Homeless Storage Neighborhood Advisory Committee

This Committee is comprised of community members in San Diego - including Residents, Business Owners, Home & Property Owners, Ministers, School Parents, School Principals, Volunteers and Community Advocates – who will assist in keeping our Communities Safe

MISSION: Gathering Party to ensure effective communication between the community

and the storage connect facility (116 S 20th St SD 92113)

www.facebook.com/HSNACommittee | HSNACommittee@gmail.com

Our communities need to be respected and given the same guidelines as other future storage sites have been given. Per the Housing Authority any new storage location cannot be by schools or homes. What the HOUSING AUTHORITY SAYS (except for Monica Montgomery & Vivian Moreno) to our communities is that it is legal to discriminate

Our district has been housing a storage that does not meet the parameters established for storage sites

We need to close the storage on 20th and Commercial and have D8

follow the safety guidelines all other Districts in San Diego will have


UPDATE on approval of HAR16-004 (Storage Connect year extension) done on 3/12/19 by CITY COUNCIL

The item went through only opposing Housing Authority where council representaives for D4 & D8.

Council president @ Georgette Gomez amended the motion: She put a cap on 500 bins on the current site and made the point that the mayors office had to set forth the next storage outreach plan for the site with Community involvement for D9 by June 2019 (3 months) and these UPDATE meetings must have minutes for the councils to be aware of the residents comments.

Council Members video on the motion

3/20/19 City Beat Article on Year Extension

"We continue to work with the city and it's representatives on this issue so that OTHER council members, as promised, identify possible space in other communities in San Diego for storage locations" HSNAC Member Pita Verdin

HOMELESS STORAGE CENTER on 20th & Commercial in Logan Heights

"To have this environment was a critical missing link and my pledge was that this was going to be a benefit to the neighborhood and help clean up things around it," Faulconer said.

Report By Ashley Jacobs 9/10/18


(Related to Homeless Storage on 20th & Commercial)

9/9/20 Wednesday 6-7 pm | TRANSITIONAL STORAGE FACILITY UPDATE MEETING | By Mayor's Representatives, Mental Heath Services Staff & San Diego Housing Commission| via CONFERENCE CALL 619-736-6325 652 315 685# | 610.736.6325

2020 Future (tentative) Meeting Dates: 10/14


NO INFO Thursday 6:00-7 pm | CAPTAINS ADVISORY MEETING | 2501 Imperial Avenue San Diego 92102 (25th & Imperial)

Community members, residents, and business owners are welcome to attend and discuss concerns about the quality of life violations in your community with the Central Division Command Staff

Central Division Community Meetings


TBD Tuesday 5:00 pm | NAVIGATION CENTER MEETING | 1401 Imperial Avenue, San Diego CA 92101| (619) 906-5320 | Click for website Future meetings:

The Housing Navigation Center assists those who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of homelessness, by identifying immediate and long-term housing solutions, providing crisis management, accessing benefits that are important to housing stability, case management and housing navigation, and providing on-site access and referrals to medical, mental health and substance use disorder services.

San Diego Housing Commission STATISTICS


(See Member Bios tab)

Ashley Laurance

Caridad Sanchez

Connie Zuñiga

Daniel Roman

David Gonzalez

Gloria Andrade

Ildifonso Carrillo

James Lawrence

James Justus

Janmari Hueso

Lannon Turowski

Luz Palomino

Melodie Dick

Peter Schrock

Pita Verdin

Tomas Perez


Very simple. It's called equal distribution.

The problem of homelessness will not be solved until the state opens mental facilities. The homeless need on site, long-term treatment for their addictions Nothing else is going to work.

Connie Zuniga


Anthony Terrell (Minister LH) | Brittany Wiczek (Business owner LH) | Candelaria Gomez (Memorial Resident) | Christian Ramirez | Esteban Bahena | Fernando Hernandez (Perkins Elementary Principal | Laura Garvin | Lidio Hernandez | Maria Luna | Marissa Cassani | Marsha Lyon (Say San Diego) | Martha Zapata | Marco Verdin | Myron Taylor | Nicole Enriquez (Sherman Elementary Principal) | Noel Bishop (Our Lady's Principal) | Norma Valdot | Paul Sweeney| Sandra Wilner | Silvia Leon-Palomino | Susan Sweeney (Property Owner LH) | Vince Noto (CCDRC & SH Resident)

Thank you


We appreciate the San Diego Police Department, City representatives, Mental Health Systems, the San Diego Housing Commission and Environmental Health Services for attending these update meetings for the residents, community advocates and business representatives that are in the area near the Homeless Storage Facility. We continue to work on addressing the issues associated with the storage and appreciate the help we have received.

We are grateful to our neighbors who continue to attend the community update meetings. You have helped us make these meetings as informative to the representatives as they have been to all of us. Working together is the best way.

Appreciamos el apoyo del Departamento de Policia, los representantes de la Ciudad y de Mental Health Systems, la Comision de vivienda de San Diego y Environmental Health Services por atender estas juntas y mantener a los residentes, los representantes de negocios y a el publico informados sobre el almacenamiento. Continuamos trabajando y haciendo saber los problemas que ocurren a consecuencia del almacanamiento y apreciamos toda la ayuda recibida.

Gracias a todos los vecinos que acuden a las juntas comunitarias, nos han ayudado a mantener a todos informados de los hechos que ocurren. Trabajando juntos es la mejor manera.