2nd HSC Medium-band Filter Workshop

November 27-28, 2024

Nagoya University,  Japan

Goal of the Workshop

The conference aims to explore and discuss critical scientific proposals and initiatives within the astronomical community, focusing on leveraging the Subaru Telescope's capabilities to advance our understanding of the Universe. One of the key highlights is the first Subaru intensive proposal, which utilizes the four bluest medium band filters on HSC. This proposal primarily targets conducting a Lyman Break Galaxy (LBG) / Lyman Alpha Emitter (LAE) survey, a vital tool for studying the early universe and galaxy formation. However, it also remains open to other scientific cases, offering flexibility and broader applicability to various research endeavours.

Additionally, the second Subaru intensive proposal will be discussed, which utilizes all 16 medium bands available on the Subaru Telescope. This proposal encompasses a wide range of general scientific cases and significantly contributes to the calibration of photometric redshifts. Such calibration is crucial for ongoing and upcoming deep imaging surveys, including Euclid, Roman, Rubin, as well as the JWST. By improving the accuracy of photometric redshifts, this proposal supports the precise measurement of cosmic distances and the study of the universe's expansion and structure.

The workshop aims to align and enhance the scientific interests of the community, fostering collaboration and sharing insights among researchers. A key focus is to initiate and refine the intensive proposal for the S25B semester, ensuring it meets the highest scientific standards and addresses the community's research needs. 


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Science Cases (click on the logos for details)

Filter Specification (Click on the figure for details)

Registration (in person or online participation)

Registration for the in-person participants and presentation 

will be closed on Oct. 18th 2024

(We still accept participation-only registration)

No registration fee

You can register here:

Confirmed Invited Speakers


Eiichi Egami (Arizona) | Taddy Kodama (Tohoku)

Koen Kuijken (Leiden) | Yen-Ting Lin (ASIAA)

David Schlegel (LBNL) | *Hironao Miyatake (Nagoya)

*Atsushi J. Nishizawa (Gifu Shotoku) 

*Federica Tarsitano (Geneva)

* cochair

International Leading Research "Comprehensive understanding  of the formation history of structures in the Universe" 

Kobayashi Maskawa Institute (KMI), Nagoya University


HSC MB workshop Program

List of Participants



Nagoya University, Higashiyama Campus, ES635 (6th floor of the ES building, C2-4 in the campus map)


International Leading Research, JSPS Grant No. JP22K21349 "Comprehensive Understanding of the formation history of structures in the Universe"