than a comma. See @author in How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool at

 -resources/articles/java/javadoc-tool.html#@author e24fc04721

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