Operating System (CPA310)
More pictures are available on the course story page
Classes(Spring, 2019) - Class overview (PDF)
CPA310-03 (Mon. 11:00~13:00, Wed. 10:00~11:00) / #316, 2nd Eng. Building
CPA310-04 (Mon. 16:00~18:00, Wed. 12:00~13:00) / #316, 2nd Eng. Building
Instructor: Duksu Kim (bluekds at koreatech.ac.kr / #435, 2nd Eng. Building)
Office hour : Thu. and Thur. 14:00~16:00
(Required) Programming skill (any language) for a programming project
(Recommended) Data structure, (Optional) Computer architecture
Lecture Notes and Videos (in Korean)
Some of figures and sample code comes from the main textbook
강의 슬라이드의 일부 그림은 본 과목 주교재에서 가져 왔습니다
Lecture 6. Process Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion
Process synchronization
Mutual exclusion
Low-level mechanism
High-level mechanism
Lecture 7. Deadlock
Definition of the deadlock
Deadlock model
Deadlock resolution
Deadlock prevention, avoidance, detection & recovery
Contents (4/8)
Midterm Exam (4/15) - Good Luck :)
Lecture 8. Memory management
Address binding
Continuous memory allocation
Multi-Programming (FPM, VPM)
Contents (4/22)
Lecture 9. Virtual Memory
Non-continuous memory allocation
Address Mapping
Virtual storage methods
Paging system
Segmentation system
Hybrid paging/segmentation system
Contents (5/1)
Slides (KOR)
Virtual storage methods
Lecture 10. Virtual Memory Management
Cost model
HW components
SW components
Page replacement scheme
FA-based, VA-based
Other considerations
Contents (5/8)
Slides (KOR)
Replacement strategies
Team Project Presentation (5/13, 5/15)
Lecture 11. File System
Disk System
File System
Directory Structure
File Protection
File System Implementation
Lecture 12. I/O System & Disk Management
I/O Mechanisms
I/O Service of OS
Disk Scheduling
RAID Architecture
Contents (6/3)
Final Exam (6/12) - Good Luck :)
The Last Class
Class summary
HPC Lab. is actively recruiting self-motivated M.S. and Ph.D. students
If you are interested in pursuing research on following fields as a student member,
High Performance Computing, GPGPU, Heterogeneous Parallel Computing for
Visualization, Computer graphics, VR/AR
Machine learning
Other interesting research topics
please contact to Prof. Duksu Kim (bluekds (at) koreatech.ac.kr).
Please check this document for more details.
HPC Lab.에서 대학원생(석사/박사)을 모집 중입니다.
고성능 컴퓨팅, GPGPU, 컴퓨터 그래픽스 등을 함께 공부/연구하고 싶으신 분들 연락주세요 :)
자세한 내용은 여기 를 확인해주세요.