How to Tell If Your Partner is Becoming Controlling
The concept of femdom is often a topic of debate, but the basic definition of femdom is total subordination of men to women and humiliation of their "partners." Despite its controversial history, fetishes and websites dedicated to female dominance and related subjects are growing in popularity. No longer is female supremacy taboo; in fact, femdom has become a mainstream social issue.
Women cannot be submissive
The claim that women cannot be submissive focuses on two related concepts: objectification and power. Both concepts are necessary to understand how women feel about their relationships. In both cases, women engage in submission as a means of pleasure. However, Garcia argues that women do not actively choose submission. Rather, they consent to the submission prescribed by social norms. The problem with this interpretation is that the definition of submission is so broad that it is difficult to discern what constitutes a "submissive" act.
The author of the book 1 Peter urges female readers to be submissive to their husbands, and cites the example of Sarah, who was obedient and called Abraham her Lord. Yet the biblical accounts of Abraham and Sarah are heavily tinged with hero/heroine worship. Whether these are true or false, submission is a deeply problematic concept and has a dark history. Nevertheless, Garcia's argument has significant implications for understanding the concept of submission and its role in marriage.
Women cannot be masochistic
The history of masochism is framed by patriarchy, capitalism and colonialism. These structures, which favor male dominance, constrain women's freedom of sexual expression cuckold . In these contexts, masochism is inextricably linked to the idea of female subjugation. It also masks various forms of bias and oppression, and thus is not an accurate description of the phenomenon.
Psychoanalytic advances have improved early models of female personality development. Masochism was taken as a point of departure to study the psychology of females. However, masochism is not a core feminine trait, and it is not a valuable component of mature female function. Masochistic behavior is predisposed to females, but females cannot be masochistic if they are not fond of pain.
Women cannot be controlling
A woman who is controlling will demand that her partner behave the way she wants. She will argue with her partner endlessly, until she wins or the other person decides it's not worth the stress. These women are self-obsessed and are constantly complaining about everything around them. They often have few or no true friends and consider them unimportant. This is a sign that your relationship with her is going nowhere. Fortunately, there are ways to tell if your partner is becoming a controlling woman.
If your relationship is getting out of control, you may want to consider a breakup. Women who are controlling tend to act in inappropriate ways. Their constant disapproval is difficult to deal with, and they may be able to get angry at you or others when things don't go the way they plan. It can be difficult to get along with them, but there are ways to spot these controlling behaviors in women. They might not be verbally abusive, but their actions are unforgiving and will make you feel terrible.