Beginner Researchers
How to use this section of the website
The aim of this section of the website is not to provide a comprehensive library of History Education Research literature for history teachers educators; attempting this would be an impossible task. Instead, it aims to provide various ‘ways in’ to the world of research literature for beginner researchers in history education regardless of context. In doing so, it starts to map the research landscape, flags up examples of sources and provides overviews of some of the key themes in History Education Research.
The History Education Research Journal (HERJ) is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the global significance and impact of history education. It covers all aspects of history education theory, practice, scholarship, and pure and applied research. Articles address contemporary issues, concerns, policies and practice, drawing upon the full range of research methodologies relating to history education research.
The journal particularly welcomes papers that include attention to the implications for policy and practice that arise from theoretical and empirical work. Themes of interest include (but are not limited to) curriculum, teaching and teachers, academic progression, didactics, historical consciousness, the intersection between education and public history, community history, national and international perspectives, historical literacy, disciplinary history and the history of history education.
The journal aims to be the leading forum for dissemination of research related to all aspects of history education. It will be of primary interest to anyone involved in history education research and will offer many insights to history educators.
The Historical Association produces five main publications: The Historian, Teaching History (journal for secondary teachers), Primary History, History (the journal of the HA), and the History Education Research Journal (HERJ).
What is educational research?
Writing Literature Reviews
Data: The resources are broken into four key areas: data protection, data security, ethics, and the anonymisation and pseudonymisation of research data so that it might be shared for future use.
How to get published in academic journals