While the LabVIEW graphical development environment has always required a computer mouse to place and position objects, Quick Drop now helps you quickly search for the correct VI with a few simple keystrokes before placing the item with the mouse.

I've seen this happen many times, on multiple versions of LabVIEW, but I have yet to capture this issue on film until now. Below is a video of LabVIEW 2013 SP1, where I am in a new blank VI. No other VIs are open. I open quick drop. Then find the bundle by name (bbn shortcut). I can then double click on the item to use it, or hit the enter key. These are the first two drops. But if I just type "bbn" then click on the block diagram nothing happens. This was cointed the term Super Quick Drop in Darren's post a while ago.

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This is so frustrating. It totally breaks my development process, and slows me down to the point sometimes where I would rather navigate the palette sometimes. Now I need to call quick drop again, type my command again, and then remember to not use Super Quick Drop. Most the time I will forget the last step and keep trying what doesn't work. 

Another thing to try, there's an INI token that I don't *think* affects Quick Drop, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Try specifying dropThroughClicks=True in your INI file and restarting LabVIEW. If that doesn't help, try dropThroughClicks=False. I'm just grasping at straws here, I'm hoping one of these suggestions gets us on the right track for figuring out the problem.

Now the top two monitors have all sorts of stuff going on. LabVIEW, Paint (for screenshots), PowerPoint, Word, etc...but it's never felt like a chore to me to manage two monitor's worth of windows. One of the only times where things spew onto the other monitors is when I'm debugging some hairy LabVIEW bug, and I have the probe window and tons of paused VIs spread out all over the place. But that's not an everyday situation, so it doesn't feel particularly burdensome to have to manage all those windows when hairy bugs occasionally come up. Any pain associated with window management is quickly overshadowed with the euphoria of having found the cause of the bug.

Back on topic a little I found the issue and was able to fix it. Turns out it wasn't Displayfusion at all, it was TeamViewer. I thought it might have something to do with the extra buttons that are put next to the Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons of each window. Both Displayfusion and TeamViewer add little buttons that can have special functionality. Displayfusion defaults with span across all monitors, and move to the next monitor. I didn't like these buttons so I disabled them. But TeamViewer also added one for their Quick Connect. Basically it allows you to share a window quickly with another machine. I never used the feature but clicking on the button gives you the dialog attached.

And thanks to Hooovahh for the solution to TeamViewer buggy button. I was dumbfounded on why LabVIEW 2013 SP1 can drag and drop and select a VI on one computer (Windows 7) but not on the new computer (Windows 8).

I copied my LabVIEW.ini file to a new PC with a different 2 monitor arrangement to get my shortcuts. And to my horror my quick drop menu no longer appeared! Turned out that the quick drop position on the new PC was off the screen. I set a new value for the QuickDropPosition in the LabVIEW.ini and voila it was back. Labview should probably validate that this window position is valid before applying it :

I rely heavily on the current behavior...I have Quick Drop either on another monitor away from my diagram, or in the bottom corner of my main monitor. If it opened centered on my main monitor, it would obscure the diagram, and would probably often obscure the exact area I want to drop objects with Super Quick Drop.

I never thought of that work flow before, but I think I would like it. Currently my QuickDrop window just appears in a random spot to me. I know it isn't random, it is where it was closed last, but since I don't move it it some times appears over top where I'm working, and I just drop the function near where I want, and then move it. But I like your idea better. I think I'll try putting it in the corner somewhere and see how that feels.

Good night yall

Heres the problem: i had a blackout and my pc turns off while i was in the game and since then i cant use the quick drop [shift + right mouse buttom] anymore.

I still can use like, shift + 1 to drop the item in the first inventory slot but im not allowed to use it by clickin with the mouse

Im not sure what u mean with the BIOS mate but if u r talkin about the config/options in game i checked all and its pretty much the same, i changed some stuff just for the sake of the test as well but didnt work.

The funny thing is the fact shift + left click works, like the thing to change items to ur inventory for the backpack, but i cant drop stuff by clickin whatsoever so the "issue" is something around Shift + right button

This game offers great mechanical play value that is sure to have players dropping by again and again as they skillfully try to land all 50 balls in the rotating buckets. Push the drop button at just the right time to rapid fire all of the balls into the buckets.

