Human Robot Interaction for Space Robotics

ICSR 2020 Workshop


In future space missions, robots will assist human explorers by working alongside astronauts during crewed missions, working independently during uncrewed periods, and remotely supporting Earth-based mission control. The ICSR Workshop on Human Robot Interaction for Space Robotics will bring together roboticists working in academia, industry, and government to identify the key scientific questions that must be answered to enable effective human-robot interaction (HRI) in space contexts. This workshop seeks to bring together researchers employing diverse methods to enable these capabilities, with a focus on the development of tools and techniques that allow humans to operate effectively with robot teammates, especially HRI methods that enable both astronauts and mission controllers to communicate clearly with robots about their capabilities, intent, state, and accomplishments, and that enable human-robot teams to coordinate and collaborate to solve problems that exceed the autonomous capabilities of robots.


Discord Link

The workshop was held entirely online on Discord including presentations, invited talks and discussions.


The workshop welcomes contributions across a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

1. Methods, design principles, and technical advances to produce highly effective and efficient user interfaces for distributed human-robot teams.

2. Research that addresses improving trust-workload metrics, developing detection methods and models of the same and applying them to user interfaces.

3. Techniques and tools to facilitate human understanding of autonomous robot actions, particularly in the presence of ''poor'' communications (characterized as intermittent, bandwidth-limited and/or high-latency).

4. Techniques and tools for facilitating limited or intermittent interaction between humans and distant robotic teammates.

5. Research in explainable artificial intelligence and robot explanation generation through natural language or virtual, augmented, and mixed reality interfaces.

Submission Instructions

We invite original contributions in the form of full papers, works-in-progress, position papers, and papers describing open problems and challenges. Submitted manuscripts may not exceed six (6) pages in length for regular papers and four (4) pages for position papers (including references). Authors of regular papers will be able to provide up to two (1) additional pages for the Artifact Description (AD) and Evaluation (AE) appendix after paper acceptance.

Please submit your papers at:

Contact the workshop PCs Sayanti Roy or Nakul Gopalan in case of questions or feedback.

We look forward to your submissions!

Important Dates

Submission Deadline : 30 October, 2020 AOE

Reviews due : 3rd Nov, 2020

Author Notification : 5th Nov, 2020

Camera Ready Due : 10th November, 2020 AOE

Organizing Committee