HSEAS Lab Members

Our lab seeks to develop the next-generation of engineers to transform healthcare systems. Our research students gain experience in how to conduct research projects, working with healthcare industry partners, collecting naturalistic data in healthcare settings, and working together to disseminate results into publications and technology + scientific policy.

Dr. Katie Jurewicz



Matthew Nare, MS

PhD Student IEM


Jimmy Uba, BS

PhD Student IEM


Ainsley Kyle, BS

PhD Student IEM


Ricky Cook, BS

PhD Student IEM


Melissa Mata

BS Student IEM


HSEAS Lab Alumni

Sam Koscelny, BS

MS Student

Clemson University


Kylie Dowers, BS

Healthcare Systems Engineer

MD Anderson Cancer Center


Join the team! We are actively seeking undergraduate and graduate students interested in joining the HSEAS Lab.

Undergraduate students do not need to be industrial engineering and management (IEM) majors and can come from a variety of backgrounds: healthcare, pre-med, computer science, mechanical engineering, etc.

Graduate student recruitment is currently for MS IEM students and prospective PhD students in IEM.

Prospective students should email Dr. Jurewicz with their CV and research interests as they relate to the HSEAS Lab.