About me
I am an assistant professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), interested in tactile sensing and perception technologies, particularly combining sensory design and intelligence.
We aim to create artificial tactile systems that can effectively sense multi-modal contact stimuli and infer contact information.
This research will enable autonomous systems to recognize physical contacts and take advantage of their body's surface for manipulation, motion planning, and nonverbal communication.
-Hyosang Lee
Assistant Professor within Robotics Section (RBT) at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands [RBT]
Cyber Valley Research Group Leader in the Institute of Smart Sensors at University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany [CyberValley IIS]
Postdoctoral Researcher & Research Scientist in Haptic Intelligence (HI) Department at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany [HI]
Ph.D. in Mechanical engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),Daejeon, South Korea
PhD position
PhD Project for Mechanical Contact Information Processing of Soft and Large-area Robot Skin [Apply]
For TU/e Students - If you are interested, please contact me for the details
ME Master Thesis Project for Dynamic Contact Estimation from Multichannel Contact Sensors
ME Bachelor Project for Soft Skin Characterization Experiments
OCT 29 - Invited seminar @KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
MAY 10 - I joined Eindhoven University of Technology and begin a new position.
FEB 08 - A US-Patent about simultaneously contact and lateral strain sensing is filed. [link]
JAN 08 - New paper of Alberto is published from collaboration with IMS Chips [DOI]
NOV 01 - New PostDoc, Dr. Nitheesh joined my team. His research aims to create a functional, 3D printable sensing material.
SEP 20 - Guillem presented his work of cross-modal attention at Human Friendly Robotics Workshop [link]
SEP 01 - New PhD student, Yasmeena joined my team. Her research is to develop multiphysics simulation model of the tactile sensors.
AUG 15 - New PhD student, Alberto joined my team. He is interested in sensory-motor loop for contact cases.
AUG 01- Open PhD and Postdoc positions! [Check here]
JUL 10- Invited speaker to the IEEE International Conference on Flexible, Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2023) [link]
FEB 28 - Invited to the Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics as a guest editor. [Call for Papers]
JAN 15 - New PhD student, Guillem joined my team! He will study about utilizing tactile information in robot manipulation scenarios.
NOV 08 - Visiting Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) for a talk [link]
NOV 01 - Master student, Akshay joined my team.
OCT 23 - Invited talk at the IROS workshop on Large-scale Robotic Skin [link]
JUL 21 - Participating and giving a lightning talk at the kick-off event of the ELLIS stutgart unit [link]
JUL 14 - Interview with German Orthopedics magazine ORTHOPÄDIE TECHNIK [link]
JUL 12 - Visiting my research fund sponsor, the Christian Bürkert Stiftung [link]
JUN 15 - Invited to the lightning talk at the Materials Innovation Workshop [info]
JUN 08 - New paper from the collaborative project about the hydrogel-based tactile skin is published at Science Robotics. [DOI]
APR 28 - Invited lecture at the AI Colloquium of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) , South Korea [zoom link]
APR 19 - New paper from the collaborative project about the practical social-touch perception system is published. [Open access DOI, Data]
APR 12 - Invited lecture at the Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering [link]
APR 01 - Master student, Keshav joined our team for his research thesis!
MAR 18 - New paper about predicting the force map using simulation and deep learning is published. [Open access DOI, Data]
OCT 28 - Application deadline of the IMPRS Ph.D. program is coming soon! I am recruiting two IMPRS Ph.D. Students this year, so go ahead and apply now. (Link)
OCT 08 - I join the University of Stuttgart as a Cyber Valley Research Group Leader. [Cyber Valley, University of Stuttgart]
SEP 21 - Invited talk at the Brown Bag Brunch Seminar of the Matters of Activity [link]
JUN 24 - New paper about the ERT tactile sensor is accepted! [link]
APR 28 - Invited talk at the Cyber Valley colloquium [Information] [Webex link]
MAR 25 - Collaborated research paper about adaptive measurement for ERT sensor is accepted. [link]
DEC 12 - Collaborated research paper about a touch-perceiving robot for children with autism is published. [link]
JUN 01 - Participating in virtual conference of ICRA 2020. One co-authored paper is nominated to the best student paper awards.