Village Landmarks

«  Webster Grange

«  The Webster Grange was organized in 1880 and the members held a picnic at Drake's Landing, present Glen Edith.

«  In 1896, Webster Grange 436 petitioned Congress to provide Rural Free Delivery of mail for Webster, which began on May 1, 1900. It also provided a community nurse with a horse and buggy to visit new mothers in Webster in the early 1900s.

«  The Grange Hall was built on East Main Street in 1899. The architecture is a classic “grange” style. It is located near the heart of the business district; for years there was direct access to the railroad by Kircher Park.

«  The Grange was instrumental in bringing a telephone exchange in 1901.

«  In 1909 the Grange began collecting awards at the State Fair for fruit and vegetable exhibits.

«  Had held countless dances, meetings, festivals and community events in the Village since the building was built.

«  Was once the largest Grange in the U.S.A.