Call for Papers

Note: Although the NIPS 2017 conference, tutorials, and workshops are sold out, an additional pool of workshop passes is reserved for authors of accepted workshop papers, both speakers and poster presenters. Authors are requested to specify their registration email addresses on submitted papers.


  • Submission deadline: Friday, November 3, 2017, 23:00 UTC
  • Author notification: Monday, November 13, 2017
  • Final paper posted online: Monday, December 4, 2017
  • Workshop: Saturday, December 9, 2017


  • Submissions should be made through CMT3.
  • Research papers are solicited on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, its theory and practice, and related fields.
  • Contributed papers may include novel research, preliminary results, or surveys.
  • Papers should be 4 pages long, excluding unlimited references and appendices, in the workshop-adapted camera-ready NIPS style.
  • Accepted papers will be made publicly available as a non-archival report, allowing future submissions to archival conferences and journals. Concurrent submissions to archival conferences are encouraged.


  • Authors are requested to specify their NIPS workshop registration email address on submitted papers.


  • All accepted papers will be presented as spotlights and during two poster sessions.
  • Authors of top accepted papers will be invited to give a short contributed talk.
  • Lead authors of outstanding papers will be invited to a lunchtime discussion with the workshop’s invited speakers.
  • Accepted student authors will be invited to apply for travel and registration support.
  • The best paper will win an award.