The Group

Chieh Hsu

Chieh did his BSc studies in National Taiwan University in 2002. He continued his postgraduate studies in the Molecular Biology Program, University of Goettingen, Germany, and received an MSc in Biochemistry mentored by Dr Jobst Landgrebe (2004-2006). He developed a strong interest in cell biology and contributed to the early findings in exosome biogenesis during his PhD curriculum in Prof Mikael Simons' lab at the Max-Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine (2006-2010). Later he broadened his research interest into molecular systems biology. He joined Prof Attila Becskei's group in University of Zurich (2010-2011) and University of Basel (Biozentrum, 2011-2015), Switzerland and was awarded the long-term fellowship from Human Frontier Science Program (2011-2014) to study system stability, cellular memory, and stochastic/deterministic factors in transcriptional auto-regulatory circuits.

Chieh joined School of Biosciences as the Eastern ARC Research Fellow in synthetic biology in March 2015.

ORCID | Google Scholar Citations | Twitter @chieh_

CV 201709 short.pdf

PhD Student

Rukmini Jonnalagadda

Ruk joined the group in 2015 as the PhD student funded by the Industrial Biotechnology Centre (formerly known as Centre for Molecular Processing)