Call for abstracts

Abstracts describing recent, current/ongoing work at any level are invited. Young researchers and students at an early stage are highly encouraged to submit.

Submitters may choose between:


Submitted contributions should address novel bioinformatics methods, algorithms, databases, tools and applications for research and development in one or more of the following domains:

This list is not meant to be exclusive of any further topics as stated above.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse contributions that are not up to the required scientific standards of the conference.

Type of contributions

Submissions are limited to 1 to 2 page abstracts and will be assigned to one of the conference topics above. The following contributions are sought

For each abstract, the submitting author should indicate whether it should be considered for an oral presentation, otherwise the Scientific Committee will consider it as a "poster submission" only.

The abstract proceedings will be available before the beginning of the conference in open access electronic form.

Detailed instructions can be found at the Instruction to Authors section.