
Date: 09/03/2022 (Saturday)-09/04/2022 (Sunday) [Taiwan time (GMT +8)]

Venue: online, via Google Meet

Conference Language: English

Registration: https://forms.gle/9tNffV7p2hWPsuu46

(Please register by 12:00 noon, Friday, September 2, 2022. After you successfully register for the event, you will receive a link to the conference in the afternoon of September 2.)

[Morning sessions open at 8:30AM; afternoon sessions open at 1:00PM]

Conference Chair:
Hsiu-chuan LIAO (

Google Meet Hosts:
Kye SHIBATA, Walis Hian-chi SONG, Samuel Yu-Hsiang PAN, and Roger Cheng-yen LIU.

Organized by Liao’s Historical Linguistics Research Group @NTHU

Sponsored by 教育部大專校院人文與社會科學領域標竿計畫