Hyunsik Yoo

Ph.D. student in Computer Science  at IL, UIUC

Contact: hy40_[at]_illinois.edu


Curriculum Vitae

Google Scholar 



I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where I am advised by Prof. Hanghang Tong. I received my M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Hanyang University, where I was advised by Prof. Sang-Wook Kim.

My research explores data mining and machine learning, specializing in graph (network) data learning. I aim to use insights from networks or temporal features to enhance real-world applications, with a current emphasis on ensuring algorithmic fairness and robustness in graph mining/recommender systems. I am also interested in continual learning and temporal aspects.



[1] Class-Imbalanced Graph Learning without Class Rebalancing

Zhining Liu, Ruizhong Qiu, Zhichen Zeng, Hyunsik Yoo, David Zhou, Zhe Xu, Yada Zhu, Kommy Weldemariam, Jingrui He, Hanghang Tong 

ICML 2024

[2] Ensuring User-side Fairness in Dynamic Recommender Systems

 Hyunsik Yoo, Zhichen Zeng, Jian Kang, Ruizhong Qiu, David Zhou, Zhining Liu, Fei Wang, Charlie Xu, Eunice Chan, and Hanghang Tong [paper]

ACM WWW 2024 | Oral presentation

[3] Disentangling Degree-related Biases and Interest for Out-of-Distribution Generalized Directed Network Embedding [paper | code]

 Hyunsik Yoo, Yeon-Chang Lee, Kijung Shin, and Sang-Wook Kim 

 ACM WWW 2023 

[4] Directed Network Embedding with Virtual Negative Edges [paper | project page | code

 Hyunsik Yoo*, Yeon-Chang Lee*, Kijung Shin, and Sang-Wook Kim

 ACM WSDM 2022 


Ph.D. in Computer Science, Aug. 2022 - Present

Advisor: Prof. Hanghang Tong

M.S. in Computer Science, Mar. 2020 - Feb. 2022

Advisor: Prof. Sang-Wook Kim 

B.S. in Computer Science & Engineering, Mar. 2013 - Feb. 2020

(Period includes 21 months of military service in Republic of Korea Army)


Applied Scientist Intern, May. 2024 - Aug. 2024

Mentors: Dr. Zhen Wen & Dr. Charlie Xu

Research Intern, Sept. 2018 - Dec. 2018

Mentors: Dr. BooJoong Kang 

Honors & Awards


UIUC. CS412 Introduction to Data Mining, Fall 2023

Hanyang Univ. Python training for high school students (student volunteer), Spring 2019