I want to make a website in urdu, I have googled it and found some unicode method, Now what my question is that how these unicodes are working or how can I extract these codes from the urdu sentences.

if you are using a modern text editor , like Brackets.io or Sublime, you can directly enter the urdu text in your code, provided that you are saving your html files with UTF-8 Encoding.

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In HTML the base direction is either (a) set explicitly by the nearest parent element that uses the dir attribute (which could be the html element), or, (b) in the absence of such an attribute, left-to-right (LTR).

Add dir="rtl" to the html tag any time the overall document direction is right-to-left (RTL). This sets the default base direction for the whole document. All block elements in the document will inherit this setting unless the direction is explicitly overridden.

While you are declaring the directionality of the document in the html tag, don't forget to also declare the language of the document using the lang attribute (see Declaring language in HTML). However, do not make the mistake of assuming that language declarations indicate directionality, or vice versa! Even if the language declaration has a script tag it won't affect the directionality of the text in the user agent. You must always declare the directionality using the dir attribute.

The text that appears in the title element at the top of an HTML file is often displayed in tab headings, bookmarks, etc. When so displayed, the browser should automatically apply the base direction that the title element had in the original document. For example, if the html tag declares the document direction to be RTL, the title element text should be displayed with a RTL base direction.

Having established the base direction at the html tag level, you may have no need to use the attribute for any block elements on the page, since the direction set at the start of the page percolates down to all block elements.

The dir attribute setting also affects the flow of columns in a table. The following picture shows a table in a right-to-left document (ie. the html tag includes dir="rtl"). The content of the table cells is right-aligned, the flow of content in each cell is right-to-left, and the columns also run right-to-left.

The campaign, ESET has discovered, leverages Hunza News (urdu.hunzanews[.]net), which, when opened on a mobile device, prompts visitors of the Urdu version to install its Android app directly hosted on the website.

Since our website is going to be bilingual, i.e. it will have both English and Urdu posts, we will add a CSS class .urdu to the content whenever the content is going to be in Urdu. Our custom font and any specific styling will also be mentioned in the .urdu CSS class and applied when needed.

Hello with Islamic tradition assalamu alaikum

i am a software programmer and i have accepted a challenge to make nastaliq font.i have a glyphs of nastaliq. some tell me how to add in to font.i know glyphs app sport arabic but arabic in naskh. urdu and Farsi is in nastaliq which have more than one medial glyph.

some one help me

Thank (Wslam)

If you have more than one glyph per position, how do you decide which you need? Probably there is some context defining that? This page explains all aspects of the Adobe Feature file that is used by glyphs to compile the features: _feature_file_syntax.html 2351a5e196

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