

Calia G, Cestaro A, Schuler H, Janik K, Donati C, Moser M, Bottini S Definition of the effector landscape across 13 Phytoplasma proteomes with LEAPH and EffectorComb, preprint [link]

Calia G, Zotta Mota AP, Seynabou-Fall M, Nguyen HT, Bhat A, Schuler H, Gwizdek C, Miranda Brasileiro AC, Messenberg Guimaraes P, Bottini S Disentangling plant response to biotic and abiotic stress using HIVE, a novel tool to perform unpaired multi-omics integration [link]

Bottini S, Calia G, Porracciolo P, Chen Y, Kozlowski D, Schuler H, Cestaro A, Quentin M, Favery B, Danchin E Identification and characterization of specific motifs in effector proteins of plant parasites using MOnSTER [link]


Moussa A, Nones S, Vannucchi PE, Shahzad GR, Dittmer J, Corretto E, Schebeck M, Faccoli M, Battisti A, Stauffer C, Schuler H 2024 The bacterial community of the European spruce bark beetle in space and time. Entomologia Generalis, [link]

Papek E, Fuchs R, Bertheau C, Battisti A, Faccoli M, Schuler H, Stauffer C, Schebeck M 2024 Pleistocene events and ongoing population outbreaks affect the genetic structure of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle Ips typographus in the Southern Alps and the Apennines. Bulletin of Insectology, 77, 1, 7-15,  [link]


Dittmer J, Corretto E, Štarhová-Serbina L, Michalik A, Nováková E, Schuler H Division of labor within psyllids: metagenomics reveals an ancient dual endosymbiosis with metabolic complementarity in the genus Cacopsylla, mSystems, [link].

Corretto, Trenti M, Štarhová Serbina L, Howie JM, Dittmer J, Kerschbamer C, Candian V, Tedeschi R, Janik K, Schuler H 2023 Multiple factors driving the acquisition efficiency of apple proliferation phytoplasma in Cacopsylla melanoneura, Journal of Pest Sciences, [link].

Štarhová Serbina L, Corretto E, Enciso Garcia JS, Berta M, Giovanelli T, Dittmer J, Schuler H 2023 Seasonal wild dance of dual endosymbionts in the pear psyllid Cacopsylla pyricola (Hemiptera: Psylloidea), Scientific Reports, 13, 16038 [link]

Schuler H, Witkowski R, van de Vossenberg B, Hoppe B, Mittelbach M, Bukovinszki T, Schwembacher S, van de Meulengraad B, Lange U, Rode S, Andriolo A, Bełka M, Mazur A, Battisti A 2023 Recent invasion and partial eradication of Euwallacea fornicatus from two tropical greenhouses in Europe, Biological Invasions [link].


Starhová Serbina L, Gajski D, Pafčo B, Zurek L, Malenovský I, Nováková E, Schuler H*, Dittmer J* 2022 Microbiome of pear psyllids: a tale about sister species sharing their endosymbionts, Environmental Microbiology [link] *equally contributing last authors 

Štarhová Serbina L, Gajski D, Malenovský I, Pekar S, Schuler H*, Dittmer J* 2022 Wolbachia infection dynamics in a natural population of the pear psyllid Cacopsylla pyri (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) across its seasonal generations, Scientific reports, 12:16502 [link] *equally contributing last authors 

Calvert MB, Doellman MM, Feder JL, Hood GR, Meyers P, Egan SP, Powell THQ, Glover MM, Tait C, Schuler H, Berlocher SH, Smit JJ, Nosil P, Hahn D, Ragland GJ 2022 Genomically correlated trait combinations and antagonistic selection contributing to counterintuitive genetic patterns of adaptive diapause divergence in Rhagoletis flies, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35(1):146-163 [link].

Bruzzese DJ*, Schuler H*, Wolfe T, Glover MM, Mastroni J, Doellman MM, Tait C, Yee W, Rull J, Aluja M, Hood GR, Goughnour R, Stauffer C, Nosil P, Feder JL 2022 Testing the potential contribution of Wolbachia to speciation when cytoplasmic incompatibility becomes associated with host-related reproductive isolation, Molecular Ecology, 31(10), 2935-2950. [link] *equally contributing first authors.

Wolfe TM, Hembach S, Petrašiūnas A, Juzėnas S, Stauffer C, Feder JL, Schuler H 2022 First report of the American eastern cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cingulata (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Lithuania. BioInvasions records 11, 1-7 [link].


Wolfe TM, Bruzzese DJ, Klasson L, Corretto E, Lečić S, Stauffer C, Feder JL, Schuler H Comparative genome sequencing reveals insights into the dynamics of Wolbachia in native and invasive cherry fruit flies, Molecular Ecology, Special Issue: The use of whole-genome sequences in Molecular Ecology [link].

Schuler H, Elsler D, Fischnaller S 2021 Population genetics of the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys in the early phase of invasion in South Tyrol (Northern Italy), Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1-8 [link].

