Elementary School Activities & Videos


COVID-19 Time Capsule Activity Workbook

Coronavirus a Social Story

A Kids Book About COVID-19

Caring Connections Calendar

Shubert & Sophie Stay Home

Ms. Chelsea's Social/Emotional Videos!

Read Aloud: What Does It Mean To Be Present

Helpful Parent Strategies for Sibling Fighting

How to Practice Self-Compassion

Mindfulness and Play

Brain Breaks & Active Calming Workbook

Breathing Choices Spinner

Guided Meditation Scripts

Yoga Classes for Children

More Online Video Lessons

Paying Attention: Help children be fully alert and present in the moment

I Messages: Help children effectively communicate their feelings

Feelings: Emotions are a natural part of the human experience

Perspectives: The world may look much different when we put ourselves in another's shoes

Worries: Help children understand a feeling that is likely to be common during the pandemic

Paraphrasing: Help children listen to understand rather than listen to respond

Happiness: What brings us you?

HEARS Method: Help children show empathy and active listening skills

Getting Started: Help children understand the importance of taking initiative

Anger: The human emotion that we must all learn to manage

Triggers: Help children understand the factors that contribute to their emotions

Expressing Your Feelings: Help children make positive choices when they experience various emotions

Consequences: Help children engage in thoughtful behaviors

Deep Breathing: A healthy coping tool for children in times of stress

Calming Down: Help children learn emotional regulation strategies

Lessons for Social/Emotional Learning

Responsible Decision Making: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, & Lesson 3: Encourage children to make positive and healthy choices

Relationship Skills: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, & Lesson 3: Promote healthy interpersonal behaviors

Self-Management: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, & Lesson 3: Help children control their thoughts, behaviors, and stress

Social Awareness: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, & Lesson 3: Help children understand the social world around them

Self-Awareness & Strengths: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, & Lesson 3: Help children appreciate their unique talents

Self-Management: Help children find a greater sense of agency