The subject pretty much says it all! I'm on a Mac and I connected an external drive (formatted HFS+). A popup came up asking if I wanted to backup this drive to Dropbox and I said no. Now I'd like to explore that service but I can't figure out how to turn backup on for this drive now that I've dismissed the popup.

I have a mac currently running ArcGIS Pro through a virtual desktop with my university. However, I would like to try downloading and installing it on 2TB external drive. How would I go about this? What are the steps?

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So I actually don't need to run the software on my mac I just want to know how to install the software (or download something I could later install on a PC) to my external drive. The external is called SP Silicon Power Armor by the way.

I have a PC at home but don't have access to it at school, all I have with me is the Macbook air. After I leave the university I likely wont be able to download the software anymore so I wanted to do it now with the external so I could install it on the pc when I have access to it again. To clarify: I could use the mac to download everything onto the 2TB that I need to later install ArcGIS pro onto the PC? I've never really used this external drive before and apparently it stores everything in zip files so is that still okay?

Because my haddrive lacked space, I set up Dropbox to synch to an external drive connected to my MacBookAir. However, whilst travelling I disconnect the portable (external) drive and when reconnecting Dropbox fails to find the path back to the Dropbox folder on the external drive.

OK, here's the fix for Mac. First, rename your existing folder of files on the external drive, I chose something appropriate, "ScrewedUpDropbox." Then start from ground zero, quit DB and toss the folder it created on the system drive. Startup and relink to dropbox, let it create that folder on the system drive again and as soon as it starts syncing, pause it. Go to Preferences, change the dropbox folder location to your External HD and hit OK through the prompts. Wait for Dropbox to do its thing reloacting the folder. Before unpausing, go to the external drive in the finder and move all of your folders in "ScrewedUpDropbox" into the newly created "Dropbox" folder that's now there. Then unpause syncing. It will resync to all your files without copying, takes a fraction of the time. Whew!

It sounds like you were really close to getting it to work, just one file under. With that said, you have to be careful when using external drives this way. By default Dropbox isn't really set up to do file management on external drives so you're going to have to work harder to get it to do what you want.

One last thing to check is to make sure that the external drive is being given the same drive letter, as this could also break the pathing. Depending on set up, this might change each time you plug it into your computer.

I have been having the same problem with my dropbox - on a Mac OS - for the past 12 months. It's fine for me to close the dropbox app then disconnect the external drive, then reconect the drive before opening the dropbox app. BUT, when I have had to reinstall the dropbox app, the DB app will not allow me to reconect the folder pathway. It forces me to resync my entire dropbox to the user, or to allocate a new folder within the external drive- a process which can take up to 3 days because of the size of the company dropbox.

I closed the dropbox desktop app and deleted the new directory it kept trying to create to my user folder. I prepared to rename the Dropbox (ES) folder of my hardrive to (OLD) by highlighting the name so that I could start a 'new' sync pathway to the hardrive - then had second thoughts so clicked out of the name field. This is where the dropbox app gave me some strange results. Dropbox automatically opened a window asking me to relink this dropbox pathway, I was able to then use the advanced settings to relink to the current dropbox to the external location.

As a follow up to my work around solution (clicking in the folder's name field and allowing dropbox to recognise the folder). I unfortunately had to delete the dropbox from my drive because of permission errors that arose with every file within the dropbox. Dropbox no longer recognised my Mac user profile with 'read & write' permissions after the relink, which meant that for each file and folder (for an entire company dropbox) required me to reset the permissions. This is because my profile experienced an update which changed the identifiers.

Sorry to hear about this cumbersome situation. One thing that crosses my mind is that something did not go well when un-linking and re-linking this particular device. The permissions' error you get is usually fixed by performing an advanced re-install. Following, you'd need to point your Dropbox folder through the "Advanced" options to your already existing one on your external drive.

One thing to note here is that our software can indeed be used with an external hard drive for as long as you can ensure the drive is always connected to your computer while Dropbox is running. Should the drive ever get disconnected from the computer while Dropbox is running there is a small chance that the Dropbox software will start deleting files before realizing that the entire drive has been removed.

Also note that for Dropbox to work best you should make sure that the drive is formatted as NTFS (Windows), HFS (Mac OS X ) or a file system that supports extended attributes (Linux) like ext4  for example.

Now, in regards to the app deleting the restored content: is the app running when you plug in the external drive? Does it make any difference, if you pause the app, plug the external hard drive, and then resume syncing?

No such option exists. This is why it's been recommended that the local Dropbox folder NOT be stored on an external drive. As you've seen, under the right conditions, file deletions can occur. If the external drive becomes disconnected at any point while Dropbox is running, or if Dropbox is started while the drive is disconnected, Dropbox can see this as a mass file deletion.

It's crazy, we run a design studio with very large files that need to be worked on locally and use external drives as laptop HDs aren't big enough. we have recently had a few instances of exactly this. Never used to.

To the point today where our whole studio has 11 hours of re-syncing because one user disconnected their external drive and it instantly deleted all the files. All the effort dropbox put into security and this is a huge weak link.

Here is my question please: I have two external drives always attached (both Western Digital 4TBs). Is there a way MalwareBytes can scan an external drive? I figure just checking them once should be enough if I stop everything 'at the barn door' going forward but I worry on what might be on the external drives before I wised up and purchased MalwareBytes.

No worries - I appreciate the help. What you said is a bit Greek (or maybe geek, LOL) to me but it sounds like you are saying I don't need to worry about it - that somehow, if I ever copy something to an external hard drive, that MalwareBytes will automatically check the external drive at same time? So no need to worry about scanning them. If correct, no need to respond. Again, I appreciate the input!

... it sounds like you are saying I don't need to worry about it - that somehow, if I ever copy something to an external hard drive, that MalwareBytes will automatically check the external drive at same time?

That is not correct. Malwarebytes for Mac does not currently scan any external drive under any circumstances. My interpretation of what @1PW wrote was that it does check any files being copied to an external drive for malware and will notify you about any such detections.

Thank you for the correction! Then the only way to 'scan' files on external drive is to first copy them all to my laptop. They will be scanned as they are copied and then I'll know they're clean and can copy them back. Is my logic sound? Much appreciated - the both of you. :-)

That sounds like a big waste of your time to me, but I have no idea what this external drive or drives are being used for. Files on an external drive almost never represent an actual threat to you or your Mac. Doesn't sound as if you are talking about a backup drive, but in such cases deleting files from a backup are likely to corrupt it's index and make the backup unusable and worthless.

I use external drives as primary storage devices, and I work with documents directly located on them; they are not stored on the Mac's internal drive. 1) Are you saying that using a file this way, even if infected with malware, cannot pose a threat to the Mac? 2) Do I understand correctly that Malwarebytes cannot scan those files? TIA Flaxx

Further, Mac malware is not likely to get onto your machine through an external drive. Almost all Mac malware is something you would have to download and manually open. In rare cases, malware could be something that infects your Mac via a vulnerability in something like a web browser. Another possible but unlikely scenario is receiving a malicious file via e-mail. None of these would involve an external hard drive.

How can I use Alfred to find a file on an external drive? Alfred doesn't seem to want to show ANY files on my external drives, even though they are indexed by Spotlight. It doesn't even want to show the drive itself.

Nevermind figured it out by adding the external drive to the search scope. I thought that that box was just for folders that I wanted Alfred to index, and if it couldn't find the file there, then it would use Spotlight for other folders. I guess not? 2351a5e196

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