How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks

How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks

How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks

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How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks Information

How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks Information and other weight loss facts

Losing ten pounds in two weeks is not easy at all. Many people resort to weight loss pills or plastic surgery, but when you change your lifestyle and start a diet, you will reach your goal in a much healthier way. However, you must realize that such fast weight loss is definitely not healthy, and before you start doing it, you should consult a doctor. Also, be aware that it is not possible to lose 10 pounds in two weeks without endangering your health. If you want to lose 10 pounds of fat in 2 weeks, you will have to burn about 4,500 calories more every day than you eat, so in addition to not eating anything for two weeks, you would have to run almost 10 miles every day (in practice it would be enough for you to run only 7 m every day, provided that you do not eat anything at all, because you will lose weight not only fat, but also water and muscles).

Method 1

Change what you eat


Start drinking only water. Water flushes our body and rids it of toxins, making it easier to lose weight. In addition, it has no calories at all, so it is better for weight loss than sweet drinks. If you drink only water, you will have a better chance of losing weight. If you can't just drink water, you can also have unsweetened herbal tea from time to time.

You should not drink anything during the day, except just before exercise. Before exercising, you can have a cup of black coffee (or coffee with a little milk). Caffeine will give you energy and speed up your heart rate, so you will train more honestly and longer.

When you drink water, you will feel fuller for longer and you will have a faster metabolism. Studies have shown that two glasses of cold water will speed up your metabolism by up to 40% for 15-20 minutes. Participants in this study lost an average of 7 pounds in three months, simply because they drank water.


Stop eating junk food. Avoid them completely. If you followed a standard diet, you could afford to have something unhealthy once in a while and it wouldn't hurt you in any way. However, with such extreme and fast weight loss, you must completely avoid unhealthy food.

Do not eat anything greasy and fat, nor anything sweet. Anything that contains dough is fried, has chocolate icing, or even everything wrapped and everything contains sugar, is forbidden for you.

Read food packaging. Even foods such as muesli bars or yogurt can contain a lot of sugar. People think that these foods are healthy, but in reality this is not true at all.


Do not eat any white sugars. Pasta, pastries and other products are full of sugars, which you must avoid. These sugars increase your insulin levels and cause you to store fat faster. If you want to keep your insulin level in balance, do not eat any processed sugars - rice, bread, potatoes, biscuits, cakes, donuts, chips, pretzels or ice cream.

It is best not to eat any sugars at all. Realize that 10 pounds in 2 weeks is a really difficult goal. If you want your body to burn fat and not store liver sugar, you will need to stop eating sugars completely. Therefore, in addition to sweet foods, you must avoid starchy vegetables (carrots, potatoes, pumpkins), whole grains (including brown rice) and sweet fruits such as bananas, oranges and apples.

When you are hungry, you will have an even greater appetite for sweet things. If you still eat healthy, you will not have such an appetite for junk food and for some time it will not be a problem for you to eat only healthy.


Eat foods that have "negative calories". It is not entirely clear whether these foods are actually "negative" calories. The theory is that digesting some foods will process more energy than they contain. So even if you don't burn any calories by eating these foods, you won't gain any calories because of them.

These foods include asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onions, radishes, spinach, turnips and zucchini.

As for fruits, you can eat blueberries, cranberries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, oranges, mangoes, papayas, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, tangerines and watermelon.


Eat lean protein and don't forget vegetables. You should eat chicken or fish instead of pork or beef. It is good to eat a lot of fish, because fish contain healthy fats, which will supply you with the necessary nutrients and thanks to that you will not have an appetite for greasy food.

As for vegetables, you can eat as much as you want. For breakfast, lunch and dinner - vegetables contain a lot of nutrients, do not contain too many calories or sugars (but you must not eat potatoes) and will give you a feeling of a full stomach. You will lose weight the fastest with vegetables.