Schuler H, Unterholzner S 2021 Grüne Gentechnik / Ingegneria genetica green, In: Tappeiner U, Marsoner T, Niedrist G (Hrsg.) Landwirtschaftsreport zur Nachhaltigkeit Südtirol. Bozen, Italien: Eurac Research / Rapporto sulla sostenibilità dell’agricoltura - Alto Adige Bolzano, Italia: Eurac Research [link].


Barthel D, Schuler H, Galli J, Borruso L, Geier J, Heer K, Burckhardt D, Janik K 2020 Identification of plant DNA in adults of the phytoplasma vector Cacopsylla picta helps understanding its feeding behavior, Insects, 11, 835 [link].

Doellman MM, Saint Jean G, Egan SP, Powell THQ, Hood GR, Schuler H, Bruzzese DJ, Glover MM, Smith JJ, Yee WL, Goughnour R, Rull J, Aluja M, Nosil P, Feder JL 2020 Evidence for spatial clines and mixed geographic modes of speciation for North American cherry-infesting Rhagoletis flies. Ecology and Evolution, 10, 12727-12744 [link]

Bakovic V, Schebeck M, Stauffer C, Schuler H Wolbachia-mitochondrial DNA associations in transitional populations of Rhagoletis cerasi, Insects, 11(10), 675 [link]

Oppedisano T, Angeli G, Baldessari M, Barthel D, Dallago G, Fischnaller S, Ioriatti C, Mazzoni V, Mittelberger C, Öttl S, Panassiti B, Pedrazzoli F, Rota-Stabelli O, Schuler H, Tedeschi R, Weil T, Anfora G. 2020 Chapter 3 – Insect vectors, In: Janik K., Barthel D., Oppedisano T., Anfora G. (editors) Apple proliferation. A joint review. Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all'Adige (TN) / Laimburg Research Centre, Ora (BZ), ISBN 9788878430549.

Schuler H, Doellmann MM, Lopez JA, Hood GR, Egan SP, Feder JL Target-enriched endosymbiont sequencing (TEEseq): A new high-throughput sequencing approach applied to the comprehensive characterization of endosymbionts. In: Brown S, and Pfrender ME (eds.). Insect Genomics, Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer-Nature, New York. 1858, pp. 195-212 [link].

Schebeck M, Krumböck S, Schuler H, Stauffer C Are bacterial endosymbionts reproductive manipulators in the bark beetle Ips acuminatus? Proceedings of the German Society for General and Applied Entomology, 22, 199-201 [link].


Bakovic V, Schuler H, Schebeck M, Feder JL, Stauffer C, Ragland GJ 2019 Host plant-related genomic differentiation in the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi, Molecular Ecology, 28, 4648–4666 [link].

Doellman MM, Schuler H, Saint Jean G, Hood GR, Egan SP, Powell THQ, Glover MM, Bruzzese DJ, Smith JJ, Yee WL, Goughnour RB, Rull J, Aluja M, Feder JL 2019 Geographic and Ecological Dimensions of host plant-associated genetic differentiation and speciation in the Rhagoletis cingulata (Diptera: Tephritidae) sibling species group, Insects,10(9), 275 [link].

Schebeck M, Feldkirchner L, Stauffer C, Schuler H Dynamics of an ongoing Wolbachia spread in the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae), Insects, 10(6), 172 [link].

Schebeck M, Schuler H, Einramhof B, Avtzis DN, Dowle EJ, Faccoli M, Battisti A, Ragland GJ, Stauffer C, Bertheau C The Apennines as cryptic Pleistocene refugium of the bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 127, 24–33 [link]. 


Schuler H, Egan SP, Hood GR, Busbee RW, Driscoe AL, Ott JR Diversity and distribution of Wolbachia in relation to geography, host plant affiliation and life cycle of a heterogonic gall wasp, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18:37 [link].

Bakovic V, Schebeck M, Telschow A, Stauffer C*, Schuler H* Spatial spread of Wolbachia in Rhagoletis cerasi populations, Biology Letters, 14(5): 20180161 [link].                             *equally contributing last authors.

Doellman MM, Ragland GJ, Hood GR, Meyers PJ, Egan SP, Powell THQ, Lazorchak P, Glover MM, Tait C, Schuler H, Hahn DA, Berlocher SH, Smith JJ, Nosil P, Feder JL Genomic differentiation during speciation-with-gene-flow: Comparing geographic and host-related variation in divergent life history adaptation in Rhagoletis pomonella, Genes, 9:5, 262 [link].

Schebeck M, Dowle EJ, Schuler H, Avtzis DN, Bertheau C, Feder JL, Ragland GJ, Stauffer C Pleistocene climate cycling and host plant association shaped the demographic history of the bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus, Scientific Reports, 8:14207 [link] .

Schebeck M, Feldkirchner L, Marín B, Krumböck S, Schuler H*, Stauffer C* Reproductive manipulators in the bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) – The role of Cardinium, Rickettsia, Spiroplasma, and Wolbachia, Journal of Insect Science, 18(3):4 [link].    *equally contributing last authors.

