Spectral Theory Of Differential Operators (STODO)

An undergraduate research program

Organizer: Wencai Liu 

Description:  I am running ongoing research projects (two semesters + summer sessions). I have  some projects about  (inverse) spectral problems of  (discrete)differential operators at hand, which are suitable to   undergraduate students. Each project ranges from  one semester to 1 year.  It is expected to have  graduate students and/or  postdocs to work with me on  projects. 

Structure of each project: The project has two weekly meetings. In the first meeting (1-2 hours), we do lectures and student presentations. In the second meeting (1-2 hours), students study and work together on the project.

Acknowledgment:  Currently, STODO is partially funded by a grant from College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Program

Announcement:  None

Current project

Project 5

Extrema of spectral band functions of periodic Schrodinger operators

Four Past Projects

I have run four  projects about   spectral problems of  differential operators starting 2020.

Project 4

Floquet isospectrality for periodic Schrodinger operators 

Blocker 628, Dec 7, 2022

Jenna Plute, Yichen Tao, Ethan Tran and Cindy Zhuang gave  slide and poster presentations in the 6th annual TX-LA undergraduate mathematics conference, LSU, March 25-26 2023. Below are some pictures.

Project 3

Embedded eigenvalues of perturbed Dirac operators

 The following two projects are part of inverse spectral problem of discrete Schrodinger operators.

Project 2

Ambarzumian type problems with mixed data. 

Project 1

Ambarzumian type problems of long range operators.