Think about whether you want to stick to a quick drastic diet. These diets work, but only for a short time. If you want to lose weight very quickly and you don't mind gaining weight again, you can try these diets. But be aware that they are not healthy and that the results you achieve will not last long.

One of the most common drastic diets is fasting with drinking juices. Another popular diet is the detox diet. In both of these diets, only fluids are drunk. You will get fast results, but all the pounds will return to you as soon as you start eating again. So take these diets with a grain of salt.

Method 2

Change how you eat


You should not skip meals. Sure, you want to skip breakfast or fast one day, but you should resist. When you fast, you lose weight, especially muscles, and you could cause serious health problems. Besides, you would lose a lot worse. When the human body does not have enough nutrients, it automatically begins to hide all calories and burns fat more slowly. You may lose enough weight in the first few days, but you will gain all the weight again at the end of two weeks.

The exception is strictly observed alternating fasting. You don't eat for 8-24 hours and then eat the exact number of calories. It is effective, but you should not do it without first talking to your doctor. If you do not do it well, you could slow down your weight loss.


Do not eat after a certain hour. To many people, this approach is successful. Decide not to eat after an hour, for example after 18:00 or after 19:00. Overeating at night is a stumbling block for most people, because in the evening they watch TV and like to enjoy various goodies. It won't be easy at first, but it will definitely pay off.

You will have to be disciplined. Follow this rule only 6 days a week. Give yourself some space to go out to dinner with friends, but don't overdo it and eat late at night. Have one glass of red wine and a few pieces of something good - under no circumstances should you loot the whole snack table.


Divide your calories throughout the day. The idea that the most important thing is calories is slowly becoming obsolete. Everyone has a different body and, in addition, different calories vary greatly. Besides, it's really not fun to count calories. The number of calories should be a guide for you. With this diet, you should divide the number of calories by the whole day. If you have a great taste for a piece of chocolate or chicken breasts, treat yourself to it, but don't overdo it.

You should balance the calories you eat by how many calories you burn. The more you exercise, the more you will be able to dream. You will only lose weight if you burn more calories than you eat. If you want to burn 0.5 pounds of fat, you will need to burn 3500 calories. If you want to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, you will have to lose about 0.7 lb every day. This means that you will have to burn 5,000 calories more every day than you eat. Surely it is clear to you that it will not be easy at all.


Eat appropriately large portions. It's not just about what you eat, but also about how much you eat. Even the healthiest foods should be eaten in moderation. Start using smaller plates and smaller cutlery and don't add. Stick to the portion sizes listed in the nutrition charts, and if you're not sure, look for all the information.

For snacks, you need to control the portion sizes even better. Measure the portions in advance so that you do not eat the whole bag of nuts. When you are hungry, you will take a ready-made portion and you will not eat unnecessarily more.


Allow yourself to break your diet once. Intermittent fasting and counting calories has been popular lately. These practices ensure that you still lose weight and that your body does not become accustomed to lower calorie intake. After a week of dieting, you should treat yourself to something unhealthy - this will keep you on the right vest.

If you diet longer, you could eat whatever you want all day. You could treat yourself to a whole day full of your favorite junk food. But if you only diet for two weeks, you can treat yourself to a maximum of an hour when you can eat whatever you want. In addition, you will have to follow the set plan exactly.


Eat more often. You should eat more often, but no more. If you only have 5 pieces of celery a day (which is not recommended - this is just an example), you certainly would not want to eat it all for breakfast. You have to spread the food all day so that you are not hungry. You should eat this way all these two weeks. So eat less, but more often. Thanks to that, you will not be hungry.

Many healthy diets recommend snacking because more frequent meals maintain a faster metabolism and prevent later overeating. Eat smaller portions so you can afford to have a small snack later. Your body will thank you for this in two weeks.

Method 3

Change your lifestyle


Start cooking yourself. The only way to keep track of what you eat is to cook yourself at home. Every restaurant already offers healthier dishes today, but you will never be sure what exactly is in your salad or what oil is made of vegetables. It will be best for you to cook for yourself and have complete control over everything you eat.

You can use healthier oils, avoid butter, sugar, salt (salt causes watering) and pay attention to the size of your portions. In addition, you will also save a lot of money.


Write down everything you eat and also how you exercise. If you wanted to change your lifestyle permanently, you probably wouldn't enjoy writing everything. But since you're only on a diet for two weeks, that shouldn't be a problem. As you write it all down, you'll have an overview of what else you can work on and see what progress you're making. It will give you the feeling that you are doing everything right.

You can write everything down in a workbook, or you can download some weight loss application. Some applications allow you to count calories, fats, sugars and proteins and write down your workouts.


Be determined. It is very important to have determination, otherwise you will not succeed. This is doubly true for short-term diets. You can't afford to take a break, not exercise and eat unhealthily. If you decide to follow a firm regime, you must not give it up.

It will be easier if you tell your friends and family about your plan. They will help you stay on track and you may find someone who will train with you and give you motivation.

Exercise intensively for several hours every day. The best way to burn a lot of calories is to exercise. If you exercise regularly, you should start exercising a little more and longer. However, if you are not used to exercising, you should exercise so that you do not burden yourself unnecessarily. Take breaks and drink plenty of water during exercise.

Intense exercise will burn 400-600 calories per hour. You can run, ride a bike, swim, do aerobics, play basketball, or lift dumbbells.

With moderate-intensity exercise, you will burn 200-400 calories per hour. You can go for walks, work in the garden, dance, play golf, or ride a bike slowly. You should exercise for at least 30 minutes at least 3-4 times a week.


Take every opportunity to exercise. As you watch your favorite series, you can take a few clicks during the commercials. When you wait for your food to heat up in the microwave, do your squats. Instead of just walking around the apartment, make lunges. It sounds silly, but doing it regularly will help you strengthen your muscles and lose fat.

Even if you don't have time at all, try to kill two flies with one blow. Take your dog for a walk, park away from work or the shop and walk, clean at home, or wash your car yourself. A lifetime is basically an opportunity to exercise!


Do not neglect sleep. The human body cannot function without proper sleep. In sleep, the body rests, regenerates and therefore burns calories more easily and loses weight. If you want to lose weight in a short time, you will need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

In sleep, hormones are regulated and the body gets rid of the feeling of hunger. Not only will you have more energy, but if you sleep well, you will not be so hungry during the day.

Tips about how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks

Plan everything you eat.

Think about how good you will look and post photos of people with beautiful figures at home to keep you motivated.

Exercise when you have the most energy.

You can download a mobile application that allows you to track the number of calories you eat and write down everything you eat. You will be able to focus on your goal and find out in which areas you still have room for improvement.

Post photos of celebrities and people who have beautiful bodies at home, and whenever you feel like something unhealthy, look at them. When you come across photos of slim people on the way to the fridge, you will be motivated to have a glass of water instead of junk food.

Talk to your doctor or personal trainer and ask if it is possible for you to lose so many pounds in such a short time. There are various dietary supplements designed to promote weight loss and an experienced professional will help you determine which one will work for you.

Aerobic exercise is best. When you run or dance for a few hours a day, you will achieve great results.

If you want your results to be visible, you will need to practice a lot. It won't be easy at first, but once you get into it, it won't be that hard for you.

Take pictures to see how you're making progress. When you look in the mirror, you probably won't see any change, but when you compare the photos, you'll see that your body is changing really fast.

You should not starve, otherwise you will have a weak body and immediately after the end of the diet you will start gaining uncontrollably. So eat healthy. If you don't eat, you won't lose weight.

Tell someone you want to lose weight, or find someone to lose weight with you. When you have someone to go through with you, you will be more motivated.


Doctors recommend losing weight at a rate of 0.5-1 pounds per week. Before starting an extreme diet, consult a doctor or your healthcare provider to make sure you don't hurt yourself.

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