Bakovic V, Stauffer C, Schuler H Allochronic isolation as a potential factor for prezygotic isolation in Rhagoletis cerasi (L.), Proceedings of the German Society for General and Applied Entomology, 21, 67-70 [link].

St. Jean G, Hood GR, Egan SP, Powell THQ, Schuler H, Doellman MM, Glover M, Smith JJ, Yee W, Goughnour RB, Thistlewood HMA, Maxwell SA, Keyghobadi N, Rull J, Aluja M, Feder JL Limited genetic evidence for host plant-related differentiation in the Western Cherry Fruit Fly Rhagoletis indifferens (Diptera: Tephritidae), Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 166,739-751 [link].


Feder JL, Hood GR, Doellman MM, Schuler H, Miller A, Tait C, Glover MM, Meyers P. Speciation, Process of. In: Reference Module in Life Sciences (ed. B. Roitberg). Elsevier Press [link].


Schuler H, Köppler K, Daxböck-Horvath S, Rasool B, Krumböck S, Schwarz D, Hoffmeister TS Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Stauffer C, Arthofer W, Riegler M The hitchhiker's guide through Germany - The selective sweep of a mitochondrial haplotype of Rhagoletis cerasi with its invading Wolbachia strain. Molecular Ecology, 25, 1595–1609 [pdf|.

Schuler H, Kern P, Arthofer W, Vogt H, Fischer M, Stauffer C, Riegler M Wolbachia in parasitoids attacking native European and introduced eastern cherry fruit flies in Europe, Environmental Entomology, 45, 1424–1431 [pdf].

Schuler H, Hood GR, Egan SP, Feder JF Modes and Mechanisms of speciation. In: Reviews in Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine (ed. R. Meyers), Wiley [link].

Kawasaki Y, Schuler H, Stauffer C, Lakatos F, Kajimura H Wolbachia endosymbionts in haplodiploid and diploid scolytine beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Environmental Microbiology Reports, 8, 680–688 [pdf].


Tadeo E, Feder JL, Egan SP, Schuler H, Aluja M, Rull J Divergence and evolution of reproductive barriers among three allopatric populations of Rhagoletis cingulata across eastern North America and México, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 156, 301–311 [pdf].


Schuler H, Bertheau C, Egan SP, Feder JL, Riegler M, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Johannesen J, Kern P, Tuba K, Lakatos F, Köppler K, Arthofer W, Stauffer C 2013 Evidence for a recent horizontal transmission and spatial spread of Wolbachia from endemic Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae) to invasive Rhagoletis cingulata in Europe. Molecular Ecology, 22, 4101–4111 [pdf].

Bertheau C, Schuler H, Arthofer W, Avtzis DN, Meyer F, Krumböck S, Moodley Y, Stauffer C 2013 Divergent evolutionary histories of two sympatric spruce bark beetle species. Molecular Ecology, 22, 3318–3332 [pdf].

Johannesen J, Keyghobadi N, Schuler H, Stauffer C, Vogt H 2013 Invasion genetics of American cherry fruit fly in Europe and signals of hybridization with the European cherry fruit fly. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 147, 61-72 [pdf].



Tuba K, Schuler H, Stauffer C, Lakatos F 2012 First found of the walnut husk fly, Rhagoletis completa (Cresson 1929) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in Hungary. Növènyvèdelem, 48, 419-424 [pdf].

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Krumböck S, Bertheau C, Stauffer C 2012 Wolbachia Infection in the Walnut-Husk Fly Rhagoletis completa (Diptera: Tephritidae). Proceedings of the German Society for General and Applied Entomology, 18, 243-245 [pdf].



Arthofer W, Riegler M, Schuler H, Schneider D, Moder K, Miller WJ, Stauffer C 2011 Allele Intersection Analysis: a novel tool for multi locus sequence assignment in multiply infected hosts. PLoS one, 6, e22198 [pdf].

Bertheau C, Schuler H, Krumböck S, Arthofer W, Stauffer C 2011 Hit or miss in phylogeographic analyses: the case of the cryptic NUMTs. Molecular Ecology Resources, 11, 1056-1059 [pdf].

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Riegler M, Krumböck S, Köppler K, Vogt H, Teixeira LAF, Stauffer C 2011 Multiple Wolbachia infections in Rhagoletis pomonella. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 139, 138-144 [pdf].



Arthofer W, Krumböck S, Schuler H, Rasool B, Riegler M, Köppler K, Stauffer C 2009 Thirteen new microsatellite loci in the Wolbachia field model species Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae). Molecular Ecology Resources, 18, 3816-3839 [pdf].

Schuler H, Arthofer W, Krumböck S, Köppler K, Vogt H, Teixeira LAF, Riegler M, Stauffer C 2009 The bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia in the invasive cherry pest Rhagoletis cingulata (Diptera, Tephritidae). Proceedings of the German Society for General and Applied Entomology, 17, 99-101 [pdf].