At Oklahoma's public liberal arts college, USAO offers small classes, highly-qualified faculty and a commitment to undergraduate education that you'd expect from a small private college--at a price you'd find in a state school.

Items in bold must be included in the syllabus template document. Items not in bold are required only for operational syllabi (i.e., those distributed to students) but not for the syllabus template. However, please feel free to include this information in the template if it is available. If you have an existing operational syllabus that includes all the elements below, you may submit that document in lieu of this template.

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University Policies

The following links are a series of important university policies that must be included in your syllabus. Please make sure that the links work in the format you provide to your students (i.e., they must work in a PDF copy of the syllabus).

Traditionally, syllabi have paragraphs of information that students have to sift through. A visual syllabus breaks down the information into digestible parts. Think about what parts of your syllabus need to stay. Essential items like your contact info, course description, and course materials will need to find a way into your new design. Take a look at The Complete Art Class Syllabus Checklist below to help you plan.

Remember to include only essential information when revamping your syllabus. Keep the design simple and clean, but add some images to create interest. Revising a boring syllabus into an appealing handout can make a genuine impact on the first day of class and keep YOU awake as you are explaining it for the umpteenth time.

Total shot in the dark: I'm an alum, I took ARTS 2540: The Multimedia Century about 10 years ago, but I can no longer find my copy of the syllabus for the class. (Long story why I want it-- I want to see what we learned at RPI vs. a friend of mine who took a similar course at a liberal arts college learned).

The Missouri Fine Arts Academy is an intensive two-week interdisciplinary arts program for selected Missouri high school juniors and seniors consisting of classes and co-curricular activities in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts. Its design satisfies specific fine arts knowledge standards, appeals to a variety of learning styles, and provides a forum for collaborative learning.

Canvas Information: Courses will be available beginning August 19th at 6 am PT unless you are taking an intensive or a one-unit or two-unit class that starts on a different day. In that case, the class will open on the first day that the class meets.

This 2-unit course runs from August 19th - October 14th. It will open on Canvas on August 19th.

This course will offer an overview of visual resources and arts information professions, including visual resources curation, art and design school librarianship, academic liaison librarianship, and art museum librarianship. Throughout the course, students will explore the history, background, and core competencies for describing, organizing, and providing access to visual materials in all media as well as information about fine arts, design, architecture, and related fields. Weekly readings, reflection/discussion forum posts, and practice exercises are designed to introduce students to tools, resources, and services for working with users of visual materials and art information in different professional settings. Additionally, each student will create a lesson plan, resource guide, or digital exhibit as a final project, drawing on best practices for teaching, reference, and curation in the field.

Success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of forty-five hours over the length of the course (normally 3 hours per unit per week with 1 of the hours used for lecture) for instruction or preparation/studying or course related activities including but not limited to internships, labs, clinical practica. Other course structures will have equivalent workload expectations as described in the syllabus.

This syllabus is for arts based research, intended for graduate students in a community arts and education program. The primary audience was students who had never done qualitative research before with the occasional doctorate student who wanted to learn more about integrating the arts into qualitative research.

Common Course Description: A critical and analytic study of the great historical works of art in architecture, painting, sculpture, and minor arts from prehistoric times to the Renaissance.

Common Course Objectives: 1. Students will analyze the motivation of artists and how art expresses important aspects of time and culture. 2. Students will accurately identify and describe works of art, their styles and historical time periods using standard categories and terminology. 3. Students will demonstrate comprehension of major cultural diversities and general stylistic characteristics from Prehistoric times to the Renaissance. 4. Students will differentiate among general concepts of media and techniques in the visual arts.

In order to fully open your course, students must first complete a quiz documenting their review and understanding of the syllabus, course orientation, Excelsior College Academic Integrity Policy, course extension guidelines, and other important information for successful completing of the capstone.

There are three parts of your "What's Your Wicked Problem?" project. All of the project assignments combined are worth 40% of your overall course grade. While there are no specific due dates, you must complete all stages successfully by the end of the course. Based on how individual students answer the Challenge questions for each Part of the project, you may be assigned additional required learning activities to complete in order to support successful completion of the capstone.

Furthermore, students in LA498 acknowledge that they have reviewed the syllabus for the course, have completed the course orientation (including viewing any necessary videos), and are responsible for reading the assignment instructions and incorporating feedback as requested by the instructor.

A syllabus gives students a roadmap to a course. It sets the tone, lets students know what they can expect to learn, and how to be successful. At JCU, a syllabus is required for every course section, including graded, pass/fail, independent study, and practica classes.

Each section of each course must have a syllabus containing information that describes the content of the course, the way the course will be conducted, and how grades will be determined. Difficulties have arisen when there is no syllabus to describe class policies and procedures or when the syllabus contains inadequate information to explain how a grade is determined. The Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin describe academic policies and procedures that pertain to these issues. The Assessment Office also has syllabus expectations and examples available on their site.

Instructors are to announce procedures for arranging academic accommodations at the beginning of each semester and include the information in the course syllabus. Instructors are required to include this statement in all course syllabi.

This sample High School Arts Syllabus Framework is for an introductory course in visual arts. These high school arts frameworks are standards aligned (New York State Arts Standards and the New York City Blueprints for Teaching and Learning in the Arts) and provide clear expectations for student learning in each art form upon the completion of the course of study. In conjunction with the New York State Comptroller's office, all high school officials are reminded to maintain documentation of high school arts instructional syllabi. Each school is responsible for the collection and recording of arts instructional syllabi and may be subject to an audit by the DOE or New York State Education.

More detail:

Tips for writing SLOs IDEAs in Action Student Learning Outcomes and Questions for StudentsEach requirement in the IDEAs in Action curriculum has a set of standard Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Questions for Students. Use these instructions for adding SLOs and Questions for Students to your syllabus for approved Gen Ed requirements.

A syllabus communicates what students should expect to learn, what they're going to be reading and writing and when, what work is required for the course, how they're going to be evaluated, and where to find the support they need to effectively participate in the course. Syllabi are also one mechanism for communicating important information about University policies, legal obligations and resources and can further serve as vehicles to disseminate information about departments and programs.

We have divided these syllabus guidelines into required and optional elements; described each; provided a syllabi checklist for quick reference as well as the standard university-wide policy and legal statements that can be cut and pasted into syllabi. Sample syllabi and templates, one in traditional style for paper handout and the other in a more innovative style for online, will be available soon on the Courses page. Basic CAS templates for the current semester are also on the syllabus templates page.

This should inform students on the syllabus about your policy on lateness and absences so that there is no misunderstanding about the impact (if any) on grades. This often becomes important in grade grievance procedures, too. Some departments have agreed on a department-wide policy; consult with your Chair if you are unsure. If there is no departmental policy, the attendance policy is set by individual instructors.

All syllabi should include a list of an/or a link to the learning outcomes for the program in which the course is housed (available on your program's page in the USF Catalog); please briefly indicate which program learning outcomes are met by the course. If your course has been approved to meet Loading..., Community Engaged Learning, or Loading... graduation requirement, the syllabus should include a list of and/or a link to the relevant learning outcomes. (Note: Per decision of the Core Advisory Committee, any Core Area Learning Outcomes should be placed in full on the syllabus.) Please also provide information about how the learning outcomes for any special designations are going to be met. This information can be listed fully within, or provided as an annotation, footnote, appendix to, the syllabus. 2351a5e196

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