
Call for Extended Abstracts for the Poster and Demo Sessions

We would like to invite submissions of extended abstracts to the "Supervised Autonomy: How to Shape Human-Robot Interaction from the Body to the Brain" workshop at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA 2024. The workshop will delve into the multifaceted aspects of human-robot interaction, collaboration, and role adaptation that span from the physical body to the computational brain of the robot. We will explore how these aspects can be facilitated through communication interfaces and integrated into the realization of supervised autonomy. We encourage authors to consider presenting their work through either extended abstracts or live demonstrations.


Submission Guidelines

We asked you to submit a maximum of two pages in line with the workshop’s objectives. All papers must be submitted in PDF format and follow the ICRA double-column format. The deadline for submissions has now passed.


Purpose and goal

Safety-critical processes in unpredictable environments often require human intervention to assist or oversee tasks that autonomous robots are not yet capable of handling independently. In these diverse environments, there is a growing demand for increased levels of autonomy in robots. Supervised autonomy, which involves robots operating autonomously but under human supervision, offers a promising solution to bridge the gap between teleoperated robotics and full autonomy. This approach enhances safety and productivity across various domains including but not limited to, driving, flying, assistive technologies, tele-operation, medical applications, logistics, and manufacturing.


Topics of Interest

The topics of the extended abstracts cover the following aspects, including but not limited to:

·      Innovative materials for soft and rigid robots

·      Hardware and software solutions for human-robot communication interfaces

·      Learning visual representations for perception-action systems

·      Integration of vision and force feedback for manipulation system control

·      Reinforcement learning and adaptive control in supervised autonomy

·      Reinforcement learning and adaptive control in shared autonomy

·      Interactive learning and lifelong learning in robotic systems

·      Simulations for design and control of supervised autonomous robots

·  Applications of robotics across various domains: driving, flying, assistive technologies, tele-operation, medical applications, logistics, and manufacturing


Important Dates

·  Submission Deadline: April 20, 2024

·  Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 2024

·  Workshop Date: May 17, 2024



Organizers information

·      Antonio Bicchi, Professor (Affiliation: IIT, Genova, Italy)

·      Fanny Ficuciello, Associate Professor  (Affiliation: University of Naples Federico II)

·      Pietro Falco, Assistant Professor (Affiliation: University of Padova)

·      Letizia Gionfrida, Assistant Professor (Affiliation: King’s College London)

·      Daekyum Kim, Assistant Professor (Affiliation: Korea University)

·     Massimiliano Simi, Global Vice President Research & Development (Affiliation: Medical Microinstruments, Inc)



The workshop is proudly sponsored by Medical MicroInstruments Inc. (MMI) and IEEE RAS TC on Computer and Robot Vision.


For more information, please visit our website: