
My research interests involve using quantitative analysis in public finance, political economy, and public policy, primarily focusing on Korean contexts.

Working Papers

Can jobs reduce crime? Evidence from a minimum wage policy in South Korea (with Seungwoo Chin). (R&R)

Good friends, better society: Peer effects on civic-mindedness of elementary school students (with Junghee Bae). (R&R)

Budget transparency, fiscal soundness, and civic political participation: International evidence (with Bong Hwan Kim). (R&R)

Economic and health impacts of reaching the National Pension eligibility age: Evidence from the Korean National Pension reform. (R&R)

Schooling or parental involvement? Assessing the impact and mechanism of private elementary school on academic achievement. (R&R)

North meets Hofstede: Effects of individualistic culture on property rights. (R&R)

Electoral cycles in fiscal rules: International empirical evidence (with Bong Hwan Kim). (minor R&R at CESifo Economic Studies)

Institutional trust, individualism, and redistributive attitudes in Asian countries. Asian Perspective, accepted.

Peer-reviewed publications

43. Tax reform and the underground economy: A long-term global perspective. Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 2024, online.

42. Political leader and ODA: Effects of the overseas presidential visit on bilateral official development aid in South Korea. Singapore Economic Review, 2023, online.

41. Municipal mergers under local autonomy: Electoral consequences of city-county consolidation in South Korea. Journal of Urban Affairs, 2023. online.

40. Effects of foreign residents on crime: Evidence from South Korea. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 2023. online.

39. Influence of politicians' ideology on their legislative activities: The case of South Korea. Journal of Legislative Studies, 2022. online.

38. Relocation of public institutions and local public finance: Evidence from South Korea. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 2024, 90(4).

37. City-county mergers in South Korea: Assessing effects on public employment size and citizen satisfaction. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2024, 72(E).

36. Peer effects on self-regulated study: Evidence from randomly assigned classrooms in South Korea. Korean Economic Review, 2024, 40(2).

35. Minimum wage hike and multinational enterprises’ employment: Firm-level evidence from South Korea (with Sunyoung Park). Journal of Economic Integration, 2024, 39(1).

34. Effects and channels of smoking on college students’ labor market performance (with Seungwoo Chin). International Economic Journal, 2024, 38(2).

33. Social media use and polarized redistributive attitudes: A comparative and causal perspective (with Sangwon Lee). Information, Communication & Society, 2024, 27(3).

32. Foreign residents and local public expenditure: Evidence from South Korea (with Bong Hwan Kim). Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 2024, 29(1).

31. The value of an apartment with sunlight and a view: A quasi-experimental analysis (with Duol Kim and Hyunki Hong). Korean Economic Review, 2024, 40(1).

30. Can universal cash transfer save newborns’ birth weight during the pandemic? Population Research and Policy Review, 2023, 42(4).

29. Do young politicians make a difference? Evidence from local public expenditure in South Korea. Economics of Governance, 2023, 24(4).

28. The impact of changing political positions on charitable donations: A case study of a political scandal in South Korea (with Youngrok Kim). Review of Socionetwork Strategies, 2023, 17(2).

27. Political ideology and environmental concerns: Evidence from South Korea. Korea Observer, 2023, 54(4).

26. Effects of electoral margins on party loyalty in the roll call votes: Evidence from the 20th National Assembly in South Korea. Party Politics, 2023, 29(6).

25. Female leaders and gendered laws: A long-term global perspective. International Political Science Review, 2023, 44(5).

24. Don’t stop me now! Effects of CEO turnover on the performance of public institutions. Applied Economics Letters, 2023, 30(19).

23. Away from home but still like home: The impact of home-based childcare centers on toddlers’ language development. International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 2023, 29(1).

22. Bureaucrats and budgets in South Korea: Evidence for hometown favoritism. Journal of East Asian Studies, 2023, 23(2).

  • Award: 2020년 제9회 차세대행정학술논문상

21. Does longer deliberation by the legislature increase the efficiency of the government budget? (with Bong Hwan Kim and Joong Gi Ahn). Public Money & Management, 2023, 43(5).

20. From the bottom? Rank effects on political promotion and electoral outcomes in South Korea’s local elections. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2023, 64(1).

19. Pigou meets garbage bag: Effects of unit pricing on waste disposal. Journal of Economic Research, 2023, 28(1).

18. The effects of school choice on students and public education: Evidence from South Korea. Educational Studies, 2022, 48(6).

17. Anti-authoritarian attitudes after democratic movements: Evidence from the June Struggle of 1987 in South Korea. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 2022, 7(4).

16. Online open budget: The effects of budget transparency on budget efficiency. Public Finance Review, 2022, 50(1).

15. Voter turnout effects on local public finance and legislation: Evidence from South Korea. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2022, 63(1).

14. Examining the relationship between political spending and legislative activities. Bulletin of Economic Research, 2022, 74(2).

13. The effect of mayoral gender on gendered budget: Evidence from South Korea. Political Studies Review, 2022, 20(2).

12. Supplementary budgeting during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea. International Review of Public Administration, 2022, 27(1).

11. The supplementary budget in South Korea: Characteristics and policy implications. Korea Observer, 2021, 52(4).

10. Foreign acquisition and R&D activities: Evidence from a small open economy. Applied Economics Letters, 2021, 28(20).

9. Fiscal rule and income inequality: The case of OECD countries (with Bong Hwan Kim). FinanzArchiv, 2021, 77(2).

8. A different choice, a different outcome: Budgetary effects of a conservative legislator in liberal local regions of South Korea. Japanese Journal of Political Science, 2021, 22(2).

7. Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 revisited: Statistical evidence from time use surveys. Journal of Asian Sociology, 2021, 50(1).

6. The Korean National Pension Service: Stewardship code, active shareholder engagement, and the stock market. Asian Survey, 2020, 60(6).

5. I am a real Korean: The effect of government support on multicultural youth's national identity. Asian Studies Review, 2020, 44(4).

  • Award: 2017년 다문화청소년패널 학술대회 최우수상

4. An examination of the linkage between the national identity of parents and children: Evidence from multicultural families in South Korea. OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society, 2020, 10(2).

3. Examining politicians' wealth accumulation in South Korea. Asian Survey, 2020, 60(2).

2. Government relocation and public officials' compassion: The case of Sejong City. Korean Journal of Policy Studies, 2019, 34(3).

1. A late bird or a good bird? The effect of 9 o'clock attendance policy on student's achievement. Asia Pacific Education Review, 2018, 19(4).

Peer-reviewed publications (in Korean)

7. 예비타당성조사의 정치성 연구:어느 과정에서 어떻게 작동하는가? (김봉환, 최근혁 공저) 재정학연구, 2024, 17(2).

6. 학력과 시간사용의 관계: 1999-2019 생활시간조사의 활용. 한국경제의 분석, 2023, 29(2).

5. 대통령과 자치단체장의 당파적 정렬이 지방정부 예산에 미치는 영향. 행정논총, 2021, 59(4).

4. 의원입법의 유형, 특성 및 선거반응성 검토: 대한민국 17~19대 국회 법률안 분석. 의정연구, 2020, 26(3).

3. 공직자 재산공개제도의 합리적 수준에 대한 실증적 판단: 공직자 직계존비속의 고지거부 조항을 중심으로. 한국정치연구, 2020, 29(3).

2. 정책 수용 단계에 따른 청년세대의 인식 형성 분석. 한국정책과학학회보, 2020, 24(3).

1. 출산장려금의 출생률 제고효과 분석: 호남지역을 중심으로. 한국정책학회보, 2020, 29(1).