To use, press Ctrl-Space to launch Quick Drop. Type the name of an object you wish to drop (or type as much as necessary to bring the desired object to the top of the Quick Drop list). Do one of the following things to actually drop the object:

Is it normal to have a sudden drop in oxygen levels, like down from high 90's to 70's within minutes without exertion? Are there any suggested questions for my doctor? My stress test was normal even though my heart rate stays very high.

I have been using the HP quick drop app on iPhone SE to transfer photos to my HP desktop, quick drop app, Now the phone app just sits and spins, never uploading anything, was working flawlessly, Should i delete the phone app and start over?

Previously I tried all sorts of ways to store my extinguisher to keep it from rolling around in the back of my Jeep. Most of those approaches didn't provide for a quick access if needed. Now, with the Quick Drop, I have it firmly attached right in front of my driver seat. I can have it in my hands before I even get out of the Jeep - SWEET! It takes patience to install but once there, it's a good feeling.

I've got some plugins for the quick drop built with LV2009. I used them many times. Now I'd like to used them on my labview 2010 and labview 2012 but I can't find the right location where to copy them! Where I have to copy them to be able to use them while I'm developing?

Quick Drop is a tool that allows you to quickly add nodes to your code without having to navigate the LabVIEW palettes. This is done by activating the Quick Drop window using the Ctrl-Space shortcut from your front panel or block diagram. In this window (shown to the right), you can now search for the node you want to add based on its name. The window actively filters as you type, and hides itself when you hit return leaving the selected node on your mouse ready to drop. As of LabVIEW 2009, items from your active project will also be searched.

This shortcut allows for quick editing of the current VI documentation. To use it, invoke Quick Drop from within the VI whose documentation you want to change. Next, type what you want for your documentation in the Quick Drop window. Finally, press the shortcut key (Ctrl-S) Install Link

Quick drops are specifically designed to connect a distribution line or a main ring to a drop leg from the middle of the pipe. This is a less labor intensive installation than using a reducing tee for the same purpose. The drop has the added benefit of being able to be installed after the fact on existing lines, adding drops when necessary.

You can drop items quickly within the inventory screen by hovering them with your mouse and press the "del" button. To transfer Items to your inventory press "ctrl + right click". To equip an item to a free place, just press "alt + right click".

These drop biscuits were absolutely light, flaky, and delicious! I was in the mood for biscuits with sausage gravy, and this was a fast, easy recipe. Instead of buttermilk, I used 1 TBSP vinegar to 1 cup milk, and let it sit for a bit in the fridge. My biscuits were still very light and flaky! That trick with the melted butter mixed into the cold milk is brilliant! The only thing is I forgot the sugar, but they were fine even without it. This will be my new go-to drop biscuit recipe!

I cannot click Poweramp button which is available in quick drop-down window. If I press that button it takes me to the player but it does not respond to play or pause clicks. Please refer snapshot for the same

I've seen people quick drop their currently holding weapon in Borderlands 2 without accessing the menu, but I can't figure out what key combination I have to press! I'm playing on my PC with an xbox controller.

P.S:I didn't even know about that until I got a crappy loot spree once and the first time I came across a decent gun after that I thought "Hmm, I don't even want to keep this thing, there should be a more expressive way to get rid of stuff!" After I found that option, I had tons of fun tossing things over the ledge above the vending machines in Frostburn Canyon, as there were too many loot-dropping spiderants and my backpack was too small, so I needed several trips before everything was piled up and ready to be sold.

I have an Excel document pulling items from another xls as list items to populate a drop-down menu. The problem is, there are a LOT of choices. I can't find a way to quickly go to the area I want. (e.g. opening the drop-down list and pressing "b" doesn't go to the B's as it does for most normal drop-downs)

Sometimes it's not possible to add this list directly above or directly below. For auto-complete to function, this is not necessary. The only necessary thing is that there is a data link between the drop down box and linked list of items below or above. e.g. let's say your drop down box is on field B5. Your list can start in B15, PROVIDED that there is a link of data between row 5 and row 15 either in columns A, B, or C (think of it as a chain that must be connected/continuous.). Data can be anything filled in these connecting cells, even spaces. So in our example, we just need to add in spaces in cells B6 through B14 in order for auto-complete to function properly. These cells of data can also be in A5:A15 or C5:C15. It sounds strange but I have done a ton of testing on this. Try it yourself! 17dc91bb1f

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