AGN across the sky:              new windows opened by HSC and other wide-field surveys 

Date: August 26-28, 2024

Venue:  Hokkaido Information University

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI)

We recommend arranging your accommodation as soon as possible because August is the tourist season.


One of the most critical issues in astronomy and astrophysics today is to understand when and how supermassive black holes (SMBHs) have formed and evolved across cosmic history. The Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) has been extremely powerful in this field, producing a variety of scientific results, from the host galaxies in the local universe to the most distant quasars.  Additionally, once wide-area imaging/spectroscopic observations with Subaru PFS, Euclid, Rubin/LSST, Roman, and TAO become available, AGN science can be anticipated to advance, e.g., from statistical properties and rare population search. The aim of this conference is to share what we have learned about the growth history of SMBHs through the HSC data (not only SSP but also open-use) and discuss strategies to advance the heritage toward the future. We invite all researchers who are leading or interested in AGN studies based on wide-field survey data to this conference. Any AGN sciences/proposal presentation with those facilities is welcome. 

OPEN REGISTRATION (deadline for oral/poster: July 31, for others: August 18)

OPEN TRAVEL SUPPORT (deadline: July 31)

This workshop is supported by the NAOJ research coordination committee

INVITED SPEAKERS (To be updated)



WiFi Service

 You can use eduroam in the conference site. In addition, we will issue temporary eduroam accounts. 


Code of Conduct


 yoshiki.toba (at)