Privacy Policy

Hugo Tavares

Privacy Policy for Number Puzzle - Slide Puzzle

Effective Date: 06.08.2023

1. General Information

This application was developed by Hugo Tavares and is provided for entertainment purposes. This privacy policy describes how we treat data collected or accessed during the use of this application, including the use of AdMob for serving advertisements.

2. Data Collection

We clarify that this application does not collect personal information or identifiable data from users. We do not collect information such as name, email address, phone number, or any other personal information.

3. Usage Data

Although we do not collect personal data, anonymous and aggregated usage data may be collected for statistical purposes and to improve the application. These data do not allow the identification of individual users and are used only for performance analysis, bug detection, and app optimization.

4. AdMob

This app uses AdMob, a mobile advertising platform provided by Google LLC. AdMob may collect certain device-related data and serve personalized advertisements to users based on their interests and behavior.

4.1 Data Sharing with AdMob

To serve personalized ads, AdMob may collect and use certain data from users, including but not limited to:

- Device information, such as the device type, model, and operating system.

- IP address and mobile advertising identifiers, such as Advertising IDs (e.g., Google's Advertising ID) and/or Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA).

- App usage data, such as the frequency and duration of app usage.

Please note that this data is collected by AdMob and is subject to Google's Privacy Policy. We do not have access to, or control over, the information collected by AdMob for advertising purposes.

5. Opting Out of Personalized Ads

Users may have the option to opt-out of personalized advertisements served by AdMob. To learn how to do this, users can refer to their device settings or visit the Google Ads Settings page (

6. Children's Privacy

This app is intended for users of all ages. We do not knowingly collect personal information from minors. If we identify that a minor has provided personal information, we will promptly delete such information.

7. Security

The security of your data is a priority for us. While we do not collect personal data, we have implemented reasonable measures to protect the collected anonymous usage data. Access to this data is restricted to authorized members of the development team, solely for the purpose of enhancing the user experience.

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy from time to time if necessary. We recommend that you periodically review this policy to stay informed about how we protect your privacy.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or the use of the application, please contact us at