
Work Experience

Senior Research Fellow Dec. 2012 –

Research Institute of Insurance

Samsung Life Insurance, Seoul, South Korea

Social and welfare policy and trend analysis; insurance products and service development

머니in라이프 편집위원

Researcher May 2011 – Nov. 2012

Nutrition Policy & Promotion Team

Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Osong, South Korea

Proposed and developed nutrition policies in Korea; the action plan for national nutrition care / management in Korea, total diet study, sodium reduction program/policy implementation

Developed Diet-related Health Risk appraisal tool based on the representative data for Korean population

Graduate Research Assistant Jun. 2007 – Apr. 2011

Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences

College of Human Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA

Participated in the research regarding weight loss and bone health with calcium intake of Caucasian postmenopausal women

Coordinating with participants’ visits for the research, collecting data

Analyzing urine and blood samples of participants using ELISA method

Entering data and analyzing dietary records using Food Processor®

Researcher Jul. 2005 – Jul. 2006

Research Department, Primary Healthcare Quality Assessment Team

건강보험심사평가원 Health Insurance Review Agency

Department of Health and Welfare, Seoul, South Korea

Developing pay for performance (value purchasing) program for chronic diseases in health care reimbursement system in South Korea

Conducting literature reviews about long term care policies of OECD countries

Coordinated business trip with senior researchers and visited Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, IPRO in the United States as a project manager and an interpreter

Academic Teaching

Instructor, Dankook University, Wonkwang University Fall 2011 – Dec. 2012

  • Taught graduate level nutrition /public health related classes for master's and doctoral students.

Instructor, Florida State University Summer, 2008, Fall 2010, Spring 2011

  • HUN1201 Science of Nutrition: Taught undergraduate level nutrition class (HUN1201) and managed 80 students.
  • AMS 1363 First Year Experience: Taught the freshmen students regarding academic success, health and safety, student involvement, values and leadership, and knowledge of campus resources.